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博碩士論文 etd-0711122-011908 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0711122-011908
Enhancement of attention network and creativity by focusing on Diencephalon
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
creativity, comprehension ability, attention network, pineal gland, diencephalon, consciousness, extrasensory perception
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摘 要
背景:科學探索首重創意思維,然台灣學生從小到大受傳統教育及社會價值觀影響下,常養成追尋「正確答案」的框架思考模式,在只有對與錯的限制性思維下,埋沒了大多數學生的內在潛能與創意思維。在先前人體科學的研究中已經發現:藉由放鬆專注在間腦 (或其中的松果體) 時,能開啟人體龐大的潛能。
結果:本研究共招募到103位受測者參與實驗,並獲得以下結果:(一) 間腦開發之心腦檢測部分,1.專注力 (總分30):前測平均為28.71,後測平均為29.48,達顯著差異 (p = 0.0440);2.理解測字能力 (總分7):前測平均為5.99,後測平均為6.47,達顯著差異 (p = 0.0219);3.創造力思維測試中後測的圖明顯比前測的圖來得更豐富有趣。(二) 進入宇宙圖書館來讀取信息場部分,1.視覺畫面之顯現:有視覺畫面之受測者為80.6%,沒有畫面的受測者為19.4%;2.視覺畫面之意象分析:每當受測者意識處在非常專注狀態下,量子意識會轉型以圖像、文字、聲音、影片…等在腦海中呈現出現情境畫面;然而每個人描述宇宙圖書館的外觀都不一樣,擷取訊息的過程與方式亦因人而異。(三) 創造力思維 (總分10) 之交叉綜合分析部分,1. 有/無視覺畫面的影響:有視覺畫面者之平均為7.77,無視覺畫面者為6.43,達顯著差異 (p = 0.0144);2. 正面信念的影響:評分高 (> 8) 者之平均為8.70,評分低 (< 8) 者為5.91,達顯著差異 (p < 0.0001);3. 情境體驗靈敏度的影響:靈敏度高 (> 7) 者之平均為8.19,靈敏度低 (< 7) 者為7.16,達顯著差異 (p = 0.0100)。
結論:在靜心與情境引導開啟間腦潛能後,受測者之整體專注力與理解測字能力均有意義地提升,創造力繪圖更顯豐富有趣,顯示後天的靜心情境訓練對大多數人均有幫助。交叉分析驗證中亦顯示:受測者本身體質/特質的差異 (是否有視覺畫面、正面信念較高、以及情境體驗較靈敏),可明顯地決定一個人的創造力思維能力。
Background: Creative thinking is a key to scientific exploration. However, due to the education evaluation system, most students in Taiwan are trained to get the answers as quickly as possible. Thus, the thinking process of the students is usually simplified into two modes: correct or wrong, resulting in less diversity and creativity. Emerging evidence has highlighted the positive impacts of psychosomatic power on human body by focusing on diencephalon, including pineal gland. Such practice may be beneficial to students for creative thinking.
Purpose: This study aims to investigate whether the attention network and creativity can be enhanced through thinking visualization (quantum transformation) by focusing on diencephalon, including pineal gland under a relaxed atmosphere.
Methods: (1) To collect the scores of tests for mind-brain development before and after meditation and concentration, and then to perform comparisons by statistical analyses. The tests include: attention network test, comprehension ability test, and creative painting. (2) To guide the participants to enter the cosmic library through meditation and concentration, and to extract the information from visualized images by focusing on diencephalon, including pineal gland.
Results: In total, 103 participants were recruited into this study. (1) For the mind-brain development tests, improved concentration (total score is 30; the average score for pre-test is 28.71 and the one for post-test is 29.48; p = 0.0440) and comprehension ability (total score: 7; pre-test: 5.99; post-test: 6.47, p = 0.0219) were found in the participants. In addition, the composition of creative paining becomes richer after the practice and looks more interesting. (2) For thinking visualization (quantum transformation), 80.6% of the participants can read the images whiles 19.4% of them can’t during the meditation practice and guidance. When in a focused state, most of the participants can experience quantum transformation to visualize the images. However, the contents of the visualized fields could be different among different persons. (3) For creative thinking test (total score is 10), the participants can get higher scores if they can visualize the thinking process (7.77 vs. 6.43; p = 0.0144), or they are positive thinkers (8.70 vs. 5.91; p < 0.0001) or good responders (8.19 vs. 7.16; p = 0.0100).
