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博碩士論文 etd-0607123-151147 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0607123-151147
The Effect of Hyperlipidemia Complications on the Substandard Body: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Hyperlipidemia, LDL-cholesterol, Cardiovascular risk, Dyslipidemia, Cardiovascular risk mortality
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近年來,國人的高血糖、高血壓、高血脂的患病率有逐年上升的趨勢。 這三種慢性疾病互相視為共病,並且會顯著增加患心血管疾病的風險。尤其高血脂是心血管疾病的潛在危險因素,而且心血管疾病更是台灣的主要死因之一。本研究透過 Google Scholar, PubMed 和 EMBASE 等資料庫搜索2016年至2021年發行的文獻。本研究會使用Meta-essential整合和綜合不同研究的effect size,使用Revman 5.3軟體進行。本文指出了一些關鍵發現,高血脂併發症的風險並不是特別高,這一點與常見的觀念不同,傳統上人們普遍認為高血脂會導致更高的風險。其次,關於高血脂是否會引發併發症的證據並不一致,雖然過高的血脂會增加罹患心臟病的風險,並可能引發中風、慢性腎衰竭等併發症,但並不是每個高血脂患者都會發展出這些併發症。本研究的結果顯示了高血脂與心血管疾病之間的複雜關係,雖然高血脂增加了心臟疾病的風險,但並非所有高血脂患者都會發展出併發症或面臨較高的死亡風險。只要高血脂患者能夠保持健康的生活方式,如積極運動、戒菸、控制體重、均衡飲食等,他們的預期壽命與膽固醇水平正常的人並無差異。因此,通過調整生活習慣,高血脂患者可以維持與正常人相當的壽命。通過保持健康的生活方式和適當的治療手段,高血脂患者可以延長壽命,並提高生活品質。
The prevalence of hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia in the compatriots population has increased over the past few years. These three chronic diseases are regarded as comorbidities with each other and significantly increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Hyperlipidemia, in particular, is a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is one of the leading causes of death in Taiwan. Search through electronic databases like Google Scholar, PubMed, and EMBASE. Searches will be conducted in these databases between 2016 and 2021 in order to identify randomized controlled trials. The meta-essentials will be used for integrating and synthesizing effect sizes from different studies, and Revman 5.3 will be used to perform the meta-analysis. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is primarily evaluated as the primary outcome. Patients with hyperlipidemia could be protected from insurance rejection based on the findings of this study.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
Figure contents vi
Table contents vii
Chapter1 - Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Purpose 5
Chapter2 - Literature review 6
2.1 Hyperlipidemia 6
2.2 Complications of Hyperlipidemia 10
2.3 Burden of CVD 16
2.4 Decline in cardiovascular disease mortality 20
2.5 LDL-Cholesterol 22
2.6 Meta-analysis 22
Chapter3 - Method 26
3.1 Eligibility criteria 26
3.2 Search strategy 26
3.3 Study selection 27
3.4 Data analysis 27
3.5 Effect size calculate 29
Chapter4 - Result 31
4.1 Selected studies 31
4.2 Effect of type 2 diabetes on hyperlipidemia 41
4.3 Effect of using drugs on hyperlipidemia 43
4.4 Effect of gender on hyperlipidemia 45
Chapter5 - Conclusion 47
5.1 Results of this study 47
5.2 Future suggestions 49
References 51
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