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Title page for etd-1103120-204858
Exploring the effect of Parasocial relationship on Self-esteem in Romantic video games
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PSR, parasocial relationship, perceived similarity, romantic video games, retrospective imaginative involvement, self-esteem
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本研究使用網路問卷調查法收集資料。研究對象為18歲以上,正在或曾經參與過戀愛遊戲的玩家。扣除篩選題後,共計收回418份有效問卷。研究資料使用SPSS Statistics 24.0統計軟體,並結合PROCESS套件中的模型進行分析。
Romantic video games refer to games with the theme of dating or romance. Players’ interactions with virtual characters in the game will build a parasocial relationship. These relationships have been demonstrated to have positive effect on self-esteem. Therefore, this research takes romantic video games as the research background to explore how the parasocial relationships with virtual characters will affect the players.
According to the results of data analysis, we got the following conclusions:(1) Parasocial relationships had significant positive effect on player’s self-esteem. (2) The perceived similarity as the mediator, had significant effect on the mediation model. In other words, parasocial relationships could enhance player’s self-esteem through perceived similarity. (3) Additionally, the degree of anxiety attachment was found as a moderator of parasocial relationship’s effect on retrospective imaginative involvement.
Finally, we discussed the theoretical contributions and practical significance of this study, and also pointed out the limitations and future research directions of this study.
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