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論文名稱 Title |
新冠疫情期間員工遠距辦公工作成效及其影響因素之探討:以兩岸德凱宜特公司為例 An Exploration of Employees’ Job Effectiveness of Remote Work and its Contributing Factors During the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Case Study of DEKRA iST |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
65 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-12-07 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-12-29 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
新冠疫情、遠距辦公、彈性工作制度、工作成效、工作-家庭理論 COVID-19, Remote Work, Flexible Work System, Job Effectiveness, Work-family Boundary Management |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 191 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 191 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
2020年新年伊始之COVID-19新冠肺炎病毒所引發的疫情,已蔓延了近兩年。隨著時間推移,疫情對企業的衝擊已逐步顯現出來。在企業人力資源管理領域,針對疫情導致的非自願遠距辦公這一現象,已經成為一個新的研究熱點。然而,對於新冠疫情期間,企業員工遠距辦公之工作成效,尤其是影響因素之探討,迄今的研究仍然相當不足。一些重要而常被人討論的議題,如遠距辦公的工作成效真的不如在辦公室辦公嗎?不同群體對於遠距辦公的認知是否有差異?究竟哪些因素最能影響遠距辦公的成效?在文獻上仍有待提供更豐富的案例來確認。因此,本研究聚焦於這些關鍵議題,期望提供企業可資參考運用的確切證據。 本研究首先對彈性工作制度、工作-家庭邊界理論和遠距辦公影響因素等相關文獻進行探討,據此構建以深度訪談為主要研究方法的研究框架,然後以兩岸德凱宜特公司的10名員工(大陸公司和臺灣地區公司各5名)為樣本,擬定半結構式問項,接著秉持開放的態度將訪談內容進行分類彙整,找出文本中的核心主題,分析員工在疫情期間從事遠距辦公之特殊環境下的工作體驗及其群體差異,並探究影響其工作成效的主要因素;最後,針對研究得知之影響工作成效的主要因素及其它主要問題,提出相關的改進策略。 本研究發現,新冠疫情某種程度上已經徹底改變了企業的工作方式,線上遠端辦公不管是在當下,或在未來,都是工作的一種潮流。遠距辦公存在著工作-家庭的邊界管理問題;也就是說,遠距辦公雖然會降低企業的整體成本,但可能有部分成本會被轉嫁給個別員工。至於遠距辦公是否能提升工作效率及工作品質,本研究對象的意見並不一致,惟均肯定其社會效益。另一方面,對於遠距辦公的成效,不同群體確實存在認知差異;成家之後的女性,更能接受遠距辦公。最後,本研究也發現,影響遠距辦公成效的關鍵因素有環境系統品質與工作安排、線上交互、員工自我管理等,因此,企業可以從提升環境系統品質,完善彈性工作機制、激發員工間有效互動,建構工作共同體及提高員工自律能力,增強自我之認知和健全現代化遠端辦公管理制度,並分清工作-家庭邊界等面向,來改善遠距辦公的成效。 |
Abstract |
The Covid-19 has been existing for nearly two years; with the passage of time, the impact of the pandemic on corporations has gradually loomed large. In the field of enterprise human resources management, the phenomenon of involuntary long-distance work resulted from the pandemic becomes more common and a new research topic. However, during the pandemic period, the research on the effectiveness of enterprise employees working from afar, especially discussion of influencing factors is still insufficient. Some important and highly talked topics, for example, is working from a distance really worse than working in the office when it comes to performance? Do different groups have different perceptions on working from a distance? What factors can mostly affect the effectiveness of working from a distance are still need to be backed up by more related research documents. Therefore, the thesis aims to focus on these key topics in hopes of providing more reliable and accurate analysis and evidence that could be referenced by corporations in the future. Firstly, this study goes into the documents related to flexible work system, work-family boundary theory and the influencing factors of long-distance working, constructing the research framework based on in-depth interviews. And then take 10 employees of DEKRA iST company on both sides of the Strait (5 from mainland companies and 5 from Taiwan companies) as samples, drawing up semi-structured questions and classifying and compiling interview contents with an open-minded attitude to find out the core themes in the text, analyze their work experience as well as group differences in the special environment of remote work during the pandemic period, and explore the main factors affecting the work results. Lastly, propose improvement strategies towards those main factors and other main problems that affect the work results. This study finds out that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the working mode of enterprises to a certain extent: online telecommuting is a trend not only in the present, but also in the future. Remote working has the problem of work-family boundary management; that means though remote working reduces the cost of the enterprise in general, there is still some may be transferred to the individual employees. There is no consensus on whether remote working can improve work efficiency and work quality, but all the participants affirm the social benefits brought. In addition, different groups have different perceptions on the effectiveness of long-distance work; for example, married women are more receptive to long-distance work. What’s more, the research finds that the key factors affecting the effectiveness of remote working are the quality of environmental system and work arrangement, online interaction, and employees’ self-management etc. Therefore corporations could improve the performance of remote working by enhancing the quality of environmental system, improving the flexible working mechanism, stimulating effective interactions among employees, building a working community and strengthening employees’ self-discipline, bulking up self-awareness as well as the modern remote work management system and clarifying work-family boundary. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌 謝 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract v 目 錄 vii 圖 次 ix 表 次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究貢獻 3 第四節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 彈性工作制度 5 第二節 遠距工作管理 7 第三節 遠距辦公工作成效相關影響因素整理 10 第四節 工作-家庭邊界理論 12 第三章 研究設計 14 第一節 研究結構 14 第二節 研究對象 15 第三節 研究方法 15 第四章 研究發現 26 第一節 COVID-19疫情爆發對企業工作方式的挑戰 26 第二節 兩岸德凱宜特公司員工遠距辦公工作成效與問題 28 第三節 不同群體的遠距辦公感知差異 32 第四節 遠距辦公效果之影響因素探究 33 第五章 對遠距辦公人力資源管理的改進 37 第一節 基於各遠距辦公影響因素的改進策略 37 第二節 遠距辦公人力資源管理的其他改進策略 41 第六章 結論與建議 46 第一節 結論 46 第二節 研究建議 47 第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 48 參考文獻 51 一、中文文獻 51 二、英文文獻 52 |
參考文獻 References |
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