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博碩士論文 etd-0604123-154015 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0604123-154015
從銷售到幫助: 打造以使用者體驗為中心的電商平台
From Sell to Help: Building a User-Centered E-commerce Platform
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e-commerce platform, priming effect, user experience, involvement spirals, Intermediate choice list
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台灣綜合型電商平台如momo、蝦皮及PChome將競爭焦點放在「多、好、省、快」四大策略上。隨個人化數位的體驗浪潮下,這些功利性價值已無法再吸引消費者。許多研究及社群論壇也指出台灣購物平台介面雜亂且難閱讀,並頻繁使用激烈的促銷折價字眼(如狂殺5折起等)推測會提高消費者的價格敏感度。因此本研究以促發效果探究台灣電商介面問題與及橫幅廣告文案撰寫方式是否會造成消費者的促銷傾向與價格意識改變;結合中間選擇清單(ICL)功能,提出符合電商的AIMMA消費者行為模型;基於黏性消費旅程(The Sticky Journey Model)之涉入螺旋(Involvement Spirals)概念,探討美國電商平台Amazon首頁與商品頁介面及台灣設計師購物平台Pinkoi如何打造順暢且令人興奮設計元素與功能增加對平台的黏著度,期望給予電商業者具體介面設計之建議。
Taiwan's B2B2C e-commerce platforms have focused on the following strategy "more, better, cheaper, faster." However, the benefits of utilitarian value are no longer attracted by modern consumers who want personalized digital experiences. Also, some studies pointed out that the interface design of e-commerce is like traditional EDM and frequently employs aggressive promotional discount phrases which are speculated to increase consumers' price sensitivity. This first purpose of this study is to explain the Taiwan e-commerce interface problems with priming effect. Second, by incorporating the ICL, AIDMA and AISAS consumer behavior model, AIMMA model that suits e-commerce is proposed. Furthermore, based on the concept of Involvement Spirals, this study is conducted into how the homepage and product web page interfaces of Amazon and Pinkoi create smooth and what kinds of designing elements and functions to enhance platform stickiness.
Two research methods are employed: a discount priming randomized controlled posttest design, where the experimental group is exposed to multiple promotional texts and banner ad images, and focus group method where interviewees share their experiences and ideas.
The findings suggest that enriching product information including product images, videos, unboxing videos, and customer reviews in order to ensure that consumers can complete all decision-making processes on the platform. Next, promotional campaigns and limited-time discounts products are shown at the category pages, while allowing users to customize the platform homepage based on their own interests using algorithms and browsing history. Third, designing low-difficulty Pop-up games with coupon-earning. Last, establishing profit-sharing collaborations between the platform and influencers to create recommended product lists by social influencers.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究動機與目的2
第貳章 文獻探討6
第一節 台灣前三大綜合型電商平台簡介6
第二節 促發效果8
第三節 促銷傾向9
第四節 價格意識9
第五節 選擇弔詭10
第六節 中間選擇清單11
第七節 消費者行為模型的演變12
第八節 忠誠度循環與涉入螺旋16
第九節 Amazon與Pinkoi介面與功能分析18
第參章 研究流程與問題30
第一節 研究流程圖30
第二節 研究假設與問題31
第肆章 折扣促發實驗設計與分析32
第一節 研究設計方式32
第二節 研究變數定義與衡量35
第三節 折扣促發實驗結果分析36
第伍章 焦點團體法40
第一節 焦點團體法定義40
第二節 研究資料搜集40
第三節 研究發現與分析43
第陸章 結論與建議52
第一節 研究結論52
第二節 研究貢獻55
第三節 研究限制與未來建議56
附錄一 折扣促發實驗問卷64
附錄二 訪談逐字稿69
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