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Title page for etd-0025121-141559
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished? Exploring How Proactive Work Behavior Influences Employee Well-being and Behavioral Outcomes through Work-related Rumination: The Moderating Role of Leader Reward and Punishment Behavior
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proactive work behavior, affective rumination, problem-solving pondering, burnout, work enjoyment
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A growing body of literature has advocated the implications of proactivity on employee well-being are double-edged. The present study aims to investigate both the positive and negative employee outcomes of proactive work behavior through work-related rumination. Drawing on the conservation of resources theory (COR), we hypothesized that employees might worry about the unpredictable consequences resulting from proactivity and thereby be involved in affective rumination processes that consume their psychological resources and increase the likelihood of burnout and complaint. Based on the self-determination theory (SDT), in contrast to COR, we theorized that employees might feel a sense of competence and autonomy through conducting proactive work behaviors, which directs them to problem-solving pondering in face of the unexpected challenges stemming from their proactive actions. Problem-solving pondering enables employees to rationally manage the uncertainties of proactivity and even discover solutions for its outcomes, through which they might experience a sense of enjoyment at work from the broaden-and-build theory perspective. Further, this research posits that leader reward and punishment behavior might affect employees' ruminative behaviors. We employed a dual-pathway framework adapted from Cangiano et al. (2018) and conducted both concurrent (N = 205) and time-lagged analyses (N = 132) to test our hypotheses. The results demonstrated that proactive work behavior only had a concurrent effect on affective rumination in the resource-consuming path, whereas affective rumination yielded both concurrent and lagged effects on burnout. In the resource-providing path, proactive work behavior significantly led to problem-solving pondering, which was positively related to work enjoyment. However, there was no evidence supporting complaint as a consequence of either affective rumination or problem-solving pondering. Also, the moderating effect of leader punishment behavior on affective rumination was opposite to our assumption and that of leader reward behavior on problem-solving pondering was, though in the hypothesized direction, failed to reach significance levels. Overall, our findings indicate that, through different psychological mechanisms, proactive work behavior could lead to different types of work-related rumination, which generates either beneficial or detrimental effects on employee well-being.
目次 Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................1
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................8
2.1 Proactive Work Behavior.........................................................................8
2.2 Work-related Rumination........................................................................9
2.3 A Resource-consuming Pathway of Proactive Work Behavior..............11
2.4 A Resource-providing Pathway of Proactive Work Behavior................15
2.5 Leader Reward and Punishment Behavior.............................................19
2.6 The Moderating Effect of Non-contingent Punishment Behavior.........21
2.7 The Moderating Effect of Contingent Reward Behavior.......................24
CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................28
3.1 Participants............................................................................................28
3.2 Procedure...............................................................................................29
3.3 Measure.................................................................................................31
4.1 Analytic Strategy and Construct Validity...............................................36
4.2 Correlation Analyses..............................................................................37
4.3 Hypotheses Testing................................................................................41
4.4 Supplementary Analyses........................................................................54
CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION..................................58
5.1 Main Findings........................................................................................58
5.2 Additional Findings...............................................................................65
5.3 Strengths and Limitations......................................................................67
5.4 Future Research.....................................................................................73
5.5 Managerial Implications........................................................................75
5.6 Conclusion.............................................................................................77
APPENDIX: List of Measurement Items........................................................102
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