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Analysis of Factors Affecting Job Stress and Its Influence on Job Satisfaction of Hospitality Employees
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Stress management, Occupational stress, Hotel industry, Employee satisfaction, Turnover intention, Eustress, Distress
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由於餐旅業的需求性質,以致於該產業的特點為高周轉率。高周轉率不僅給公司帶來額外的成本,而且還會影響服務品質,以上的因素是餐旅業公司的成功關鍵。世界各地的餐旅業公司(包括酒店業),都在尋求提高工作滿意度的方法,以最大的程度減少其員工的離職因素,而工作壓力是導致員工滿意度下降的主要原因之一。本研究旨在探討餐旅業的工作壓力及員工滿意度,研究的目的是在確定導致餐旅業員工的工作滿意度有產生積極影響的壓力源、確定導致餐旅業員工的工作滿意度有負面影響的壓力源,並且研究當前餐旅業的壓力管理策略的有效性,本研究基於自填式的匿名線上問卷的定量研究設計,本研究的研究對象為於Centara Hotels&Resorts工作的的299名員工。研究結果發現,餐旅業員工覺得最重要的幸福感來自職業道路上的確定性,另外,在這項研究中得知該產業員工主要困擾為缺乏平等的職業發展機會,其他影響工作滿意度的因素還包括明確的責任、明確的目標、工作目標,研究結果另外發現,壓力對餐旅業員工的工作滿意度造成負面影響,包括工作中的衝突,可以進一步了解為團隊內部的衝突、與其他部門員工的衝突、工作要求高、精神需求高、工作量過多及責任、有衝突的工作任務、缺乏足夠的資源。該研究還證明了目前餐飲業採用的壓力管理策略是無效的。
Hospitality industry is characterized by high turnover rate due to the demandingness nature of the industry. High turnover rate poses not only additional cost to the firms, but also affects the quality of the service, which is one of the crucial success factors of companies within hospitality industry. Hospitality companies around the world, including companies in hotel sector, are seeking way to enhance job satisfaction in order to minimize turnover intention among their employees. One of the leading causes of diminished employee satisfaction is job stress. This study aims to explore job stress and employee satisfaction of a hotel. The objectives of the study are to determine the stressors that have positive influence on job satisfaction of hospitality employee, to determine the stressors that have negative influence on job satisfaction hospitality employee, and to investigate the effectiveness of current stress management strategy of hotel. This study is based on quantitative research design using a self-administered anonymous online questionnaire. The study was performed among 299 hotel employees of Centara Hotels & Resorts. The results found that possible eustress include eustress was certainty in career path, adequate human resource utilization and management, and perception about oneself. Other factors influence job satisfactions positively are clear responsibilities, and clear goal and job objectives. Stressors posing negative impacts on job satisfaction among hotel employee identified in the finding of this study include conflict at work, which can be further separated into conflict within team and conflict with employees of other departments, high job requirement, high mental demand, excessive workload and responsibilities, incompatible work task, and lack of adequate resources. The study also evidenced the ineffectiveness of current stress management strategy used by the hotels.
目次 Table of Contents
Letter of Validation…………………………………………………………………… i
Abstract (Chinese)……………………………………………………………………. ii
Abstract (English)……………………………………………………………………. iii
Table of Figures……………………………………………………………………….. vi
Table of Tables………………………………………………………………………... vii
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………….............…………... 1
1.1Introduction…………………………………………………………….............…......... 1
1.2 Research objective…………………………………..............………………………. 3
1.3 Thesis outline…………………………………………….............………………....... 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review…..…………………….............………………………. 6
2.1 Tourism and hotel industry in Thailand…..............………….… 6
2.2 Stress……………………………………………………….............…….…………. 7
2.2.1 Stress classification……………………..…...........……….…… 11
2.2.2 Stressors…………………………………………............………....…. 16
2.3 Occupational stress…………………………………………..............….... 19
2.3.1 Previous research on occupational stress………….... 19
2.3.2 Occupational stress in hospitality industry…….……… 33
2.4 Occupational stress management…………………………………….. 35
2.5 Literature review conclusion…………………………………………….… 36
Chapter 3 Methodology…………………………………………………………....….….. 38
3.1 Study design…………………………………………………………….........….. 38
3.2 Study site………………………………………………………………............….. 39
3.3 Sample size and sampling technique………………………….…… 40
3.3.1 Inclusion criteria………………………………………………......…. 41
3.3.2 Exclusion criteria……………………………………………......…… 41
3.4 Instrumental development and reliability test………………… 41
3.5 Data collection and analysis……………………………………….…... 43
Chapter 4 Results………………………………………………………………….......….. 44
4.1 Background information……………………………………………….... 44
4.2 Conflict at work…………………………………………………….……....... 47
4.3 Job requirements……………………………………………………......…. 48
4.4 Mental demand……………………………………………………….....…… 50
4.5 Workload and responsibility………………………………..…...…... 51
4.6 Hospitality job……………………………………………………….......…… 51
4.7 Career path………………………………………………………….......….…. 53
4.8 General health……………………………………………………...…...….… 54
4.9 Perception about oneself……………………………………...…….… 55
4.10 Job satisfaction………………………………………………….........… 56
4.11 Current stress management…………………………………….... 57
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion……………………………………….. 58
5.1 Stressors that have positive influence on
job satisfaction of hospitality employee……………........… 58
5.2 Stressors that have negative influence on
job satisfaction of hospitality employee…………….....…... 60
5.2.1 Conflict at work…………………………………………….....….. 60
5.2.2 High job requirement and high mental demand……… 62
5.2.3 Excessive workload……………………………………….....…….... 62
5.2.4 Incompatible work task and lack of resources…………………... 63
5.3 Effectiveness of current stress management strategy of hotel….. 63
5.4 Limitations and future research directions……………………….……...…... 65
Reference………………………………………………………………………………. 66
Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………….. 79
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