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Nonfamily Employees' Perceptions of Family Employer Brand and Turnover Intention: a Mediation and Moderation Model from the Job Embeddedness Perspective
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employer brand, motivation, occupational rank, turnover intention, work engagement, nonfamily employee
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本研究主要目的是以組織功能屬性與象徵屬性進行調查在職非家族員工對家族企業的品牌之評價,並檢驗家族企業雇主品牌之感知對其目前工作和組織的態度與行為;另檢驗在工作敬業的中介作用之下,非家族員工對功能屬性及象徵屬性之感知對其離職意願的影響。此外,本研究亦檢驗了非家族員工的職級及動機對功能屬性與象徵屬性與工作敬業關係之調節影響。本研究採量化研究法,進行蒐集越南家族企業之實徵數據,由非家族員工與其直屬主管共同作答,共收集209份之問卷。所獲得資料以偏最小平方法的結構方程模型(PLS-SEM),與SMARTPLS 3.0軟體進行資料分析。研究結果如下:(1)非家族員工對其所在的家族企業有相當正面的評價;(2)非家族員工對家族企業的功能屬性感知與其離職意願未達顯著相關,而對象徵屬性的感知達顯著相關;(3)工作敬業在非家族員工的功能屬性感知與離職意願之間有完全中介作用,在非家族員工象徵屬性感知與離職意願之間有部分中介作用;(4)非家族員工動機的調節作用未得到支持;(5)當職級為非家族員工感知與工作敬業的調節變項,結果顯示藍領員工在功能屬性感知與工作敬業之關係較好,而白領員工在象徵屬性感知與工作敬業之關係較好。本研究之結果提供相關理論及管理內涵,並供家族企業研究及管理其雇主品牌與如何保有家族企業之優質勞動力作為參考。

The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of nonfamily employees’ perceptions of the family employer brand (FEB), based on the organizational instrumental and symbolic attributes, on turnover intention, and the mediator (i.e., work engagement) and moderator (i.e., work motivation and occupational rank) for this relationship. More specifically this study assesses the evaluation of incumbent nonfamily employees in the family business on the employer brand based on the organizational instrumental and symbolic attributes. In addition, the impact of nonfamily employees’ perceptions of instrumental attributes and symbolic attributes on their turnover intention with the mediating role of work engagement. In addition, the moderating effects of occupational rank and motivation of nonfamily employees in the relationship between their perceptions of instrumental attributes and symbolic attributes on work engagement were tested.
This study used the quantitative research approach with empirical data collected from a survey of target respondents working in family businesses in Vietnam. 209 pairs of nonfamily employees and their direct managers data was collected by structured questionnaires with two raters (nonfamily employees and their direct managers).
The results of the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with SMARTPLS 3.0 found that: (1) nonfamily employees had a relatively positive evaluation on the family business where they are working for; (2) nonfamily employees’ perceptions of instrumental attributes of family business are not correlated to their turnover intention while their perceptions of symbolic attributes are significantly correlated; (3) work engagement fully mediates the relationship between nonfamily employees’ perceptions of instrumental attributes and their turnover intention while partially mediates the relationship between nonfamily employees’ perceptions of symbolic attributes and their turnover intention; (4) the moderating effect of nonfamily employees’ motivation were not supported; (5) the occupational rank moderates the relationship between nonfamily employees’ perceptions and work engagement, such that, the relationship between nonfamily employees’ perceptions instrumental attributes and work engagement stronger for blue-collar workers while the relationship between nonfamily employees’ perceptions of symbolic attributes and work engagement stronger for white-collar workers.
These findings are expected to benefit theoretical and managerial implications for employer brand research as well as managing and retaining the workforce in family businesses.
目次 Table of Contents
Dissertation validation letter i
Acknowledgements ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of content vi
Table of figures viii
Table of tables ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literature review and hypotheses development 12
2.1. Definition of family business 12
2.2. Theory and hypothesis development 13
2.2.1. The job embeddedness theory 13
2.2.2. Family business employer brand, work engagement, and turnover intention 14
2.2.3. Moderating effects of nonfamily employee heterogeneity 21
Chapter 3. Research methodology 27
3.1. Research framework and research process 27
3.2. Samples 29
3.3. Measures 34
3.4. Data analysis 38
3.4.1. The measurement model assessment 39
3.4.2. The structural model assessment 42
Chapter 4. Results 45
4.1. Measurement items descriptive and correlation analysis 45
4.2. Measurement model assessment 50
4.2.1. First-order construct measurement model assessment 50
4.2.2. Seccond-order construct measurement model assessment 56
4.2.3. Common method variance. 59
4.3. Structural model assessment and hypotheses testing 60
4.4. Robustness check 70
Chapter 5. Discussion and Conclusion 72
5.1. Discussion 72
5.2. Theoretical Contributions 76
5.3. Limitations and future recommendations 77
5.4. Managerial and Practical Implications 79
References 83
Appendix 91
Appendix 1. Questionnaire for Employees 92
Appendix 2. Questionnaire for managers 95
Appendix 3. Measurement Scales 96
Appendix 4. Robustness check model 99
Appendix 5. The results of statistical analysis model – Robustness check 100
Appendix 6. Consent forms of the experts participating in this study 102
Appendix 7. Recommendation letter to the target companies 104

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