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博碩士論文 etd-0506122-133414 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0506122-133414
A Study of Relationships among Personality Traits, Ability to Modify Self-presentation, Sensitivity to Expressive Behavior of Others, and Consistency of Interest
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Consistency of Interest, Personality, Big-five personality traits, Ability to modify self-presentation, Sensitivity to expressive behavior of others, Thai employees
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The most recent discoveries in developmental psychology regarding the personal achievement is the new construct of consistency of interest. Little studies have been investigated its relevance with personality in different situations. The relationship between the consistency of interest among the Big Five personality traits, the ability to modify self-presentation, and sensitivity to the expressive behavior of others is being investigated. This research examined two research questions: (1) how human personality influences passion; and (2) how the ability to modify self-presentation and sensitivity to the expressive behavior of others affect the consistency of interest. An online survey was given to 261 Thai full-time employees in Thailand to test the hypothesis. The PLS-SEM analysis was used to examine the responses, which were supported by the SPSS28 program. According to the findings of 150 participants, conscientiousness has a positive effect on the consistency of interest, whilst neuroticism and sensitivity to expressive behavior of others have a negative effect. Besides, agreeableness has a positive effect on sensitivity to expressive behavior of others. According to the study, specific results and recommendations for further research will be given as references.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Thesis validation letter…………….……………………………………………….…………..…i
Abstract (Chinese)…………………………………………………………………….………….ii
Abstract (English)……………………………………………………………….………………iii
Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1
Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................4
Section 2.1 Consistency of Interest (CI)…………….......................................................4
Section 2.2 Personality Traits………………………........................................................5
Section 2.3 Ability to modify self-presentation (AMS), and Sensitivity to expressive behavior of others (SEN)……….………………...........................................................................6
Section 2.4 Mediating of Personality Traits-Ability to modify self-presentation (AMS), and Sensitivity to expressive behavior of others (SEN)………….................................................7
CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHOD........................................................................................13
Section 3.1 Research design……………………………………………………………15
Section 3.3 Data analysis……………….………………………………………………19
Chapter 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS………………………………………….……24
Section 4.1 Descriptions of respondents’ profile ……………………………...………24
Section 4.2 Measurement model evaluation……………………………………………27
Section 4.3 Structural model evaluation….…………………….………………………33
Section 4.4 Hypothesis Testing……….….…………………….………………………37
Chapter 5. CONCLUSION……….….…………………………...…….……………….………42
Section 5.1 Findings ……………………………………………...……………………43
Section 5.2 Contribution …………………………………………………….…………44
Section 5.3 Limitation …………………………………………………………………46
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