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Title page for etd-0311123-120602
Development of Reasons for Promotion Plateauing Scale
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reasons of promotion plateauing, scale development, career development, job involvement, career satisfaction
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近年來,職場中員工不想升遷的議題備受關注,且員工對於職涯的價值觀開始產生轉變,過去強調持續在組織中升遷的職涯路徑不再吸引所有的員工,但目前尚未有良好的量測工具來協助研究了解員工不願意升遷的內部因素。本研究在檢視Godshalk與Fender (2015) 於研究中所使用之組織層級型職涯停滯的內部因素量表後,發現量表中題項較少,且於同個構念中題項間彼此所衡量的概念差異較大。因此,本研究共分為三個研究,並依循Hinkin (1998) 對於量表發展步驟的建議,於研究一針對55位全職工作者,蒐集169則有效關鍵事例,經由專家效度審核後,發展量表題項;研究二則將樣本分成樣本一 (N = 201) 與樣本二 (N = 200) 共計 401 位全職工作者做為量表施測對象,分別經由探索性因素針對樣本一分析萃取八個因素,以及針對樣本二進行驗證性因素分析後顯示模型適配度良好,發展出八構面共34 題之升遷停滯成因量表 (Reasons of Promotion Plateauing Scale)。最後,研究三透過跨樣本之量表再驗證 (N = 142),衡量本研究量表與效標之間的相關係數以增加研究結果的類推性,同時,本研究量表與員工工作投入與職涯滿意皆呈現顯著正向關聯性,顯示量表對於效標變項具有解釋力。最後,針對研究結果進行討論,並依據員工不想升遷的八個原因分別提出建議措施。
Employees who do not want to be promoted in the workplace have attracted much attention lately, indicating that employees have begun to change their values toward careers. In other words, the career path that emphasizes continuous promotion in the organization only attracts some employees. However, based on previous studies, there is a lack of measurement tools to understand the internal plateauing factors of employees’ desires not to be promoted further. The current study aims to examine Godshalk and Fender's (2015) internal reasons for the structural plateauing scale. However, it turns out that this scale consists of only a few items, fails to fully define the concept, and the high correlation between the items is unexpected. To better understand employees’ low willingness for promotions, the current study is divided into three studies and follows Hinkin's (1998) suggestion on the scale development steps. In the first study, 169 responses were collected from 55 full-time employees for the critical incident technique, and the scale items were developed through expert judgment. After the above steps were all carefully followed, in the second study, the surveys are divided into sample 1 (N = 201) and sample 2 (N = 200) for further analysis. The result of the exploratory factor analysis showed that eight factors were extracted, and the result of the confirmatory factor analysis showed the eight factors model was loaded as expected. In the end, the Reasons of Promotion Plateauing Scale with eight dimensions and 34 items in total was developed. Furthermore, Study 3 (N = 142) measured the degree of correlation between the scale and the criterion. At the same time, the Reasons of Promotion Plateauing Scale showed a significant positive correlation between work engagement and career satisfaction, indicating that this scale has explanatory power for the criterion variables. Finally, discussions and implications are presented according to the eight reasons why employees desire not to be promoted.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 職涯發展與升遷之研究 5
第二節 職涯停滯內部成因 8
第三節 現行衡量職涯停滯內部成因之工具 11
第四節 背景變項與效標關聯效度 13
第三章 研究方法 15
第一節 量表發展程序 15
第二節 研究樣本 17
第四章 研究結果 18
研究一、關鍵事例收集 18
步驟一 量表題項發展 18
步驟二 量表題項精簡與內容效度 25
一、 量表題項精簡 25
二、 專家效度 34
研究二、量表施測 48
步驟三 問卷施測與因素分析 48
一、 量表施測對象 48
二、 樣本一量表分析 52
三、 樣本二量表之分析 57
研究三、效標關聯效度 77
一、跨樣本之量表再驗證 77
步驟四 構念效度 85
一、 效標關聯效度 85
第五章 討論與建議 88
第一節 研究結果討論 88
第二節 管理實務建議 99
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 102
參考文獻 105
附錄 111
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