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博碩士論文 etd-1104122-133646 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1104122-133646
Intermedia Agenda Setting of Health Risks Related to Air Pollution: Testing the Dynamics of Media Attention in News and Social Media
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Date of Exam
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Air Pollution, Health Risk, Risk Attributes, Intermedia Agenda Setting, Computer-assisted Content Analysis, Spearman rank correlation, Time Series Analysis
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Air pollution poses an acute threat to human health, causing more than 7 million premature deaths worldwide each year. Taiwan has a very high level of air pollution. Health risks from air pollution depend on news and social media for public communication. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine how news in Taiwan reports on health risks related to air pollution, how social media discusses these risks, and how the two media influence each other.
As part of this study, the online content of the three major newspapers (United Daily News, Liberty Times, Apple Daily) and discussions in social media (PTT) on air pollution from 2017 to 2021 was retrieved. Actual air pollution data were collected as well. Using R as a text mining tool, this study examined how the two media describe four health risk attributes, including disease, regions, vulnerable populations, and solutions. This study also examined the affective attributes that contain these features. The correlation, difference, and interaction between the two media and real data were examined with Spearman rank correlation test and time series analysis.
The study found that the frequency of words in news and social media about diseases linked to air pollution reflected the true severity of these diseases. However, the frequency with which both media discussed regions was not consistent with the real severity of air pollution in these regions. When discussing diseases related to air pollution, the news and PTT have different rankings of importance. Both media have similar rankings of importance when referring to the content of regions, vulnerable groups, and solutions. In addition, news and PTT differed in their ranking of emotional significance when stating the four attributes of health risk. The intermedia agenda- setting effects including first and second level substantive attributes from social media to traditional media was found, and no opposite effect. Both media failed to note the effect of affective attribute agenda setting from each other. Although actual air pollution data had no impact on the overall health risk coverage or discussion, a significant impact was observed on the second level agenda setting of the two media, including word frequencies of all substantive attributes and affective attributes.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ..................................................................................................................... i
誌謝 ................................................................................................................................ ii
摘要 ............................................................................................................................... iii
Abstact ......................................................................................................................... iv
第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ...................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 .................................................................................................. 5
第三節 研究問題 .................................................................................................. 7
第二章 文獻探討 .......................................................................................................... 9
第一節 新聞框架理論及分析 .............................................................................. 9
一、理論介紹及框架運用 ............................................................................ 9
二、過往空氣污染與健康風險的研究 ...................................................... 12
三、空氣污染報導運用「疾病框架」的研究 ........................................... 13
第二節 新聞對閱聽眾的影響 ............................................................................ 15
一、議題設定理論 ...................................................................................... 15
二、第一層議題設定 .................................................................................. 15
三、第二層議題設定 .................................................................................. 16
第三節 跨媒體議題設定 .................................................................................... 18
一、社群媒體的普及 .................................................................................. 18
二、定向需求(Need for Orientation, NFO)............................................. 22
三、第一層跨媒體議題設定 ...................................................................... 25
四、第二層跨媒體議題設定 ...................................................................... 26
第三章 研究方法 ........................................................................................................ 31
第一節 樣本收集 ................................................................................................ 31
一、傳統媒體:主流媒體的新聞 .............................................................. 31
二、社群媒體:PTT 的貼文和回應 .......................................................... 31
三、現實空污數據:以PM2.5 濃度做為代表 ........................................... 32
第二節 主要變項定義 ........................................................................................ 33
一、第一層議題設定:報導量與討論量 .................................................. 33
二、第二層議題設定:健康風險的「實質性」和「情感性」屬性 ...... 33
第三節 資料分析 ................................................................................................ 36
一、電腦內容分析 ...................................................................................... 36
