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Title page for etd-0430123-171932
Investigating models of business students' internship experiences
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business internships, motives, identity transition, profession identity, internship strategies, qualitative studies
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本研究採用詮釋性質性研究方法,探討學生選擇實習的動機、實習過程中使用的策略,以及他們從實習中獲得的收穫。以立意抽樣選擇來自不同行業的實習生,並使用雪球抽樣方法招集參與者,直到資料飽和為止,總共收集了 18 位參與者資料。研究過程包括進行面對面訪談、對質性資料進行編碼,以及參考資訊蒐集、身份轉變和職業身份認同的理論觀點。


Internship is an activity that students commonly participate in, and previous studies have evaluated the pros and cons of internships. It is worth noting that how students
experience their internships has been out of research. This study intends to fulfill this gap by studying students’ experiences and their gains from internships. And we have objects as following: why students choose to do internships, what strategies students use during the internship experience, and what students gain from internships.
This study adopts an interpretative qualitative research method to investigate the motives, strategies, and gains attributed to the internship experiences of MBA students
in National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU). With the aim of purposive sampling, interns from various industries were selected, and additional participants, up to a total of
18, were generated using the snowball sampling method until data saturation was reached. In general, this study involves conducting face-to-face interviews, coding the
qualitative data, and being informed by the theoretical perspectives of information seeking, identity transition, and possible selves.
The findings of this study will contribute to the identification of three distinct categories among the interns: exploration-oriented, ideal-oriented, and career-oriented.
Based on their initial motives, each group demonstrates varying levels of exploration and commitment, but all share a common focus on career development. For exploration-oriented group, they are open to new opportunities and willing to explore potentials in career. For ideal-oriented group, they have already set an ideal career image in their
minds and will need internship opportunities to validate or modify it. For career-oriented group, they regard internship opportunities as a way of advancing their career
development, showcasing their ambition and deliberate actions. In essence, each group approaches internships with either instrumental or non-instrumental mindset, aiming to
achieve their desired outcomes. It is also found that the strategies adopted by these three groups of interns are closely related to human capital and social capital.
Overall, this study shed light on the various ways in which interns engage with their internship experiences, offering a deeper understanding of their individual perspectives
and the factors that shape their internship journeys. These findings can inform educators in designing effective internship programs, guide students in maximizing the benefits of their internships, and assist employers in creating supportive and meaningful internship opportunities.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Motivation to This Research 9
1.3 Research Objectives 11
1.4 Research Structure 12
2. Literature Review 15
2.1 Business Internship 15
2.2 Expectations Toward Internship 17
2.2.1. Educators’ Perspective 18
2.2.2. Employers’ Perspective 21
2.2.3. Students’ Perspective 23
2.3 Identity Transition 24
2.4 Internship and Job Search 31
2.4.1. Human Capital 32
2.4.2. Social Capital 35
2.4.3. The Impact of Human Capital And Social Capital On Job Search 37
3. Methodology 45
3.1 Research Method 45
3.2 The Developmental Process of This Research 48
3.3 Research Setting 50
3.4 Data Collection 51
3.5 Data Analysis 61
4. Research Findings 75
4.1 Career-oriented 75
4.1.1 Noah’s Case 77
4.1.2 Hannah’s Case 83
4.1.3 Grace’s Case 87
4.1.4 Sense Of Achievement 95
4.2 Ideal-oriented 96
4.2.1 Lucas’s Case 99
4.2.2 Emma’s Case 105
4.3 Exploration-oriented 111
4.3.1 Mia’s Case 113
4.3.2 Zoe’s Case 116
4.4 Summary 121
5. Discussion and Conclusion 131
5.1 Conclusion 131
5.2 Implications from This Research 133
5.2.1 Implications to Educators 133
5.2.2 Implications to Employers 134
5.2.3 Implications to Students 135
5.3 Contribution to Theories 136
5.4 Limitations and suggestions 138
6. References 141

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