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博碩士論文 etd-0024122-003605 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0024122-003605
休閒農場互動程度透過體驗行銷對再遊意願之影響: 以互動對象為調節變項
The effect of interaction on revisit intention to leisure farms through experimential marketing : The object of interaction as the moderator
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
leisure farm, experiential marketing, customer participation, interactive object, willingness to revisit
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 521 times, has been downloaded 142 times.
As social trends change, the experience economy and customer awareness
become increasingly important. Customers value not only the product or service offered during the interactive experience but also the feeling of being in contact with the company. Leisure farms are fun and educational, providing visitors with hands-on experience and a first-hand look at the natural beauty of the farm. However, most farms lack distinctive features, and leisure farm operators, therefore, need to closely grasp the process of interaction with visitors by engaging in interactive behaviors, such as
connecting the dots to form lines and forming faces, so that a relationship can be built between visitors and the business to increase the chances of revisiting.
Current research on customer engagement and interactive participation focuses on human-to-human interactions, while little research has been done on human-to-object interactions. In the case of leisure farms, the star animals raised on the farms are the stars of the event. Therefore, this study aims to explore the recreational competitiveness of leisure farms through different perspectives of people and objects and to propose specific and feasible activities.
The study used questionnaires to gauge customer engagement, experiential marketing, and willingness to revisit in order to investigate the causal relationships between these variables. The pre-test and formal surveys yielded 81 and 474 valid questionnaires, respectively. After data analysis by R-studio and hypothesis testing by SEM, it is found that the level of interaction of visitors' participation affects the experience perception, the visitors' experience perception enhances the visitors'
willingness to revisit, and the interaction with animals affects the relationship between the interaction level and the experience perception. Therefore, it is suggested that operators can innovate and design diversified animal experience activities to reduce homogeneity and increase the number of visits by tourists.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ----------------------------------------------------------------ⅰ
第壹章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景---------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機---------------------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究問題---------------------------------------------------------5
第四節 研究目的---------------------------------------------------------6
第貳章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------------7
第一節 休閒農場定義---------------------------------------------------7
第二節 休閒農場管理與體驗活動型態----------------------------8
第三節 顧客參與互動---------------------------------------------------9
第四節 體驗行銷定義-------------------------------------------------11
第五節 傳統行銷與體驗行銷差異---------------------------------12
第六節 體驗行銷架構-------------------------------------------------13
第七節 體驗行銷研究整理-------------------------------------------15
第八節 重遊意願--------------------------------------------------------18
第參章 研究架構與假說推論----------------------------------------19
第一節 研究架構--------------------------------------------------------19
第二節 假說推論--------------------------------------------------------19
第肆章 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------24
第一節 研究方法-------------------------------------------------------24
第二節 研究變數操作與問卷設計---------------------------------24
第三節 資料分析方法-------------------------------------------------28
第伍章 統計分析--------------------------------------------------------30
第一節 前測--------------------------------------------------------------30
第二節 研究樣本敘述性統計---------------------------------------32
第三節 模型適配度檢驗---------------------------------------------35
第四節 信度與效度分析---------------------------------------------36
第五節 假說驗證-------------------------------------------------------39
第六節 小結-------------------------------------------------------------43
第陸章 結論與建議----------------------------------------------------46
第一節 研究發現與討論---------------------------------------------46
第二節 理論意涵-------------------------------------------------------47
第三節 實務意涵-------------------------------------------------------48
第四節 未來研究與限制---------------------------------------------49
附錄 問卷-----------------------------------------------------------------57

圖2-1 台灣農場分佈圖-------------------------------------------------7
圖2-2 農場活動參與互動關係--------------------------------------11
圖3-1 研究架構圖------------------------------------------------------19
圖5-1 研究假說推論SEM分析結果--------------------------------45

表2-1 傳統行銷與體驗行銷差異------------------------------------12
表2-2 行銷體驗相關研究----------------------------------------------16
表4-1 互動程度衡量題項----------------------------------------------25
表4-2 體驗行銷衡量題項----------------------------------------------26
表4-3 再遊意願衡量題項----------------------------------------------27
表4-4 人口統計衡量題項----------------------------------------------28
表5-1 前側樣本敘述性統計------------------------------------------30
表5-2 農場活動互動程度量表---------------------------------------32
表5-3 實測樣本敘述性統計------------------------------------------33
表5-4 參與互動體驗農場---------------------------------------------34
表5-5 模型配適度分析表---------------------------------------------35
表5-6 信效度分析表---------------------------------------------------36
表5-7 相關係數矩陣---------------------------------------------------37
表5-8 區辨效度分析Ⅰ--------------------------------------------------38
表5-9 區辨效度分析Ⅱ-------------------------------------------------38
表5-10 區辨效度分析Ⅲ----------------------------------------------38
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