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博碩士論文 etd-0607123-130752 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0607123-130752
承保代理公司(MGA) 在大中華區發展之可行性分析
Feasibility analysis in the development of MGA in the Greater China
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insurance industry, insurance intermediary, MGA, enabling, initial stage
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自改革開放以來,中國的保險市場取得了巨大的發展和舉世矚目的成就。1980年中國恢復保險業,保險行業發展就一直保持了持續快速、健康發展的良好勢頭。隨著我國保險行業的不斷發展,保險仲介的角色地位也隨之提升,尤其是在一些頭部保險仲介機構當中,更是如此。MGA作為我國近些年中出現的一種新興保險仲介模式,已然成為當前我國保險仲介發展過程中的新突破口。但是MGA模式在我國保險市場當中的發展並不是一帆風順,其中所存在的問題也使得 MGA在我國發展過程中受到了很大的限制,尤其是在發展的過程中,受到國家相關政策的影響,以及我國保險行業能力的不足,都導致現在MGA模式在我國發展面臨非常大的難題。
Since the reform and opening up, China's insurance market has achieved tremendous development and remarkable achievements. In 1980, China resumed its insurance industry, and the development of the insurance industry has maintained a good momentum of sustained, rapid, and healthy development. With the continuous development of China's insurance industry, the role and status of insurance intermediaries have also been elevated, especially among some top insurance intermediaries. MGA, as an emerging insurance intermediary model that has emerged in China in recent years, has become a new breakthrough in the current development process of insurance intermediaries in China. However, the development of the MGA model in China's insurance market has not been smooth sailing, and the problems it faces have also greatly limited its development in China. Especially in the process of development, it has been influenced by relevant national policies and the insufficient capacity of China's insurance industry, which has led to significant challenges for the development of the MGA model in China.
In response to the above issues, this article will start from the establishment and working mode of MGA, and use literature research, case analysis, and comparative methods to conduct in-depth research on the current development of MGA insurance mode in China, and provide corresponding optimization plans. Firstly, this article analyzes the current situation of MGA in China and conducts research based on domestic and international MGA development cases. By comparing the current development status of MGA at home and abroad, SWOT analysis is used to conduct more detailed research and analysis on various aspects of the current development process of MGA model in China, in order to identify the reasons for the insufficient development of MGA in China. From the perspectives of insurance companies, insurance markets, governments, and talent team construction, this article starts from four aspects, provide corresponding optimization plans to promote the smooth development of China's MGA model.
Through the research in this article, it can be understood that in the current development process of MGA in China, it is not only influenced by the domestic market, but also one of the reasons why the development of MGA model is not smooth enough due to the limitations of relevant policies in China. In response to the above issues, we can objectively analyze the current development situation, adjust development strategies in a timely manner, improve the enterprise development system, and build a talent team to improve the development and optimization of the MGA model in China's insurance market, thereby ensuring the healthy development of China's insurance industry.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
目 錄 vii
圖 次 ix
表 次 ix
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意義 3
1.3 研究內容以及研究方法 4
1.4 本文創新點與不足 6
第2章 文獻綜述以及理論基礎 7
2.1 文獻綜述 7
2.2 理論基礎 9
第3章 我國MGA發展的SWOT分析 15
3.1 優勢分析 15
3.2 弱勢分析 18
3.3 機會分析 21
3.4 威脅分析 25
3.5 SWOT矩陣分析 27
第4章 國內外MGA模式的案例分析 30
4.1 國外MGA發展案例分析 30
4.2 國內MGA發展案例分析 35
4.3 國內外MGA企業發展對比分析 47
第5章 我國優化MgA發展的對策 49
5.1 保險公司與MGA開展密切合作,促進融合 49
5.2 加強對MGA發展的監管,改善市場環境 52
5.3 借助MGA模式發展,提高我國保險市場發展 55
5.4 完善企業發展體系,構建人才隊伍 57
第6章 結論 60
參考文獻 62

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