Conclusion: After the meditation practice and guidance, most of the participants showed improved attention network, comprehension ability and creativity, suggesting great impacts of such practice on learning and thinking. Our study also reveals that certain characteristics, including visualization ability, positive thinking, and meditation skills can determine whether he or she is a creative person or not.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
論文審定書…………………………………………………………… i
序言與誌謝…………………………………………………………… iii
中文摘要……………………………………………………………… iv
英文摘要……………………………………………………………… v
第 一 章 緒論……………………………………………………… 1
1.1研究動機……………………………………………………… 1
1.2研究目的 …………………………………………………….. 3
1.3研究限制 …………………………………………………….. 3
第 二 章 研究背景與文獻探討…………………………….…........ 4
2.1 間腦的神經結構與功能………………………………….…. 4
2.2 松果體的神經結構與功能….………………………………. 5
2.3 意識體-人的思想精神狀態………………………….……… 6
2.4 量子力學是萬事萬物的本源……………………………….. 7
2.5 靜心專注的練習對人的影響……………………………….. 8
2.6 專注力的檢測與訓練方法簡介………………….………... 10
2.7 理解力與相關檢測方法介紹……………………………… 10
2.8 創造力與相關檢測方法介紹…………………………..….. 11
2.9 情境體驗與引導………………………………………….... 12
2. 10 研究人員暨主持人介紹………………………………..... 15
第 三 章 科學假說…………………………………………….….. 16
第 四 章 研究方法………………………………….……….......... 17
4.1 申請IRB人體試驗…………………….…………..……… 17
4.2 收案來源………………………………………………........ 17
4.3 實驗流程…………………………………………………… 18
4.3.1受測者實驗說明……………………………………….…. 18
4.3.2 流程圖……………………………………………………. 18
4.4 間腦開發心腦檢測……………………………………….. 19
4.4.1專注力測試…………………………..…………...………. 19
4.4.2 理解測字……..………………….…………….….……… 20
4.4.3 創造力思維測試……..……..………………………....…. 21
4.4.4 情境放鬆引導……………………………………………. 22
4.4.5 回饋單………………………………….……………...…. 25
4.4.6資料統計分析方法.............................................................. 25
第 五 章 研究受試者的背景………………………………..……. 26
5.1受試者動機…………………………………………….…… 26
5.2受試者性別…………………………………………………. 26
5.3受試者年齡………………………………………………..... 27
5.4受試者學歷…………………………………………………. 27
5.5受試者職業…………………….………………………..….. 28
5.6受試者宗教…………………………………………………. 28
第 六 章 研究結果……………………………………………....... 29
6.1 專注力測試……………………………………………….... 29
6.2 理解測字…………………………………………………… 29
6.3 創造力思維測試…………………………..……………….. 30
6.4 視覺畫面百分比分析……………………………………… 31
6.5 受試者認同度評分……………………………………….... 31
6.5.1正面信念評分…………………………………………….. 32
6.5.2創造力思維評分………………………………………….. 32
6.6 情境體驗靈敏度評分…………………….………………. 33
6.7 綜合交叉評分分析……………………………………….. 34
第 七 章 分析與討論……………………………………………... 40
第 八 章 結論與建議....................................................................... 46
參考文獻............................................................................................... 55
附錄一 催眠術師合格證明書………………………………………. 61
附錄二 心靈諮商師合格證明書……………………………………. 62
附錄三 臺灣阿德勒心理學會壁報論文發表證明…………………. 63
附錄四 IRB人體研究新案同意證明書……………………………. 64
附錄五 徵求人體試驗研究DM…………………………………..... 65
附錄六 中山大學(間腦開發專注力啟動創造力)報名表………….. 66
附錄七 匿名問卷研究受訪者知情同意書…………………………. 67
附錄八 中山大學(間腦開發專注力啟動創造力)回饋單………….. 70
附錄九 受試者情境體驗節錄內容…………………………………. 71
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