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論文名稱 Title |
穿越時空的迷人體驗:探討歷史服務場域之消費體驗與沈浸感 Fascinating experience through time and space:Discussion of the consumption experience and immersion in historical Servicescape |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
120 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-05-22 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-06-02 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
感官美學、個人懷舊、歷史懷舊、服務場域、形態美學、沈浸感、體驗行銷 Personal Nostalgia, Historical Nostalgia, Servicescape, Sensory Aesthetics, Formal Aesthetics, Immersion, Experiential Marketing |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 155 次,被下載 13 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 155 times, has been downloaded 13 times. |
中文摘要 |
近幾年人們對於歷史建築再造,活化成為商業及藝文空間相當感興趣,我們可以從市場趨勢看見消費者偏好歷史古蹟再造的服務場所,本研究側重於探討消費者對歷史空間的偏好現象,透過基於服務場域(Servicescape)理論為基礎,以問卷調查方式,測量其歷史服務場域之自變項歷史懷舊、個人懷舊及感官美學、形態美學,之於中介變項感官、情感、思考體驗,與依變項沈浸感多個變項之間的因果關係,藉此了解人們沈浸於歷史服務場域的偏好路徑。 本研究以年滿18歲且在五年內曾自己或和朋友家人一起前往老宅、古蹟所改造之具有歷史感的服務場所,享受用餐、住宿、看展等服務經驗之使用者為做為施測樣本,共收集了555份樣本,之後採用R Studio作為統計分析工具,以CFA進行信度與效度的檢測,並且透過SEM模型驗證研究假說。 研究結果表明,歷史服務場域有別於一般商業空間透過豐富的感官體驗來增加消費者對於品牌的知覺價值,偏好歷史場域的消費者,反而更加重視其情感及思考體驗所帶來的沈浸感受,業者可更佳的善用歷史空間本身的故事性,設計其相關服務內容及行銷活動,提供消費者更佳的情感及思考體驗。 |
Abstract |
Abstract In recent years, people have been very interested in the revitalization of historical buildings which transformed into commercial and cultural spaces. Market trends indicates that consumers prefer service establishments located in historical landmarks. This study focuses on the phenomenon of consumers' preference for historical space, using the theory of Servicescape as basis, and employing questionnaire surveys to measure the independent variable Historical Nostalgia, Personal Nostalgia, Sensory Aesthetics, and Formal Aesthetics of the Historical Servicescape, It examines the causal relationships between these variables and the mediating variables of sensory, emotional, and cognitive experiences, as well as the dependent variable of immersion. so as to understand people's preference path for immersion in Historical Servicescape. In this study, users who are 18 years old or older and have gone to old houses and historic service places transformed by themselves or with friends and family members within five years to enjoy dining, accommodation, exhibitions and other services as the test samples. A total of 555 samples were collected. Afterwards, R Studio was used as a statistical analysis tool, CFA was used to test the reliability and validity, and the research hypothesis was verified through the SEM model. The research results show that the historical service field is different from the general commercial space through rich sensory experience to increase consumers' perceived value of the brand. Consumers who prefer historical fields pay more attention to the immersion brought by their emotional and thinking experience. The industry can better use the story of the historical space itself, design its related service content and marketing activities, and provide consumers with better emotional and thinking experience. Keywords: Servicescape, Historical Nostalgia, Personal Nostalgia, Sensory Aesthetics, Formal Aesthetics, Immersion, Experiential Marketing. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目 錄 論文審定書 i 致 謝 iii 摘 要 iv Abstract v 目 錄 vi 圖 次 vii 表 次 viii 第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究動機10 第三節 研究問題12 第四節 研究目的13 第貳章 文獻回顧14 第一節 服務場域理論14 第二節 體驗行銷理論30 第三節 沈浸感35 第參章 研究架構與假說39 第一節 研究架構39 第二節 研究假說39 第肆章 研究方法47 第一節 問卷調查法47 第二節 研究對象47 第三節 問卷設計47 第伍章 研究分析與結果53 第一節 模型配適度檢驗56 第二節 假說驗證59 第三節 小結74 第陸章 研究結論與建議80 第一節 研究發現與討論81 第三節 實務意涵88 第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向91 參考文獻93 中文文獻93 英文文獻96 附錄 問卷100 |
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