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博碩士論文 etd-0503123-125446 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0503123-125446
Exploring Social Loafing in Metaverse Virtual Teams: Perspectives from Flow and Social Capital Theories
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Metaverse virtual teams, Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory, Flow theory, Social capital theory, Social loafing
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Traditional virtual teams have faced challenges in social loafing during the collaboration process due to the geographical dispersion of team members and the lack of face-to-face communication and interaction. However, the emergence of metaverse virtual teams, with their unique virtual environment and interactive features, along with the advancements in virtual reality technology, have facilitated more realistic, seamless, and interactive collaboration in virtual worlds, becoming a trend to address social loafing in traditional virtual teams. This study integrates the flow theory and social capital theory using the stimulus-organism-response model to investigate the impact of social loafing in virtual teams. We propose that the virtual environment of the metaverse promotes flow experiences, which in turn influence the establishment of social capital in virtual teams, ultimately reducing social loafing. In this study, participants were equipped with VR head-mounted displays to form metaverse virtual teams for the experiment and then completed questionnaires after the experiment. The results showed that the virtual environment of the metaverse facilitated the antecedents of flow, and through flow experiences, enhanced the establishment of social capital, with only relational social capital significantly and negatively affecting social loafing.
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