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論文名稱 Title |
以刺激-有機體-反應理論探討化妝品品牌官網消費者再購買意圖的影響因素 Using Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory to Explore Factors Affecting Consumers'Intention to Repurchase in Official Website of Cosmetics Brands |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
87 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-06-16 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-06-21 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
化妝品品牌官網、S-O-R理論、再購買意圖、知覺價值、滿意度、品牌聯想 Cosmetic brand website, S-O-R theory, repurchase intention, perceived value, satisfaction, brand associations |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 303 次,被下載 29 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 303 times, has been downloaded 29 times. |
中文摘要 |
摘 要 隨著消費者購物行為轉向線上,品牌的官網已成為企業與消費者互動的重要管道之一。更多的化妝品品牌也開使著重品牌官網的經營。 本研究採用S-O-R理論,旨在探討影響化妝品品牌官網消費者再購買意圖及分享推薦意圖的因素。透過分析化妝品品牌官網的內外部環境刺激因素,包括品牌聯想、網站品質、探討其對滿意度和知覺價值等的影響,進而研究衡量消費者的再購買及推薦分享意圖。問卷調查數據採用Likert七量表收集研究數據,經過分析以及假說驗證得到下列結論: 消費者對化妝品品牌官網的滿意度在再購買和分享推薦意圖方面扮演著重要的角色,而滿意度受到本研究模型中多個構面的影響。除了品牌聯想和網站品質之外,價格也對於化妝品品牌官網的再購買行為有一定的影響。 研究結果提示,化妝品品牌官網在經營時應特別關注品牌聯想、網站品質、知覺價值、滿意度等這些因素,並且不斷地改進官網的內容和功能,以提升消費者的消費體驗知覺價值,從而加強消費者的再購買及推薦分享意圖。 本研究為化妝品品牌及相關企業提供消費者在官網購物的建立忠誠行為的參考,進而為企業提供更有效的行銷策略為未來品牌的官網經營的發展策略與執行方向,進而在市場競爭中取得優勢。 |
Abstract |
Abstract As consumer shopping behavior shifts online, brand websites have become an important channel for interaction between businesses and consumers. More cosmetic brands are emphasizing the management of their brand websites. This study adopts the S-O-R theory to explore the factors influencing consumer repurchase and sharing intention on cosmetic brand websites. By analyzing the internal and external environmental stimuli of cosmetic brand websites, including brand associations and website quality, the study examines their effects on satisfaction and perceived value, and subsequently investigates the measurement of consumer repurchase and sharing intention. The survey data collected was analyzed and hypothesis verification was conducted using Likert scales, leading to the following conclusions: Consumer satisfaction with cosmetic brand websites plays a crucial role in repurchase and sharing intention, and satisfaction is influenced by multiple dimensions in the research model. In addition to brand associations and website quality, price also has a certain impact on repurchase behavior on cosmetic brand websites. The research findings suggest that cosmetic brand websites should pay special attention to factors such as brand associations, website quality, perceived value, and satisfaction during their operations. Continuous improvement of website content and functionality is necessary to enhance consumers' perceived value of the shopping experience, thereby strengthening their repurchase and sharing intention. This study provides references for cosmetic brands and related enterprises in establishing loyal consumer behavior on brand websites, and offers more effective marketing strategies for the future development and implementation direction of brand website management, thus gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Keywords: Cosmetic brand website, S-O-R theory, repurchase intention, sharing intention, perceived value, satisfaction, brand associations. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 序 言 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract iv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的 4 第四節 研究流程 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 消費者購買行為理論 7 第二節 S-O-R理論 8 第三節 化妝品行業特徵 8 第四節 網站設計相關理論之網站品質 10 第五節 品牌官網 11 第六節 品牌形象VS品牌聯想 13 第七節 關係品質 15 第八節 知覺價值與知覺風險 16 第九節 滿意度 17 第十節 再購買意圖與推薦分享 17 第十一節 價格控制變數 18 第三章 研究方法 19 第一節 研究架構 19 第二節 研究假說 19 第三節 操作型定義 23 第四節 研究設計 25 第四章 資料分析 31 第一節 基本資訊統計 31 第二節 模型及假說驗證 34 第三節 結構模型分析與假說檢定結果 43 第五章:結論與建議 48 第一節 研究結論 48 第二節 研究建議 50 第三節 研究意涵 52 第四節 研究限制 54 第五節 未來研究方向 56 參考文獻 59 附錄1 本研究正式問卷 66 附錄2 研究補充 73 |
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