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Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment as Mediators of the Relationship between Work Values and Job Performance
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Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement, Job Performance, Work Values
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本研究目的旨在於探討工作價值觀對於工作績效之影響,並進一步去探究不同類型的工作價值觀(Intrinsic Rewards、Extrinsic Rewards、Leisure Rewards、Social Rewards、Altruistic Rewards)對於工作績效的影響力之高低。此外,本研究亦同時探討了工作投入以及組織承諾是否在工作價值觀和工作績效之間的關係當中具有中介效果。本研究採用網路問卷的形式蒐集資料,收回了493份有效問卷,並使用IBM SPSS來進行描述性統計分析、信度分析、相關分析以及迴歸分析。在迴歸分析的部分,同時使用了由Andrew F. Hayes所開發的外掛程式—PROCESS macro for SPSS。研究結果發現,工作價值觀對於工作投入、組織承諾以及工作績效皆有顯著且正向的關係。此外,工作投入以及組織承諾對於工作績效也具有顯著且正向的關係。迴歸分析的結果也顯示了工作投入以及組織承諾對於工作價值觀和工作績效之間的關係都具有部分中介效果。
The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of work values on job performance, and to further explore the impact of different types of work values (Intrinsic Rewards, Extrinsic Rewards, Leisure Rewards, Social Rewards, Altruistic Rewards) on job performance. In addition, this study also explored whether job involvement and organizational commitment have a mediating effect on the relationship between work values and job performance. This study collected data by distributing online questionnaires and collected 493 valid responses, then used IBM SPSS to conduct descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. For regression analysis, a plug-in program developed by Andrew F. Hayes, PROCESS macro for SPSS, is also used. The results of the study found that work values have a significant and positive relationship with job involvement, organizational commitment and job performance. In addition, job involvement and organizational commitment also have a significant and positive relationship with job performance. Besides, the results of regression analyses show that job involvement and organizational commitment have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between work values and job performance.
目次 Table of Contents
1. Introduction_____1
2. Literature Review_____3
2.1 Work Values_____3
2.1.1 The Definition of Value_____3
2.1.2 The Definition of Work Values_____3
2.1.3 The Categorization of Work Values_____4
2.1.4 The Measurement of Work Values_____5
2.2 Job Performance_____8
2.2.1 The Definition of Job Performance_____8
2.2.2 The Dimensions of Job Performance_____8
2.2.3 The Measurement of Job Performance_____9
2.3 Job Involvement_____10
2.3.1 The Definition of Job Involvement_____10
2.3.2 The Measurement of Job Involvement_____12
2.4 Organizational Commitment_____13
2.4.1 The Definition of Organizational Commitment_____13
2.4.2 The Categorization of Organizational Commitment_____17
2.4.3 The Measurement of Organizational Commitment_____19
2.5 Relationships between the Variables_____19
2.5.1 Work Values and Job Performance_____19
2.5.2 Job Involvement as a Mediator_____20
2.5.3 Organizational commitment as a Mediator_____20
2.5.4 Hypotheses_____21
3. Methods_____22
3.1 Research Framework_____22
3.2 Research Hypotheses_____22
3.3 Operational Definitions of Each Variable_____23
3.3.1 Work Values_____23
3.3.2 Job Performance_____24
3.3.3 Job Involvement_____27
3.3.4 Organizational Commitment_____28
3.4 Research Subject_____30
3.5 Demographics_____30
3.6 Data Analysis_____31
4. Results_____33
4.1 Questionnaire Collection_____33
4.2 Descriptive Statistics_____33
4.3 Reliability Analysis_____35
4.4 Correlation Analysis_____37
4.5 Regression Analysis_____40
5. Conclusions_____47
5.1 Research Conclusions_____47
5.2 Managerial Implications_____49
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions_____51
Appendix: Questions for Each Variable in the Questionnaire_____63
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