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博碩士論文 etd-0607123-154235 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0607123-154235
Attack Trend Analysis Based on Detection Rules and Incident Reports
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CTI, Detection Rules, Incident Report, NLP, Short Text Clustering
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大型網路架構和組織為抵禦各式資安威脅,會在網路環境中部署入侵偵測系統(Intrusion Detection System;簡稱IDS),透過IDS中採用的偵測規則以檢測網路中是否出現可疑行為。而資安人員在統整分析時,需要從大量觸發的偵測規則中人工檢視其攻擊行為,才能了解攻擊趨勢。此外,若環境中部署不同廠商的IDS,相同攻擊行為在不同IDS間有不同描述,對於同一攻擊行為觸發次數較低的偵測規則在統計上可能遭忽略,無法完整呈現攻擊趨勢全貌。
本研究提出STARS(Security Threat Analysis and Related Service)攻擊趨勢分析系統以解決上述問題,透過將組織部署的IDS所採用的偵測規則分群並定義群集的攻擊行為,之後資安人員便可直接將IDS觸發的偵測規則對應到所屬攻擊行為。同時,本系統爬取IDS設備商網站,收集偵測規則關聯的CVE漏洞編號與資訊資產,如此能針對趨勢上升之攻擊行為,對其中的偵測規則提供相關修補對象。本研究於單一網路環境中分析過往案例,對於資安人員而言能減少人工檢視各條偵測規則,更容易統整內部威脅。於整體網路環境之攻擊行為趨勢分析中,本研究將系統產生之攻擊行為趨勢與資安年度報告相比較,證實本系統也能針對整體網路環境提出可參考之攻擊趨勢。
Large-scale network architectures and organizations deploy Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) in their network environments to counter various cyber threats. IDS utilizes detection rules to detect malicious behaviors within the network. In order to understand the attack trend, security experts need to manually examine the attack behaviors from a large number of triggered detection rules when consolidating the analysis. Moreover, if different IDSs from various vendors are deployed in the environment, the same attack behavior may have different descriptions among different IDSs. It can lead to the statistical neglect of detection rules with a lower number of trigger frequencies for the same attack behavior, resulting in an incomplete representation of the overall attack trends.
Thus, this research proposes the STARS (Security Threat Analysis and Related Service) attack trend analysis system to address the aforementioned issues. By clustering the detection rules adapted in the IDSs and defining the attack of each cluster, security experts can directly respond to the triggered detection rules to their respective attack behaviors. At the same time, STARS crawls the IDS vendors’ website to collect CVE IDs and information assets associated with the detection rules, so that it can provide relevant patches to the detection rules in response to the rising trend of attack behaviors. By analyzing past cases in a single network environment, this research makes it easier for security experts to consolidate internal threats by reducing the need to manually review each triggered rule. In the analysis of attack behavior trends in the overall network environment, this research compares the STARS system-generated attack trends with the cybersecurity annual report, it demonstrates that the system can also provide useful attack trends intelligence for the overall network environment.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 網路威脅情資與背景相關研究 5
2.2 自然語言處理 6
2.2.1 Word2Vec 6
2.2.2 Doc2Vec 8
2.2.3 Transformer 10
2.2.4 BERT與SBERT 10
2.3 分群演算法 12
2.3.1 切割式分群 12
2.3.2 階層式分群 14
2.3.3 基於密度分群 15
2.4 短文資料分析 16
2.4.1 Word co-occurrence 17
2.4.2 Autoencoder 18
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 偵測規則分群 21
3.1.1 規則嵌入模組 23
3.1.2 規則分群模組 24
3.2 內部威脅分析 24
3.3 外部威脅情資收集 25
第四章 系統評估 27
4.1 實驗一:規則嵌入與分群方法比較 30
4.1.1 實驗 1-1、S+F-Rules + Affinity Propagation 30
4.1.2 實驗 1-2、S+F-Rules + Hierarchical Clustering 33
4.1.3 實驗 1-3、S+F-Rules + HDBSCAN 36
4.1.4 實驗 1-4、Snort-Rules + Affinity Propagation 38
4.1.5 實驗 1-5、Snort-Rules + Hierarchical Clustering 40
4.1.6 實驗 1-6、Snort-Rules + HDBSCAN 43
4.1.7 實驗 1-7、F廠商-Rules + Affinity Propagation 44
4.1.8 實驗 1-8、F廠商-Rules + Hierarchical Clustering 47
4.1.9 實驗 1-9、F廠商-Rules + HDBSCAN 49
4.1.10 實驗一小結 51
4.2 實驗二:學網內部案例比較 52
4.3 實驗三:真實攻擊趨勢分析 54
第五章 研究貢獻與未來展望 56
參考文獻 58
附錄 62
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