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論文名稱 Title |
鄉村中的無私創業者 An Unselfish Entrepreneur in the Rural Area |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
88 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-01-20 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-01-22 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
社區整合、商業目的、價值創造、外來者矛盾、農村創業 value creation, insider-outsider conflict, purpose of business, community integration, rural entrepreneurship |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 518 次,被下載 1 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 518 times, has been downloaded 1 times. |
中文摘要 |
這項研究是針對外來創業者者至農村地區創業的分析。我們以座落於澳洲Jugiong小鎮上的Long Track Pantry咖啡廳的創業史為案例研究,以探索外來者如何在當地成功開展業務。選擇案例研究方法是因為它具有探索罕見問題的能力。為了進行這樣的主題,我們選擇進行案例研究。我們使用了自我民族誌、訪談和其他次級數據整理方法來收集數據,並且我們使用詮釋性研究質性研究方法進行數據分析。 研究結果發現,對於想要在農村地區開展業務的外來者,他必須首先注意自己的動機。基本上,如果他可以對當地人展現“無私的動機”,那麼他可能更有可能舉行一些活動來幫助當地人創造價值,而不追求自己的利潤。這些行為不僅可以與當地社區建立連結和信任感,而且可以通過整合這些連結、信任和當地價值觀來幫助他在當地找到更多具有共同繁榮與共存的商機。這些商機包括產品擴展、吸引更多遊客參與發展以當地創造當地繁榮。 |
Abstract |
This research is about the analysis of foreign entrepreneurs in rural areas. We take the entrepreneurial history of Long Track Pantry in Jugiong, Australia as a case study to explore how an outsider can successfully start a business locally. Case study method is chosen for its ability to explore uncommon issue. In order to conduct such a topic, we chose to conduct with case study. We used autoethnography, interviews and other secondary data collation methods to collect data. And we use interpretive qualitative research methods for data analysis. The finding of the study is that for an outsider who wants to build up a business in the rural area, he must first pay attention to his own motivation. Basically, if he can show "unselfish motivation" to locals, he may be more likely to hold activities to help locals create values without pursuing his own profits. These behaviors can not only create a connection and a sense of trust with the local community, but through the integration of these connections, trust and local values, helped him find more business opportunities with co-prosperity and coexistence in the local area. These business opportunities include product expansion, attracting more tourists to local development, and creating local prosperity. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Table of Contents 論文審定書 i 致謝Acknowledgement ii 中文摘要 iii English Abstract iv Chapter One: Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Motivation 2 1.3 Research Aim 5 1.4 Structure of Dissertation 5 Chapter Two: Main Issues Explored 7 2.1 Rural Entrepreneurship 7 2.2 Entrepreneurship Is Not All About Profit 11 2.3 Value Creation Can Make Outsider Accepted in Rural Area 12 Chapter Three: Methodology 15 3.1 Research Method 15 3.2 Data Collection 16 3.3 Data Analysis 19 3.4 Quality of Research 21 3.4.1 Trustworthiness 21 3.4.2 Authenticity 21 Chapter Four: The Story of Long Track Pantry 22 4.1 About the Coffee Shop 22 4.2 About the Owner 34 Chapter Five: Analysis and Discussion 37 5.1 Swimming Pool and Amusement Facilities in the Park 37 5.1.1 The Story One 37 5.1.2 The Analyze 41 5.2 Markets and Local Artists 41 5.2.1 The Story 41 5.2.2 The Analyze 46 5.3 Charity Work 47 5.3.1 The Story 47 5.3.2 The Analyze 50 5.4 Young Workers 50 5.4.1 The Story 50 5.4.2 The Analyze 60 5.5 Overall Discussion of the Case 61 5.5.1 Unselfish Purpose Motivation 61 5.5.2 Action as Representative of Value 62 5.5.3 Outcome 63 Business Related 63 Non-business Related 66 Chapter Six: Conclusion 67 6.1 How can a foreign entrepreneur be successful in a rural area? 67 6.2 Limitation of This Research 68 6.3 Contribution to Theory 69 6.4 Recommendation to Practice 70 6.4.1 For Foreign Entrepreneur 70 6.4.2 For Policy Maker 72 6.5 Direction for Future Research 72 References 74 List of Table and Figures Table 3-1 Interviewees Information .................................................................... 18 Table 3-2 Data Analysis Process ......................................................................... 19 Figure 4-1 Picture of Jugiong Town Street ......................................................... 22 Figure 4-2 Birds Eye View of The Long Track Pantry Cafe .............................. 23 Figure 4-3 Outdoor Seating Area of The Long Track Pantry ............................. 24 Figure 4-4 Weekly Special Blackboard .............................................................. 25 Figure 4-5 Using Only Local Fruits to Make Their Handmade Preserves ......... 26 Figure 4-6 Employees of The Long Track Pantry .............................................. 27 Figure 4-7 Little Helpers in the Kitchen ............................................................. 28 Figure 4-8 Pantry Products of The Long Track Pantry Café .............................. 29 Figure 4-9 Take Home Meal Freezer .................................................................. 30 Figure 4-10 Retail Room Products...................................................................... 31 Figure 4-11 Gino’s Fruit and Veggie Shop ......................................................... 32 Figure 4-12 The Tasting Room ........................................................................... 33 Figure 5-1 Jugiong Public Pool .......................................................................... 37 Figure 5-2 Jugiong Public Pool After Flood in 2012 .......................................... 38 Figure 5-3 Jugiong Public School Swimming Club ........................................... 39 Figure 5-4 Cootamundra Bear Rugby Team Sponsored by Long Track ............ 40 Figure 5-5 Metal Artist Ross Fairley Won ‘People’s Choice Award’ ................. 42 Figure 5-6 Worcestershire Sauce Made by Danielle Manton ............................. 43 Figure 5-7 First Weekend Market in Jugiong ..................................................... 44 Figure 5-8 Spring Market: Gather and Graze ..................................................... 46 Figure 5-9 Volunteering in Roland Macdonald House ....................................... 48 Figure 5-10 Donating, Fundraising Together with the Whole Team .................. 49 Figure 5-11 Young Team of Long Track Pantry ................................................. 51 Figure 5-12 Senior Employee Sharni ................................................................. 53 Figure 5-13 Senior Employee Nicole On the Right ............................................ 54 Figure 5-14 Sandy, Lucy and Lachie. Three kids of Juliet ................................. 56 Figure 5-15 Zoe In Red Apron ............................................................................ 57 Figure 5-16 Free Outdoor Painting Course for Employees ................................ 59 Figure 5-17 Cooking Course for Employees ...................................................... 59 Figure 5-18 Unselfish Purpose Motivation Leads to Commercial Value ........... 61 |
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