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Title page for etd-0905120-105121
The Effect of High-Performance Work-Systems on Self-Initiated Expatriates Knowledge Sharing with Cultural Intelligence, Expatriation Motivation, and Outsider Status
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Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Expatriation Motivation, Cultural Intelligence, Outsider Status, Knowledge Sharing, High-Performance Work Systems
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 409 times, has been downloaded 93 times.
The purpose of this research paper was to explore the effects of High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on Knowledge Sharing (KS) with Self-Initiated Expatriates (SIEs). The goal was to assert if certain HPWS bundles or individual practices affected KS relationships, and how this may differ from traditionally Assigned Expatriate (AE) KS. This qualitative study utilized personal interviews to collect data from eight SIEs located in Taiwan. The study found that HPWS bundles including selective recruitment, teamwork, flexible job design, and internal progression increased KS among the research population. It details workplace applications for practitioners and gives leads for future research.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Acknowledgements ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Figures vi
Table of Tables vi
Introduction 1
Literature Review 3
Self-Initiated Expatriates vs Traditional Expatriates 3
Varying Construct Characteristics of SIEs 4
Towards a Unified Definition of SIEs 7
Knowledge Management 9
Knowledge Sharing 11
HPWS and the Ability, Motivation, Opportunity Framework 12
HPWS and Knowledge Management 16
Theoretical Foundations 19
Notable Differences between AEs and SIEs for KS 19
Unlocking the “Black Box” of High-Performance Work Systems 22
SIE Cultural Intelligence as a Variable for the Ability to Share Knowledge 23
SIE Outsider Status as a Variable for the Opportunity to Share Knowledge 26
SIE Expatriation Motivation as a Variable for the Motivation to Share Knowledge 28
Proposed Research Framework 32
Methodology 33
Results and Analysis 37
SIE Knowledge Sharing 38
HPWS Practices Which Affect SIE Ability to Interact with Foreign Cultures 41
HPWS Practices Which Affect the Social Opportunities for Knowledge Sharing? 44
SIE Impetus for Relocation Affecting their Motivation to Share Knowledge 48
Conclusion 51
Applications for Industry Practitioners 52
Limitations 52
Future Research 53
Reference List 55
Appendix 86
Appendix 1 Interview Research Explaination 86
Appendix 2 Semi-Structure Interview Questions 87
Appendix 3 Interview Consent Form 90
Appendix 4 Framework for Future Research Relationships 91
Appendix 5: Motivational Measures 92
Appendix 6: HPWS Measures 93
Appendix 7: HPWS AMO Differentiations 94
Appendix 8: Knowledge Sharing Measures 95
Appendix 9: Expatriation Motivation Measures 97
Appendix 10: Cultural Intelligence Measures 98
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