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論文名稱 Title |
以關係型態的觀點探討 LINE官方帳號訊息對購買意願和品牌態度 The influence of information from LINE offical account on purchase intention and brand attitude through the perspective of relationshiop norms |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
99 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-01-13 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-01-24 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
行動通訊、廣告目標、關係型態、購買意圖、品牌態度、社群媒體行銷 mobile communications, advertising objective, relationship norms, purchase intentions, brand image, social media marketing |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 561 次,被下載 105 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 561 times, has been downloaded 105 times. |
中文摘要 |
LINE 的官方帳號是近年來 LINE APP 功能的新興議題,因為 LINE 所研發的 群組功能擁有即時性、資訊性;在商業功能部份,因 LINE 官方帳號的上架,企業 紛紛藉由 LINE 官方帳號的社群功能,進行產品推廣和服務的行銷。據觀察,目 前對於 LINE 官方帳號在訊息廣告內容與消費者行為的研究甚是少見。有鑑於 此,本研究以 LINE 官方帳號的廣告訊息內容,加以整理歸納三種類型為背景, 探討不同消費者人際關係型態(共有型、交換型)下,對購買意圖與品牌態度的影 響。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,共收回有效樣本問卷共計706份,針對訊息 類型、關係型態、購買意願與品牌態度之間的測量,探討自變項和應變項的關係之 外,並觀其關係型態的中介效果。本研究結果發現,LINE官方帳號的訊息類型都 正面影響共有型關係型態,共有型關係型態達到間接影響的效果,並進一步促進購 買意願、提高對品牌態度正面影響。而交換型關係型態對LINE的新品訊息呈現不 顯著,新品訊息無法達到交換型關係型態的需求,對於購買意願、品牌態度無顯著 影響,但是LINE的促銷訊息、知識訊息對交換型關係型態和共有型關係型態一樣, 都有顯著的正向影響,也達到間接的效果。 因為國人使用LINE有的高黏著度,本研究以商業性的LINE訊息類型透過關 係型態的間接效果,提供建議給使用中或即將使用LINE官方帳號行銷的企業,可 以針對不同類型的消費者,有效調整行銷訊息的內容,將行銷效益發揮到最高。 |
Abstract |
LINE's official account is an emerging topic of the LINE APP function in recent years, because the group function developed by LINE is real-time and informative; in the business function, due to the launch of LINE's official account, companies have used LINE's official account. The community function of the account is used for product promotion and service marketing. However, little research has been done on LINE's official account on message content and consumer behavior. In view of this, this study uses the content of advertising messages of LINE official accounts to organize and summarize three types of backgrounds to explore the impact of different consumer relationship types (shared, exchanged) on purchase intentions and brand attitudes. In this study, the questionnaire survey method was used for research, and a total of 706 valid sample questionnaires were collected. For the measurement of message type, relationship type, purchase intention and brand attitude, it explored the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables, and observed The mediating effect of its relationship type. The results of this study found that the types of messages on LINE's official accounts all positively affected the type of shared relationship, and the type of shared relationship had an indirect effect, further promoting purchase intention and improving the positive impact on brand attitudes; while the exchange relationship type had an indirect effect. LINE's new product information is not significant, new product information cannot meet the needs of exchange-type relationship, and has no significant impact on purchase intention and brand attitude, but LINE's promotional information and knowledge information have an impact on exchange-type relationship and shared relationship. Like the state, there are significant positive effects, and indirect effects are also achieved. Chinese people have a high degree of stickiness in using LINE. This study uses commercial LINE message types through the indirect effect of relationship types to provide suggestions to companies that are using or about to use LINE official accounts for marketing, and effectively adjust marketing for different types of consumers. The content of the message maximizes marketing effectiveness. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目錄 審定書.........................................................................................................ⅰ 謝誌............................................................................................................ ⅱ 摘要...........................................................................................................ⅲ ABSTRACT.............................................................................................. ⅳ 目錄...........................................................................................................ⅵ 第一章、 緒論.......................................................................................... 1 第一節、 研究背景................................................................................................ 1 第二節、 研究動機................................................................................................ 5 第三節、 研究問題................................................................................................ 8 第四節、 研究目的................................................................................................ 8 第二章、 文獻探討................................................................................ 10 第一節、 社群媒體 LINE APP............................................................................ 10 第二節、 LINE 官方帳號的訊息類型................................................................ 13 第三節、 關係型態的定義.................................................................................. 19 第四節、 品牌態度.............................................................................................. 24 第五節、 購買意願.............................................................................................. 25 第三章、 研究架構與假說推論............................................................ 27 第一節、 研究架構.............................................................................................. 27 第二節、 研究假說.............................................................................................. 27 第四章、 統計檢定................................................................................ 35 第一節、 研究方法.............................................................................................. 35 第二節、 研究變數操作與問卷設計.................................................................. 35 第三節、 資料分析方法...................................................................................... 38 第五章、 統計分析................................................................................ 40 第一節、 研究樣本敘述性統計.......................................................................... 40 第二節、 模型配適度檢驗.................................................................................. 42 第三節、 信度與效度分析.................................................................................. 43 第四節、 假說驗證.............................................................................................. 46 第五節、 小結...................................................................................................... 52 第六章、 結論與建議............................................................................ 58 第一節、 主要研究發現與討論.......................................................................... 58 第二節、 理論意涵.............................................................................................. 60 第三節、 實務貢獻.............................................................................................. 61 第四節、 研究限制與未來研究方向.................................................................. 62 參考文獻.................................................................................................. 64 附錄.......................................................................................................... 73 圖目錄 圖 1 行動裝置普及率.................................................................................................... 2 圖 2 網路使用行為........................................................................................................ 3 圖 3 網路服務使用項目 Top 5...................................................................................... 3 圖 4 網路購物行為 Top 5.............................................................................................. 4 圖 5 廣告 5Ms.............................................................................................................. 14 圖 6 擷取 Tomods 特美事/生活市集 LINE 官方帳號............................................... 16 圖 7 擷取摩斯漢堡 LINE 官方帳號........................................................................... 17 圖 8 擷取 COACH LINE 官方帳號.......................................................................... 18 圖 9 擷取 IKEA LINE 官方帳號.............................................................................. 19 圖 10 研究架構圖........................................................................................................ 27 圖 11 擷取小美日記 / UNIQLO LINE 官方帳號.................................................... 28 圖 12 擷取 TOMMY HILFIGER 服飾 LINE 官方帳號............................................. 30 圖 13 假設檢定的結果架構圖..................................................................................... 57 表目錄 表 1 社群聯繫(Community affiliation)分類................................................................. 12 表 2 關係型態研究整理.............................................................................................. 22 表 3 樣本敘述性統計................................................................................................... 40 表 4 模型配適度分析表............................................................................................... 43 表 5 信效度分析表....................................................................................................... 44 表 6 相關係數矩陣....................................................................................................... 45 表 7 本研究之標準化係數與 p 值彙整....................................................................... 47 表 8 本研究中介路徑分析表....................................................................................... 50 表 9 本研究中介路徑比較分析表............................................................................... 51 表 10 本研究假說推論彙整表..................................................................................... 55 |
參考文獻 References |
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