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論文名稱 Title |
中國小型按摩器行銷策略分析:以B公司為例 Analysis on the Marketing Strategy of Small Massagers in China: The Case of Company B |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
65 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-06-27 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-07-08 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
小型按摩器、SWOT、五力、STP、4Ps Small Massager, SWOT, Five Forces, STP, 4Ps |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 149 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 149 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
中國城鎮化讓民眾消費型態逐漸改變,每人平均醫療保健之消費支出持續增加。在經濟及人口優勢的背景下,中國為目前全球保健按摩器材市場需求增加最快的地區之一,而民眾的健康意識抬頭及商品功能細緻化等趨勢之發展,進一步推升了市場需求。目前中國按摩器材跟其他亞洲鄰近國家相比滲透率相對低,未來的市場潛力相當龐大,預期按摩器材相關產品的滲透率預估將不斷上升,市場將有相當足夠的發展空間。由於小型按摩器材具備方便且容易使用的特點,因此未來銷售比重有機會逐漸提升。 雖然疫情及經濟增長壓力使得中國經濟有放緩跡象,而股市及房地產市場的低迷,加以為控制疫情而採取的措施,都讓中國民眾的消費信心受到衝擊,為中國消費的前景增加許多不確定因素。不過,隨著疫情快速解封、預期經濟回溫下,中國民眾的消費信心可望回溫,對中國的內需消費市場將帶來極大幫助,而保健醫療服務方面的支出增加也將重啟加速的道路,為小型按摩器材的未來業務成長帶來積極的前景。因此,本研究以五力、SWOT、STP還有4Ps等架構,針對個案公司的外部競爭環境及內部具有的優劣勢,還有公司產品的市場定位及價格策略進行銷售策略分析。 研究發現,個案公司針對女性所推出的小型按摩器材產品,在後疫情時代應掌握當前中國的消費趨勢,透過以產品效能為王的理念,將產品規格高端化、品牌當地語系化、銷售通路多樣化,並鎖定消費潛力足夠且越來越壯大的中高產階級作為銷售目標,推出高性價比的小型按摩器材產品,如此將有機會隨著中國高齡化及亞健康人口的增長,且更加重視健康及身體保養的趨勢下,搶占市場的成長契機。 |
Abstract |
China's urbanization has gradually changed the consumption pattern of the people, so the per capita consumption expenditure on health care of the Chinese people continues to increase. Under the background of economic and population advantages, China is currently one of the fastest growing regions in the global healthcare massage equipment market. , and the development of trends such as the rise of public health awareness and the refinement of product functions will further boost market demand. At present, the penetration rate of massage equipment in China is relatively low compared with other neighboring countries in Asia, and the future market potential is quite huge. It is expected that the penetration rate of massage equipment related products will continue to rise, and the market will have quite enough room for development. Due to the convenience and ease of use of small massage equipment, the proportion of sales in the future may gradually increase. Although the epidemic and the pressure on economic growth have caused signs of a slowdown in China's economy, and the downturn in the stock market and housing market, coupled with the measures taken to control the epidemic, have impacted the consumer confidence of the Chinese people and added many uncertainties to the outlook for China's consumption. However, with the rapid unblocking of the epidemic and the expected economic recovery, the consumer confidence of the Chinese people is expected to recover, which will greatly help China's domestic consumer market. The increase in expenditure on health care services will also restart and accelerate. It also brings positive prospects for the future business growth of small massage equipment. Therefore, this research uses SWOT, five forces, STP and marketing 4Ps to analyze the external competition environment and internal advantages and disadvantages of the case company, as well as the company's product market positioning and price strategy for sales strategy analysis. In terms of future outlook and recommendations, China's economic development has slowed down due to the epidemic and economic pressure in the past two years, which has hit the consumer confidence of the Chinese people. However, after the rapid unblocking, the consumer confidence of the public may stabilize and rise rapidly. The small massage equipment products launched by the case company for women should grasp the current consumption trends in China in the post-epidemic era, and focus on product performance. Wang's philosophy is to make high-end product specifications, localize the brand, and diversify sales channels, launch small massage equipment products with high-cost performance, and target the middle and high-income class with sufficient consumption potential and growing. Opportunities Under the trend of China's aging population and sub-healthy population growth, people pay more attention to health and body maintenance. Seize opportunities for growth in the market. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌 謝 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract iv 目 錄 vi 圖 次 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 按摩及保健器材行銷 5 第二節 五力分析 10 第三節 SWOT分析 12 第四節 STP行銷理論 14 第五節 行銷4PS 15 第三章 研究設計 16 第一節 研究結構 16 第二節 研究模式 17 第三節 研究過程及資料來源 17 第四章 中國消費及按摩器市場概況 18 第一節 中國消費現況與趨勢 18 第二節 中國醫療保健及人口健康趨勢 25 第三節 中國按摩器材市場規模及概況 27 第五章 公司概況與實證分析 33 第一節 公司簡介 33 第二節 五力分析 38 第三節 swot分析 40 第四節 STP分析 46 第五節 行銷4Ps分析 48 第六節 綜合分析 50 第六章 結論與建議 52 第一節 研究結論 52 第二節 建議與展望 54 參考文獻 55 一、中文 55 二、英文 56 |
參考文獻 References |
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