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Title page for etd-0108122-001226
Nostalgia Increases Consumer Preference for Circular Products: Impacts of Self-Construal and Need for Uniqueness
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nostalgia, self-construal, consumer’s need for uniqueness, social connectedness, feeling surrounded, circular products
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This research examines the influence of nostalgia on consumer’s preference for circular products with the moderating effects of self-construal and consumer’s need for uniqueness. The hypotheses are tested by three experiments in this research. Study 1 investigates the relationship between nostalgia and consumer’s preference for circular products, with the different on lyrics as the manipulation of nostalgia. Study 1 also tests social connectedness and feeling surrounded as the sequential underlying mechanisms behind the preference for circular products. Study 2 examines how self-construal moderates the effects of nostalgia on consumer’s preference for circular products. Study 3 tests consumer’s need for uniqueness as the other moderator.

The results show that, compared with those who are not evoked with nostalgia, consumers evoked with nostalgia show a higher preference for circular products. Moreover, social connectedness and feeling surrounded serve as the sequential underlying mechanisms to explain why consumers with evoked nostalgia have a higher preference for circular products. More importantly, the effect of nostalgia on circular product preference is subject to consumers’ self-construal. For consumers with an interdependent self-construal, those who are evoked with nostalgia show a higher preference for circular products than those who are not evoked with nostalgia. No such differences are found on consumers with an independent self-construal. The effect of nostalgia is also affected by consumer’s need for uniqueness. For consumers with low need for uniqueness, those who are evoked with nostalgia show a higher preference for circular products than the counterparts who are not evoked with nostalgia. No such differences are found on consumers with high need for uniqueness. The research provides marketing implications of using nostalgia.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 研究背景 1
第三節 研究動機 3
第四節 研究目的與問題 6
第五節 研究架構 7
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 前言 9
第二節 懷舊與懷舊帶來的影響 9
第三節 產品形狀 13
第四節 社會連結感 20
第五節 被包圍感 22
第六節 自我建構類型 23
第七節 消費者獨特性需求 29
第八節 小結 33
第參章 研究假設發展 34
第一節 前言 34
第二節 研究假設與架構 34
第三節 實驗設計建立 39
第四節 小結 40
第肆章 實驗一設計與結果 41
第一節 前言 41
第二節 研究變數操作型定義與測量 41
第三節 研究設計 46
第四節 實驗一研究分析 47
第五節 小結 53
第伍章 實驗二設計與結果 54
第一節 前言 54
第二節 研究變數操作型定義與測量 54
第三節 研究設計 59
第四節 實驗二結果分析 60
第五節 小結 65
第陸章 實驗三設計與結果 66
第一節 前言 66
第二節 研究變數操作型定義與測量 66
第三節 研究設計 70
第四節 實驗三研究分析 71
第五節 小結 76
第柒章 結論與建議 77
第一節 前言 77
第二節 研究結果討論 77
第三節 研究貢獻 79
第四節 研究限制 83
第五節 未來研究建議 85
第六節 小結 87
參考文獻 88
附錄一:實驗一正式問卷1(誘發懷舊) 100
附錄一:實驗一正式問卷2(無誘發懷舊) 104
附錄二:實驗二正式問卷1(誘發懷舊x相依我) 108
附錄二:實驗二正式問卷2(無誘發懷舊x相依我) 112
附錄二:實驗二正式問卷3(誘發懷舊x獨立我) 116
附錄二:實驗二正式問卷4(無誘發懷舊x獨立我) 120
附錄三:實驗三正式問卷1(誘發懷舊x高獨特性需求) 124
附錄三:實驗三正式問卷2(誘發懷舊x低獨特性需求) 128
附錄三:實驗三正式問卷3(無誘發懷舊x高獨特性需求) 132
附錄三:實驗三正式問卷4(無誘發懷舊x低獨特性需求) 136

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The current date is 2025-03-07
This thesis will be available to you on 2027-02-08.

紙本論文 Printed copies
開放時間 available 2027-02-08

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