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博碩士論文 etd-0625122-164646 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0625122-164646
中小企業之求才招募:針對臺灣與越南 Z 世代之質性研究
Talent Acquisition for Small Medium Enterprise (SME): A qualitative analysis of Generation Zers in Taiwan and Vietnam
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Date of Exam
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Generation Z, recruitment posts, job vacancy, job application, job pursuit, organization attraction
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 333 times, has been downloaded 111 times.
Generation Z has opened a new norm in terms of workplace preferences in the current era. Scholars work tirelessly to investigate how organizational qualities, job opportunities, and recruitment processes mutually produce job applications. However, few studies have researched if these characteristics of recruitment posts are based upon the influence of the organization's attraction, and therefore promote job pursuit. As a potential recruiter, I wonder how to ensure applicants’ expectations match what we can offer. Attracting suitable applicants to the organization brings positive human resources and innovative capabilities to plan a long-term strategy and secure organization performance. I believe that it’s vital to have a good workforce. This is the organization's most precious asset. Without it, a business can’t have a competitive edge. The early stage of enticing potential applicants is critical for this goal. Individuals evaluate employment-relevant information during the initial steps of the recruiting process, while firms manage their employer brand to convince appropriate job seekers to join an organization's candidate pool. Against this background, I argue that there is a correlation between job advertisement and organization attractiveness leading to application. Thus, I will research what elements in the job vacancy job seekers expect to see and how the details in job posts influence their job application and job pursuit.
Keywords: Generation Z, recruitment posts, job vacancy, job application, job pursuit, organization attraction
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Approval Sheeti
Abstract (Mandarin)iii
Abstract (English)iv
List of figuresvii
List of tablesvii
1. Literature review3
1.1. Signalling Theory3
1.2. Person-Organization Fit (PO)5
1.3. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)6
2. Methodology9
2.1. Method of data collection9
2.1.1 In-depth Interviews9
2.1.2 Ethnographic observation15
2.2. Method of analyzing16
2.3. Research Participants17
2.3.1 Basic information of participants17
2.3.2 Hochiminh University of Economics18
2.3.3 National Sun Yat-sen University19
2.4. Framework21
3. Generation Zers (Vietnam vs Taiwan)22
3.1. Generation Zers in Vietnam22
3.2. Generation Zers in Taiwan24
4. Empirical results26
4.1. Key elements in Job advertisement26
4.1.1 Economic value (EV)26
4.1.2 Development and Training value (DV)35
4.1.3 Social and interest value (SV)41
4.1.4 Application value (AV)51
4.2. Influence of Job ad on intention to apply57
4.2.1 Influence of key values in Job ad on intention to apply58
4.2.2 Influence of details in Job ad on intention to apply60
5. Conclusion63
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