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博碩士論文 etd-1125120-115615 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1125120-115615
Analysis and Forecast of Hepatitis B Quantitative Surface Antigen using ARMA model
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quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B, forecast, ARMA, deterministic trend
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在國際間的共識表述,肝炎治療以口服藥物為主,療程標準依達到表面抗原消失,視為療程之終點。此過程並不易達成,甚至可能為終生治療,但是在臨床上亦存在表現相對良好,數值下降較為迅速之患者,故此在本研究中使用 ARMA 模型建立估計及預測個人化療程,找出每位患者各自之趨勢,目的是探索是否存在某種共通之現象,以及增進療程中可運用之資訊。在本研究中,共整理 124 位患者,使用定量表面抗原作為研究資料,本研究依前人文獻所示,採用是否到達定量表面抗原達 100IU/mL 進行患者間分類,這是由於文獻表明當患者達到此數值後有較高之機會痊癒,故此在本研究依照是否達到定量表面抗原 100IU/mL 分為三種類型之患者,A 類型患者、B 類型患者、C 類型患者,再依估計之趨勢進行更為細緻的分類,整理可能之現象並加以統計。 統計分析後,本研究歸納出維持定量表面抗原 100IU/mL 內的 A 類型患者無趨勢以及緩趨勢的比例各佔50%;曾經達到過定量表面抗原 100IU/mL 的 B 類型患者則存在四種類型趨勢,分別為 aa 之兩段皆無趨勢、ca 之前段趨勢強後段無趨勢、cb 之前段趨勢強後段趨勢弱、cc 之前後段皆強,最後則是未達到定量表面抗原 100IU/mL 的 C 類型患者,分為無趨勢以及強烈下降趨勢各為 50%。根據本研
究的歸納,整理出當患者達到定量表面抗原 100IU/mL 後,以 B 類型患者趨勢 cb及 cc 以及 A 類型患者趨勢 b,預測有望達到表面抗原消失之比例有四成左右,亦歸納出有五成以上之患者在定量表面抗原達到 100IU/mL 後,並不存在趨勢,預測可能為終生治療。
The international consensus stated that hepatitis B treatment is mainly oral drugs. The standard of the course of treatment is based on the disappearance of the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), which is regarded as the end of treatment. But it's not easy to achieve, and could even be a lifetime treatment, but there are also patients with better performance about rapid decline in HBsAg. Therefore, in this study, the ARMA model was used to estimate and forecast the individual course and to find out each patient's own trend in treatment, whether there is a common phenomenon and to improve the information that can be used in the treatment to against hepatitis B viral.

In this study, a total of 124 patients were used as the research data. Most patients with hepatitis B virus could undetectable in treatment, but patients did not recover at this time, because the hepatitis B surface antigen was produced by hepatitis B viral , so when the hepatitis B surface antigen disappears, it finally can be said that the treatment is over and recovery of patients. In previous literature, these study use quantitative
hepatitis B surface antigen of under 100IU/mL to shows when the patients reaches under 100IU/mL have a higher chance of recovery. Because previous literature in this study patients were divided into three types analysis, analysis A patients, analysis B patients, and analysis C patients, then classify them in more detail with the estimated trend, at last sort out possible phenomenon.

After study, this research concluded that, the analysis A patients who maintained the quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen within 100IU/mL had no trend and a slow decline trend. Then there are four types of trend in analysis B patients who had reached a quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen of 100IU/mL. Finally, two types of trend in analysis C patients who hadn't reached the quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen

In this study conclusion, it is expected that the proportion of quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen disappearance is about 45%, and more than 50% of patients may be treated for whole life.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ........................................................................................................................i
致謝 ................................................................................................................................... ii
摘要 .................................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................. iv
目錄 ................................................................................................................................... v
圖目錄 .............................................................................................................................. vi
表目錄 ............................................................................................................................ viii
第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機 .................................................................................................... 1
第二節 本文架構 .................................................................................................... 2
第二章 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................................ 3
第三章 研究方法 .......................................................................................................... 10
第一節 ARMA 估計模型 ......................................................................................... 10
第二節 離群值處理 .............................................................................................. 12
第三節 填補遺失值 .............................................................................................. 16
第四節 AIC & BIC 配適度評估 ........................................................................... 18
第五節 ACF & PACF 判斷模型 ............................................................................. 19
第六節 模型殘差檢定 .......................................................................................... 21
第七節 預測 .......................................................................................................... 23
第四章 統計實驗結果 .................................................................................................. 25
第一節 詴驗患者分類 .......................................................................................... 25
第二節 A 類型患者分析 ....................................................................................... 25
第三節 B 類型患者分析 ....................................................................................... 32
第四節 C 類型患者分析 ....................................................................................... 53
第五章 結論與限制 ...................................................................................................... 62
第一節 研究結論 .................................................................................................. 62
第二節 研究建議 .................................................................................................. 64
第三節 研究限制 .................................................................................................. 64
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 66
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