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Exploring the effects of schema incongruity on consumer re-sponses : An example of sports nutrition packaging.
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schema incongruity, product knowledge, information search, packaging, sports nutrition supplements, consumer behavior
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The majority of consumers will get to interact with product's packaging before the product itself, and vendors can express the information through the product packaging. The purpose of the present study is to apply the schema incongruity to the sports nutrition packaging, and explore how consumers’ knowledge of a product and the degree they process product information. The present study uses a two-stage questionnaire method. The preliminary information questionnaire is aimed to determine three types of packaging- complete consistency, moderate inconsistency, and complete inconsistency. The main questionnaire is conducted to measure the subjects’ knowledge of product and the degree they process information search. The result reveals that the moderated inconsistency in packaging can narrow the differences in the degree of information search among subjects with three levels of product knowledge.
Due to the lack of revelant researchs on the dietary supplements packaging in the past, the present study applies the schema incongruity theory to the rarely discussed field - dietary supplements, and comprehensively discusses the responses of information search among the consumers with different levels of product knowledge, which has not been studied by scholars so far. In terms of practical contributions, the study finds the phe-nomenon that consumers with different levels of product knowledge will show significant differences in response to packaging designs. Therefore, if manufactures consider the brand positioning and target audience before designing packaging, they can effectively attract consumers’ attention and motivate them to search for more product information.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
第壹章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究動機5
第貳章 文獻回顧8
第一節 基模不一致性理論8
第二節 產品知識13
第三節 食品與包裝的相關研究17
第四節 小結22
第參章 研究方法24
第一節 基模不一致性與產品包裝24
第二節 產品知識程度與訊息搜索程度間的關係26
第三節 小結27
第肆章 實驗設計29
第一節 前測實驗介紹29
第二節 主測實驗介紹34
第伍章 研究結果43
第一節 主測實驗樣本資料43
第二節 主測實驗信度分析45
第三節 主測實驗設計之基模性操弄46
第四節 研究假設之檢定49
第陸章 討論與貢獻60
第二節 研究貢獻63
第柒章 研究限制及未來建議66
第一節 研究限制66
第二節 未來研究建議68
第三節 結語70
附錄一 前測問卷86
附錄二 主測實驗問卷93
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