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博碩士論文 etd-0026124-180044 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0026124-180044
Exploring the Practice of Marketing Strategies of Non-profit Organizations from the Perspective of Integrated Marketing Communications: Take the Media Pioneer Team of M Organization as an Example
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
non-profit organization, integrated marketing communications, marketing strategy, Christianity, CORPS
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最後,本研究以整合行銷傳播的觀點,為其擬定有效的行銷策略: (一)強化組織目標(二)使命具體化、以實際工作成效募款(三)聚焦受眾,以差異化定位作為傳播策略以解決其所面臨的困難。

During the severe pandemic in 2021, the researcher worked as non-full-time staff member in the non-profit organization. The organization's core purpose is to preach the gospel, actively carrying out integrated and contemporary missionary work, and providing multimedia gospel content services through managing social media and video platforms.
The challenges faced by the case organization, in addition to the common difficulties encountered by non-profit organizations such as insufficient funding, lack of organizational visibility, and unclear mission, have been further complicated by the establishment of online evangelism platforms by various churches during the pandemic. This has necessitated a rethinking of the organization's original mission and positioning. Furthermore, the impact of the pandemic has reduced opportunities for communication and cohesion between the organization, volunteers, and believers, making it necessary to strengthen interaction with stakeholders and adapt to the fragmented information landscape of the post-pandemic era. This requires integrating the organization's mission, evangelism content, and other aspects through multi-channel marketing and communication efforts.
This study adopts a qualitative research approach, using case study method, to explore the current development status of M organization's media advance team in terms of their service targets, operations, resources, participants, and services through secondary data analysis and in-depth interviews. The study found that the case organization is facing challenges such as lack of professional manpower, insufficient funds, and difficulties in attracting and training volunteers.
Finally, this study proposes effective marketing strategies for the organization from the perspective of Integrated Marketing Communication: (1) Strengthening organizational goals, (2) Specifying the mission, using actual work results for fundraising, and (3) Focusing on the audience, using differentiation positioning as a communication strategy to address the difficulties they are facing.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
英文摘要 iv
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究流程4
第貳章、文獻探討 6
第一節 非營利組織6
第二節 非營利組織的經營管理8
第三節 非營利組織之挑戰10
第四節 非營利組織行銷12
第五節 整合行銷傳播 14
第參章、研究方法 20
第一節 個案研究法 20
第二節 個案介紹 21
第三節 訪談對象24
第四節 訪談大綱 24
第一節 M組織發展現況分析27
第三節 M組織媒體先行團隊之整合行銷傳播策略39
第一節 研究結論42
第二節 研究貢獻45
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議46
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