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論文名稱 Title |
以遊戲化行銷機制優化消費者黏性旅程體驗之研究 Optimizing Experience of Consumers' Sticky Journey through Gamification Marketing Mechanisms |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
69 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-06-21 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-07-01 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
遊戲化、遊戲化行銷、遊戲化機制、黏性消費者旅程、消費者體驗 gamification, gamified marketing, game mechanisms, sticky journey model, customer experience |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 216 次,被下載 7 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 216 times, has been downloaded 7 times. |
中文摘要 |
用戶每天可利用網路及社群媒體接收各式各樣的連結、內容等,資訊量過載容易造成用戶認知負擔,注意力也因此而分散,造成消費者決策之困難,因此在此經濟時代背景下,該如何有效吸引用戶並提高消費者體驗為企業需思考的核心問題。經相關研究指出越來越多企業使用遊戲化行銷方式吸引消費者注意力,期望提升品牌態度、購買意願等,生活中線上及線下等通路也可看見品牌紛紛祭出不同遊戲化行銷與消費者互動。然而,目前有關遊戲化之研究多著重在教育、運動保健或特定遊戲化機制的研究,鮮少包含完整遊戲化機制的影響探討。因此本研究將納入完整的四大遊戲化維度,提供一個較為全面的遊戲化機制研究補足現有文獻缺失,同時結合較新穎的黏性旅程模型觀點,探討各服務階段企業應使用何種機制強化消費者體驗。 本研究採實驗設計法,問卷設計以Nike+ Training Club(簡稱NTC)為例進行部分問卷畫面功能設計參考,問卷共包含五大部分,所對應的遊戲化機制從第一部分至第四部份依序為介面與使用者體驗設計、進度挑戰、回饋獎勵與成就、社會連結進行提問,而每一部份主要為調查受訪者對於某一項遊戲化機制設計有無的介面真實感受,最後第五部分為基本資料調查,受試者依照直覺及真實感受為兩種設計各自給分,後續進而分析比較該遊戲化機制的有無對於消費者體驗之影響。 根據研究結果表明,進度挑戰機制可喚起消費者注意力,使之產生好奇心與興奮感,而提升消費者互動及參與度的相關研究結果顯示,可利用介面與使用者體驗設計(如:虛擬角色、故事)等機制增強沉浸感,另外也可使用回饋獎勵與成就機制進而提升沉浸及品牌互動程度,最後,透過回饋獎勵等機制的補強為用戶的消費旅程帶來深刻的非凡體驗。本研究結果有助於企業拓展多樣遊戲化機制於消費者旅程體驗的應用理論及實務意涵。 |
Abstract |
Users could use the Internet and social media to receive a variety of content every day, but the overload of information could easily cause users' cognitive load and distraction, making it difficult for consumers to make decisions. According to relevant studies, more and more companies are using gamification marketing to attract consumers' attention, hoping to enhance brand attitude and purchase intention. However, most of the current studies on gamification focus on education, sports and health-care, or specific gamification mechanisms, but rarely include the impact of complete gamification mechanisms. Therefore, this study will include the complete four gamification dimensions to provide a more comprehensive study of gamification mechanisms to complement the existing literature, and at the same time, combine the new sticky journey model to explore what mechanisms should be used by enterprises in each service stage to enhance consumer experience. This study uses the experimental design research, and the functional design of questionnaire was based on the Nike+ Training Club (NTC) as an example. The questionnaire contains five parts, the first part to the fourth part is to investigate the respondents' feelings about the interface with gamification design (A) and without gamification design (B), in which the respondents gave scores to the two designs according to their true feelings. And the fifth part of the survey was a basic data survey. According to the results of the study, the progress path mechanism can be used to arouse consumers' attention and generate excitement. As for enhancing consumer interaction and engagement, based on the above results, we could use interface and user experience design (e.g., virtual characters, stories) to enhance immersion, and use feedback and reward mechanisms to further enhance immersion and brand interaction. Lastly, the enhancement of feedback and reward mechanisms could also bring an extraordinary experience to the customer journey. The results of this study help to expand the theoretical and practical implications of various game mechanisms application in consumer journey. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 圖目次 iv 表目次 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 遊戲化定義 5 第二節 消費者旅程及體驗 13 第三節 黏性消費者旅程衡量構面 17 第四節 研究假說推導 19 第三章 研究方法 22 第一節 研究架構 22 第二節 研究工具:操作型定義與衡量方式 22 第三節 問卷發放與樣本說明 28 第四節 統計分析方法說明 28 第四章 研究分析與結果 31 第一節 量表效度檢驗 31 第二節 敘述性統計資料分析 34 第三節 假設檢定與分析 39 第五章 研究結論與建議 44 第一節 研究摘述與結論 44 第二節 研究貢獻 45 第三節 研究限制與建議 46 參考文獻 48 附錄:正式問卷 53 |
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