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博碩士論文 etd-0023121-023059 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0023121-023059
What drives Online Game Players’ satisfaction and vigor? An examination of players’ goal orientations
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Goal orientation, Satisfaction, Vigor, Social Interaction, Consumption Values Theory
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As the technology improves, people can do all kinds of things anywhere and anytime by mobile phones, pads, and laptops. Nowadays, more and more people are playing online/mobile games on their phones, consoles or any hand-held devices and even purchase virtual items for performing better in games, which brings huge profits in this market. This study based on Consumption Values Theory to explain the factors that influence the players’ satisfaction and vigor, and whether the social interaction has an impact on the relationship by examining players’ motivation of purchasing virtual items, concerning intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of the individuals. The result shows that either learning goal orientation or proving goal orientation are positive associated with players’ satisfaction and vigor, and social interaction can only be a moderator under the situation when the players have high social interaction. The results make the contribution to the gaming industry, and the suggestions to the game companies and designers are elaborated in this research.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter ................................................................................................... i
Abstract (Chinese)........................................................................................................... ii
Abstract (English)............................................................................................................ iii
1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 1-3
2. Literature review and hypotheses development............................................................3
2.1 Goal Orientation.............................................................................................. 3-5
2.2 Satisfaction...................................................................................................... 5-6
2.3 Vigor............................................................................................................... 6-7
2.4 Social Interaction............................................................................................ 7-9
2.5 Consumption Values Theory......................................................................... 9-11
2.6 Hypotheses...................................................................................................11-14
3. Methodology......................................................................................................... 14-17
4. Result.......................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Reliability and Validity............................................................................... 18-19
4.2 Testing Hypotheses..................................................................................... 19-22
4.3 Discussion................................................................................................... 22-24
5. Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 24
5.1 Theoretical Implication............................................................................... 24-25
5.2 Practical Implication................................................................................... 25-27
5.3 Limitations and future research................................................................... 27-28
Reference................................................................................................................... 29-37
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