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博碩士論文 etd-0604123-103121 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0604123-103121
太陽能施工產業經營策略之研究:以A EPC公司為例
Analyzing Business Strategies in the Solar Energy Construction Industry: A Case Study of an EPC Company
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Advisory Committee
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Date of Submission
太陽能、競爭策略、五力分析、PEST 分析、太陽能
Solar Energy, Competitive Strategy, Five Forces Analysis, PEST Analysis, Solar Energy
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This study conducted a PEST analysis and a Five Forces analysis on EPC company A in the solar energy industry, aiming to understand the overall environment of Taiwan's solar energy industry and A's competitive advantages, challenges, and business strategies. The PEST analysis covers four aspects: political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological, while the Five Forces analysis covers five aspects: internal competition, potential entrants, suppliers, buyers, and substitutes. The results of this study can provide a reference basis for A's future development.
In terms of politics, this study pointed out that government subsidy policies and policy risks have a relatively large impact on A. The solar energy industry is one of the industries that the government is focusing on, and government subsidy policies can greatly promote the development of the solar energy industry. However, the uncertainty of policies and policy risks can also bring potential challenges to A. Therefore, it is recommended that A should actively pay attention to changes in government policies and regulations and strengthen external cooperation to reduce policy risks.
In terms of economics, cost and funding are the main challenges. Solar energy construction projects require large amounts of funds and involve high risks, and A is a small and medium-sized enterprise, which means that it faces relatively greater pressure on funding. Under this background, it is suggested that A should pay attention to cost management, improve efficiency, and reduce costs; at the same time, it should actively expand financing channels to further enhance the company's financial strength.
n terms of socio-cultural aspects, this study pointed out that the promotion of environmental protection and energy conservation awareness has brought important opportunities to the solar energy industry. Therefore, it is recommended that A should strengthen the promotion and research and development of environmentally friendly and energy-saving products, increase consumers' awareness and trust in A.
In terms of technology, technological innovation and market trends are critical factors. Solar energy technology is constantly updating and changing, and competitive advantages are constantly shifting. It is suggested that A should strengthen technological research and development, continuously improve construction quality and technical standards, and respond to increasingly fierce market competition.
In terms of the Five Forces analysis, this study pointed out that A's competitive advantage comes from internal competition and buyers. A's business strategy is highly flexible, able to accept outsourced construction and act as an investor in solar power plants. As a first-line direct construction company, A has a competitive price strategy. Therefore, it is recommended that A should continue to maintain market sensitivity, pay attention to market trends, and continue to improve its service quality and competitive advantages. At the same time, it should pay attention to the development of substitutes and changes in supplier strategies in order to anticipate potential competition.
In conclusion, this study believes that A should enhance its own competitiveness and development capabilities, increase its market share and brand awareness, and pay attention to changes in market trends, improve its service quality and competitive advantages, in order to maintain strong competitiveness in a fiercely competitive market environment. At the same time, A should actively pay attention to changes in policies and regulations, and be prepared for policy risks. In addition, A should strengthen cooperation with industry insiders and outsiders, and seek more financing channels to support the company's development.
This study conducted a comprehensive research and analysis of A, exploring the external environment and competitive situation of the solar energy industry from the perspectives of PEST analysis and Five Forces analysis. At the same time, this study combined A's actual situation to analyze and evaluate A's competitive advantages, potential risks, and market opportunities, and put forward corresponding suggestions.
However, this study still has some limitations. Firstly, due to time and resource constraints, this study was unable to cover all factors that may affect Company A. Secondly, the analysis and conclusions of this study only represent the current market environment and industry competition, and future changes in the market and policies may have an impact on the conclusions. Lastly, the research methods and models used in this study have their limitations and may contain errors.
The research and analysis of Company A in this study can provide reference for the company to formulate appropriate strategies and directions, and also provide reference value for relevant practitioners and researchers. In the future, further exploration of the development trend of the solar energy industry is needed to improve the reliability and predictive accuracy of the analysis models and methods, in order to better develop corporate decision-making and direction.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
目 錄 viii
圖 次 x
表 次 xi
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與範圍 1
第貳章 文獻探討 3
第一節 太陽能產業現況 3
第二節 總體環境 PEST 分析 14
第三節 產業環境五力分析 20
第參章 研究設計 23
第一節 研究方法 23
第二節 研究流程 34
第肆章 發展與解決方案 37
第一節 總體環境對太陽能產業的影響評估 37
第二節 太陽能施工產業的競爭強度分析評估 44
第三節 太陽能施工產業的策略分析發展 52
第伍章 策略展示與評估 55
第一節 A公司個案簡介 55
第二節 策略展示及評估 57
第陸章 討論與結論 75
第一節 學術貢獻 75
第二節 實務貢獻 77
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 79
參考文獻 81
附 錄 84
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