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博碩士論文 etd-0419123-082434 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0419123-082434
Forecasting Trading Signals for Taiwanese Stocks using Price-Volume Information and Brokerage Branch Buy-Sell Daily Reports: Application of Machine Learning
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
lightGBM machine learning algorithm, daily reports of broker branch in the Taiwan stock market, trading signals, potential profits and risks, price and volume
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 227 times, has been downloaded 20 times.
This study aims to explore the feasibility of using price and volume information, as well as daily reports of broker branch, to predict trading signals in the Taiwan stock market. The research focuses on the period between 2013 and 2020, selecting the highest market capitalization stocks in each industry at the beginning of 2013 to analyze the overall Taiwan stock market. The study examines whether data on price, volume, and daily reports of broker branch can efficiently predict future trading signals for the entire Taiwan stock market.The study uses the lightGBM machine learning algorithm to train and test trading signals based on information such as price, volume, and daily reports of broker branch in the Taiwan stock market. Unlike typical predictions of stock price movements, the trading signals predicted in this study refer to exit signals after buying stocks (expiration, stop loss, and stop profit). This approach improves the uncertainty in previous research frameworks regarding potential profits and risks.The research findings indicate that stocks with different industry attributes exhibit different reactions to data features related to price.The study compares the effects of different features and parameters on the model. It indicates that data features derived from daily reports of broker branches are as important as price and volume data features when combined in model training and prediction. The study provides a detailed analysis and discussion of the model's performance based on these features.According to the results, the most influential feature in the model is typically the standard deviation of prices over a certain period, which represents the volitility of stock during that time and has a significant impact on the prediction of future trading signals. Additionally, the concentration of net buying and selling by major broker branch investors also has a certain impact on the model.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
緒論 1
1-1. 研究背景簡介 1
1-2. 研究動機與目的 1
1-3. 研究架構 2
1. 文獻探討 3
2-1. 投資人類別與交易分析 3
2-2. 機器學習與股市預測 3
2. 研究資料與方法 5
3-1. 研究資料 5
3-2. 研究模型介紹 5
3-2-1. 梯度提升機(Gradient Boosting Machine) 5
3-2-2. 輕量梯度提升模型(Light Gradient Boosting) 5
3-3. 機器學習標籤制定規則(LABELS) 6
3-4. 機器學習所用到的特徵(FEATURES) 6
3-4-1. 收盤價 6
3-4-2. 成交值 6
3-4-3. 累計成交量 7
3-4-4. 主力券商淨買賣超 7
3-4-5. 主力買賣超集中度 7
3-4-6. 買賣家數差 7
3-4-7. 過去一段時間的累積報酬率(動能) 8
3-4-8. 過去一段時間的最大回檔 8
3-4-9. 移動平均線 8
3-4-10. 股價標準差 9
3-4-11. 股價當前位階 9
3-4-12. 價格突破策略訊號 9
3-5. 研究方法設計 10
3-5-1. 樣本內樣本外測試 10
3-6. 機器學習績效評估 10
3-6-1. 混淆矩陣 10
3. 研究資料與方法 12
4-1. 模型參數處理 12
4-1-1. 資料預處理 12
4-1-2. 特徵值敘述統計 12
4-1-3. Label值敘述統計 13
4-1-4. 特徵資料標準化 13
4-1-5. 特徵相關性檢定 14
4-2. 模型預測結果分析 14
4-2-1. Feature 重要性 14
4-2-3. 混沌矩陣 15
4. 結論 18
5. 未來研究建議 18
6. 參考文獻 19
中文部分 19
英文部分 19

圖1. 預測LABEL差異圖 32
圖2. 交易訊號與收盤價共同繪製圖 33
圖3. 累計成交量與收盤價共同繪製圖 34
圖4. 主力券商淨買超與收盤價共同繪製圖 35
圖5. 主力買賣超集中度與收盤價共同繪製圖 36
圖6. 買賣家數差與收盤價共同繪製圖 37
圖7. 累積報酬率與收盤價共同繪製圖 38
圖8. 最大回檔與收盤價共同繪製圖 39
圖9. 移動平均線與收盤價共同繪製圖 40
圖10. 股價標準差與收盤價共同繪製圖 41
圖11. 股價當前位階與收盤價共同繪製圖 42
圖12. 價格突破策略訊號與收盤價共同繪製圖 43
圖13. 模型預測與實際的結果繪製 44
圖14. 台積電特徵相關性 45
圖15. 台積電特徵重要性 46
圖16. 重要特徵前10名出現排行 47
圖17. 台積電混沌矩陣圖 48

表1 – 研究標的清單 22
表2 – 各產業特徵敘述統計1 23
表3 – 各產業特徵敘述統計2 24
表4 – 各產業特徵敘述統計3 25
表5 – 各產業特徵敘述統計4 26
表6 – 各產業特徵敘述統計5 27
表7 – 各產業類別樣本次數 28
表8 – 台積電混沌矩陣評價指標 29
表9 – 各產業混沌矩陣評價指標 30
表10 – 全樣本混沌矩陣敘述統計 31

參考文獻 References
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