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論文名稱 Title |
綠色品牌行銷策略:以華生水資源生技為例 Green Brand Marketing Strategy:A Case Study of Hwa Seng Bottled Water Corporation |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
92 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-05-24 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-07-08 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
資源基礎觀點、品牌建構流程、品牌轉型、綠色品牌、經營策略、競爭優勢 Resource-based View, Brand Building Process, Brand Transformation, Green Brand, Business Strategy, Competitive Advantage |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 208 次,被下載 7 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 208 times, has been downloaded 7 times. |
中文摘要 |
近年來,兩大議題受到全球廣大消費者的重視:健康與環保,台灣也不例外,顯然環保與健康兩個議題已然無法區別開來討論,使得企業無不將環保與永續經營的思維納入長期策略的規劃之中。但儘管擁有新的策略想像,如何實際打造綠色品牌仍是企業最艱難的議題,因為重新規劃策略使命往往也意味著公司整體層面的轉型。但本研究個案企業 (華生水資源生技股份有限公司) 找到成功方法,將品牌建構納入策略轉型的一環,以新品牌面貌與行銷手段創造新的競爭優勢。 本研究主要以Barney資源基礎觀點與Urde品牌建構理論為兩大理論支柱,輔以其延伸觀點與其它相關管理理論,從盤點競爭資源為研究出發點,逐步釐清個案企業建構綠色品牌以及品牌行銷的策略全貌,藉以理解個案企業如何成功重新定義策略,並化核心價值為具體商業行動、如何成功重新定義策略,並化核心價值為具體商業行動,並找出個案公司綠色品牌行銷的成功模式與關鍵因素。最後,本研究成功歸納與改良綠色品牌觀點下之Urde雙軌品牌建構流程模型。 本研究最大的應用價值在於,為中小企業提供一盞品牌轉型的明燈。在有限的資源下,中小企業未必要大張旗鼓的重新打造新的綠色品牌,透過使命與策略的微調,利用有限的資源也能為既有的品牌創造新一波的競爭優勢。 |
Abstract |
In recent years, two major issues have attracted the attention of consumers all over the world: health and environmental protection, and Taiwan is no exception. Obviously, environmental protection and health can no longer be discussed separately, which makes all enterprises incorporate the thinking of environmental protection and sustainable management into long-term strategy planning. But despite having a new strategic vision, how to actually build a green brand is still the most difficult issue for enterprises, because re-planning the strategic mission often also means the transformation of the company as a whole. However, the case company in this study (Hwa Seng Bottled Water Corporation) found a successful way to incorporate brand building into a part of strategic transformation, creating new competitive advantages with a new brand image and marketing methods. This study mainly uses Barney's resource-based viewpoint and Urde's brand construction theory as two theoretical pillars, supplemented by its extended viewpoint and other related management theories, starting from the inventory of competitive resources, and gradually clarifying the case company's green brand building and brand marketing strategies The whole picture, in order to understand how the case company successfully redefines the strategy and turns the core value into specific business actions, and finds out the successful model and key factors of the case company's green brand marketing . Finally, this research successfully summarizes and improves Urde's dual-track brand building process model under the perspective of green branding. The greatest application value of this study lies in providing a bright light for brand transformation for small and medium-sized enterprises. With limited resources, it is not necessary for small and medium-sized enterprises to create new green brands with great fanfare. Through fine-tuning missions and strategies, limited resources can also create a new wave of competitive advantages for existing brands. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌 謝 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract iv 目 錄 v 圖 次 vii 表 次 ix 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程 3 第四節 研究對象與範圍 5 第貳章 文獻回顧 6 第一節 環境分析理論 6 第二節 策略管理與執行 8 第三節 資源觀點與理論 13 第四節 品牌建構與價值衡量 16 第參章 研究設計與方法 20 第一節 研究架構與設定 20 第二節 研究流程與方法 23 第三節 個案研究方法 26 第肆章 包裝飲用水產業與個案介紹 27 第一節 包裝飲用水產業 27 第二節 個案簡介—華生水資源生技股份有限公司 32 第三節 華生品牌介紹 36 第伍章 華生綠色品牌策略分析 43 第一節 華生水資源生技競爭資源與優劣勢分析 43 第二節 華生經營策略分析 47 第三節 華生水資源生技VMOST分析 53 第四節 華生品牌之綠色品牌建構策略 57 第五節 進階應用 65 第陸章 研究結論與建議 71 第一節 結論 71 第二節 管理意涵 73 參考文獻 74 一、中文 74 二、外文 74 三、網路文章 77 附錄:訪談紀錄 79 |
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