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Title page for etd-0512123-135054
Exploring NFT Purchase Intension Based on Transaction Cost Theory, Herd Behavior and Perceived Value
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NFT, Transaction Cost, Network Externalities, Herd Behavior, Perceived Value
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In 2021, the NFT market received a lot of attention and grew substantially. There were many well-known NFT transaction events, which cause many different types of projects to appear in the NFT market. The purpose of this study is to explore whether investors' transaction costs are significantly increased due to the perception of asset specificity and uncertainty when obtaining relevant information about NFTs and throughout the purchasing process. Additionally, by examining the extent of market participation, we aim to investigate whether investors are influenced by the opinions of others and exhibit herding behavior. Finally, through the combination of transaction costs, herding behavior, and investors' perceived value in purchasing NFTs, we seek to validate the purchase intention of NFTs. Due to NFTs being an emerging asset class, there has been limited academic research on purchase intentions. Therefore, it is our hope that the findings of this study can provide theoretical and practical recommendations for NFT project creators, trading platforms, and investors.

A total of 255 valid online questionnaires were collected in this study. The research results indicate that learning of asset specificity, environment uncertainty, process uncertainty and security uncertainty positively affect transaction costs. This study uses the number of traders and perceived complementarity as indicators of network externalities. It’s found that only the number of traders positively affect the degree to which investors imitate others and discount own information, and then promote investors to form normative conformity. Finally, the research results confirm that the increase in transaction costs will reduce investors' purchase intentions for NFTs, while perceived value and normative conformity will increase investors' NFT purchase intentions.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目 錄 iv
圖 次 vi
表 次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究問題與目的 3
第四節 研究方法與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 非同質化代幣 (Non-Fungible Token, NFT) 5
第二節 交易成本理論 (Transaction Cost Theory) 7
第三節 從眾行為 (Herding Behavior) 10
第四節 網路外部性 (Network Externality) 11
第五節 感知價值 (Perceived Value) 12
第三章 研究方法 14
第一節 研究模型 14
第二節 研究假說 15
第三節 操作型定義 21
第四節 研究設計 22
第四章 資料分析 33
第一節 樣本基本資料分析 33
第二節 衡量模型 36
第三節 結構模型及假說驗證 48
第五章 結論與建議 52
第一節 研究結果與建議 52
第二節 理論及實務意涵 55
第三節 研究限制 57
第四節 未來研究方向 58
參考文獻 60
附錄–本研究正式問卷 72
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