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博碩士論文 etd-0607123-230226 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0607123-230226
Intermedia Agenda setting of Issue ownership and Trait Ownership of Political Candidates: A case study of Taiwan's 2020 presidential election.
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network agenda-setting, inter-media agenda-setting, issue ownership, trait ownership, content analysis, presidential election
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本研究採用字典法電腦輔助內容分析,使用網路爬蟲程式抓取傳統媒體包括:《自由時報》、《聯合報》、《蘋果日報》及《TVBS》,共四家媒體中與總統候選人蔡英文及韓國瑜相關的文章,與國立中山大學管理學院開發之文字分析平台抓取PTT論壇八卦板中與總統候選人蔡英文及韓國瑜相關的文章。時序皆為2020年總統大選前三個月,利用R語言中的jieba套件將內文斷詞,再以中文版LIWC (CLIWC) 進行情緒分析,並以議題辭典及特質辭典辨識兩位候選人各自所有的議題與特質,而後利用時滯交叉相關分析 (Cross-lagged correlation Analysis) 考察四家傳統媒體與網路論壇PTT之間的跨媒體網絡議題設定效果。
In the dynamic landscape of thriving online communities, diverse internet ecosystems have significantly influenced the lives of the general public. With the shift in media paradigms, the role of traditional media in agenda-setting and its network agenda-setting effects with social media remain a focal point of this study. This research combines the concept of issue ownership and trait ownership of presidential candidates in Taiwan in 2020 to investigate the cross-media network agenda-setting effects between traditional media and online forums.
This study employs a dictionary-based computer-assisted content analysis using web crawling programs to retrieve relevant articles from four traditional media sources, including "Liberty Times," "United Daily News," "Apple Daily," and "TVBS," which are associated with presidential candidates Tsai Ing-wen and Han Kuo-yu. Additionally, articles related to the two candidates are collected from the gossip board of the PTT forum, using a text analysis platform developed by the School of Management at National Sun Yat-sen University. The data collection period spans the three months leading up to the 2020 presidential election. The text data is segmented using the jieba package in the R language, followed by emotion analysis using the Chinese version of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (CLIWC). Issues and traits owned by each candidate are identified using issue and trait dictionaries. Cross-lagged correlation analysis is then conducted to examine the cross-media network agenda-setting effects between the four traditional media outlets and the PTT forum.
This study uncovers the cross-media agenda-setting effects between mainstream news media and the online forum PTT. In terms of issue ownership networks, the findings reveal that news media exert a significant influence on PTT. Conversely, within the realm of trait ownership networks, during the T1-T2 timeframe, PTT influences news media, while during the T2-T3 timeframe, news media demonstrates a stronger influence on PTT. Moreover, irrespective of whether it is news media or PTT, the quantities of issue and trait ownership are consistently higher for Tsai Ing-wen compared to Han Kuo-yu.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 3
第三節、研究目的與問題 6
第二章 文獻回顧與研究問題 11
一、 第一層級的議題設定效果(the first-level agenda-setting effect) 11
二、 第二層級的議題設定效果(the second-level agenda-setting effect) 12
三、 網絡議題設定 (Network agenda setting, NAS) 13
四、 議題設定與候選人研究 14
一、 從議題設定到跨媒體議題設定 16
二、 網路討論版PTT作為政治討論平台 19
第三節 議題所有權網絡及其影響因素 20
一、 議題評估 21
二、 議題所有權概念 22
三、 議題所有權網絡 24
四、 議題所有權網絡的跨媒體議題設定效果 25
五、 議題所有權網絡的演化 27
第四節 特質所有權網絡及其影響因素 28
一、 特質所有權 28
二、 特質所有權網絡 34
三、 特質所有權網絡跨媒體的議題設定效果 35
四、 特質所有權網絡的演化 35
第三章 研究方法 37
第一節 分析流程 37
第二節 分析方法 38
一、 資料蒐集 38
二、 電腦輔助內容分析 (Computer-assisted Content Analysis) 39
三、 字典法的關鍵詞建構與測量 40
四、 時滯交叉相關分析 (Cross-lagged correlation Analysis) 42
五、 情緒字彙為基礎的情感分析 (Lexicon‐based Sentiment Analysis) 43
六、 議題所有權網絡的建構 44
七、 特質所有權網絡的建構 45
第四章 資料分析與結果 47
第一節 描述性統計 47
第二節 回答研究問題 49
一、勝任議題所有權網絡 49
二、勝任特質所有權網絡 60
第五章 結論與建議 68
第一節 研究發現與結論 68
一、總統候選人議題 69
二、總統候選人特質 70
三、跨媒體間議題及特質所有權網絡的相關性 71
第二節 研究貢獻與限制 72
一、研究貢獻 72
二、研究限制 73
參考文獻 74
附錄一 94
附錄二 101
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