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Exploring pain-driven dual envy process linking relative job performance comparison with stars to non-star employees’ task performance and interpersonal withdrawal behavior: The moderating roles of perceived similarity, sense of competence and undeservingness.
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relative job performance comparison, pain, benign and malicious envy, task performance, interpersonal withdrawal behavior, perceived similarity, sense of competence, undeservingness
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本研究以汽車銷售業務人員作為研究對象,採用兩個時間點、主管部屬配對問卷的設計,共收集332份有效問卷資料。研究結果顯示 (1) 非明星員工經歷到的痛苦情緒,會透過提升其惡性妒羨而增加非明星員工後續的人際退縮行為、以及透過提升其良性妒羨而增加非明星員工後續的任務績效;(2) 當知覺勝任感越高時,會減弱痛苦和惡性妒羨的正向關係、且會減緩非明星員工經歷到的痛苦,透過惡性妒羨增加人際退縮行為之正向間接效果;(3) 當知覺他人不應得感越高時,會增強痛苦和惡性妒羨的正向關係、且會增強非明星員工經歷到的痛苦透過惡性妒羨增加人際退縮行為之正向間接效果;(4) 當知覺相似性越高時,會增強痛苦和惡性妒羨的正向關係、且會增強非明星員工經歷到的痛苦透過惡性妒羨增加人際退縮行為之正向間接效果;(5) 當知覺相似性越高時,亦會增強痛苦和良性妒羨的正向關係、且會增強非明星員工經歷到的痛苦透過良性妒羨增加其後續的任務績效之正向間接效果。
This study is based on the social comparison and pain-driven dual envy theory, exploring the positive and negative consequences of non-star employees' relative job performance comparisons with star employees: how non-star employees generate pain after relative job comparing with stars and subsequently trigger benign or malicious envy, which ultimately increases non-star employees’ task performance and interpersonal withdrawal behavior. In addition, we also examine whether perceived similarity, sense of competence and undeservingness act as critical boundary conditions of the dual envy pathway triggered by pain.
To test our proposed model, we collected data from 332 employee-supervisor pairs at two different time points. As expected, the results show that (1) pain positively predicts interpersonal withdrawal behavior through benign envy and positively predicts task performance through malicious envy. (2) Higher sense of competence weakens the positive relationship between pain and malicious envy, as well as attenuates the positive indirect effect of pain on interpersonal withdrawal behavior through malicious envy. (3) Higher undeservingness strengthens the positive relationship between pain and malicious envy, as well as enhances the positive indirect effect of pain on interpersonal withdrawal behavior through malicious envy. (4) Higher similarity strengthens the positive relationship between pain and malicious envy, as well as amplifies the positive indirect effect of pain on interpersonal withdrawal behavior through malicious envy. (5) Higher similarity also strengthens the positive relationship between pain and benign envy, as well as intensifies the positive indirect effect of pain on task performance through benign envy.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討與研究假設 7
第一節 與明星員工相對績效比較 7
第二節 與明星員工相對績效比較和痛苦之間的關係 9
第三節 痛苦、良性/惡性妒羨、人際退縮行為/任務績效間的關係 11
一、痛苦和良性、惡性妒羨的關聯性:痛苦驅動的雙元妒羨理論的觀點 11
二、非明星員工痛苦情緒、惡性妒羨和後續人際退縮行為的關係 13
三、非明星員工痛苦情緒、良性妒羨與後續任務績效的關係 14
第四節 知覺勝任感、知覺他人不應得感和知覺相似性的干擾效果 15
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節、研究設計與施測方式 20
第二節 研究工具 21
一、與明星員工相對績效比較 21
二、痛苦 22
三、知覺勝任感 22
四、知覺他人不應得感 22
五、知覺相似性 23
六、良性和惡性妒羨 23
七、人際退縮行為 24
八、任務績效 24
九、控制變項 24
第三節 資料分析方式 25
第四章 研究結果 26
第一節 敘述統計與相關分析 26
第二節 驗證性因素分析 28
第三節 假設檢定 29
第五章 討論與建議 38
第一節 研究發現與理論意涵 38
第二節 管理意涵 42
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 43
參考文獻 46
附錄 50
第一階段 部屬 (非明星員工)問卷 50
第二階段 部屬(非明星員工)問卷 55
第二階段 主管問卷 57
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