二、時間序列分析 ...................................................................................... 38
第四章 分析結果 ........................................................................................................ 43
第一節 空污健康風險屬性的新聞媒體和社群媒體議程 ................................ 43
一、危害度 .................................................................................................. 43
二、暴露度 .................................................................................................. 49
三、脆弱度 .................................................................................................. 54
四、韌性 ...................................................................................................... 56
五、情緒分數 .............................................................................................. 59
第二節 新聞報導與PTT 的時間序列分析 ....................................................... 62
一、單根檢定結果 ...................................................................................... 66
二、向量自迴歸模型(Vector Autoregressions model, VAR)................. 67
三、Granger causality ................................................................................... 74
四、衝擊反應函數 ...................................................................................... 77
第五章 結論與建議 .................................................................................................... 85
第一節 研究發現與討論 .................................................................................... 85
一、空污健康風險屬性的新聞媒體議程 .................................................. 85
二、空污健康風險屬性的PTT 議程 ......................................................... 90
三、新聞與社群媒體的議程比較 .............................................................. 92
四、時間序列分析驗證跨媒體議題設定效果............................................ 93
第二節 研究貢獻與限制 .................................................................................... 97
一、學術貢獻 .............................................................................................. 97
二、實務貢獻 .............................................................................................. 98
三、研究限制 .............................................................................................. 99
參考文獻 .................................................................................................................... 101
附錄 ............................................................................................................................ 122
附錄一 危害度分類和詞頻 .............................................................................. 122
附錄二 脆弱度分類和詞頻 .............................................................................. 141
附錄三 韌性分類和詞頻 .................................................................................. 144
附錄四 R 語言原始程式碼 ............................................................................... 156

圖4-1 臺灣媒體近五年每季平均報導量(取對數)之時間序列圖 ... 63
圖4-2 臺灣媒體近五年每季平均含有危害度詞頻之時間序列圖 ....... 63
圖4-3 臺灣媒體近五年每季平均含有暴露度詞頻之時間序列圖 ....... 64
圖4-4 臺灣媒體近五年每季平均含有脆弱度詞頻之時間序列圖 ....... 64
圖4-5 臺灣媒體近五年每季平均含有韌性詞頻之時間序列圖 ........... 65
圖4-6 臺灣媒體近五年每季平均情緒分數之時間序列圖 ................... 65
圖4-7 臺灣近五年每日PM2.5平均濃度時間序列圖 .............................. 66
圖4-8 新聞媒體與社群媒體各研究變項的跨媒體議題設定效果圖 ... 74
圖4-9 空污數據與兩媒體報導量的正交衝擊反應圖 ........................... 77
圖4-10 空污數據與兩媒體危害度詞頻的正交衝擊反應圖 ................. 78
圖4-11 空污數據與兩媒體暴露度詞頻的正交衝擊反應圖 ................. 78
圖4-12 空污數據與兩媒體脆弱度詞頻的正交衝擊反應圖 ................. 79
圖4-13 空污數據與兩媒體韌性詞頻的正交衝擊反應圖 ..................... 80
圖4-14 空污數據與兩媒體情緒分數的正交衝擊反應圖 ..................... 80

表2-1 定向需求(NFO)的組成及水平 ................................................. 23
表2-2 空污風險特徵之NFO水平假 ......................................................... 29
表4-1 空污新聞的疾病詞頻 .................................................................... 45
表4-2 十大死因與空污新聞對應疾病的詞頻與排序 ........................... 46
表4-3 PTT討論空污的疾病詞頻 ............................................................. 47
表4-4 十大死因與PTT討論空污對應疾病的詞頻與排序 ..................... 47
表4-5 新聞媒體與社群媒體危害度詞頻排序比較 ................................ 49
表4-6 新聞媒體與社群媒體危害度分類詞頻排序比較 ....................... 49
表4-7 空污新聞的縣市詞頻 .................................................................... 50
表4-8 空污新聞的地區詞頻 .................................................................... 50
表4-9 空污新聞縣市詞頻排序與實際空污排名比較 ........................... 51
表4-10 PTT討論空污的縣市詞頻 ........................................................... 52
表4-11 PTT討論空污的地區詞頻 ........................................................... 52
表4-12 社群媒體討論空污縣市詞頻排序與實際空污排名比較 ......... 53
表4-13 新聞媒體與社群媒體縣市詞頻排序比較 .................................. 54
表4-14 新聞媒體與社群媒體地區詞頻排序比較 .................................. 54
表4-15 空污新聞的年齡詞頻 .................................................................. 55
表4-16 PTT討論空污的年齡詞頻 ........................................................... 56
表4-17 新聞媒體與社群媒體年齡詞頻排序比較 .................................. 57
表4-18 新聞媒體與社群媒體年齡分類詞頻排序比較 ......................... 57
表4-19 空污新聞的韌性詞頻 .................................................................. 58
表4-20 PTT討論空污的韌性詞頻 ........................................................... 58
表4-21 新聞媒體與社群媒體韌性詞頻排序比較 .................................. 59
表4-22 新聞媒體與社群媒體韌性分類詞頻排序比較 ......................... 60
表4-23 新聞媒體與社群媒體「各別風險特徵」情緒分數排序比較 . 61
表4-24 新聞媒體與社群媒體各研究變項的Spearman等級相關性分析.
結果 ............................................................................................... 62
表4-25 研究變項時間序列定態檢定表 .................................................. 67
表4-26 時間序列模型落後期選擇 .......................................................... 68
表4-27 VAR模型結果 ................................................................................ 70
表4-28 各變項VAR模型 ............................................................................ 71
表4-29 納入三個時間序列模型的Granger causality檢定結果表 ......... 75
表4-30 納入兩個時間序列模型的Granger causality檢定結果表 ......... 76
表4-31 新聞媒體、社群媒體各變項預測誤差的變異數分解 ............. 82
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