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論文名稱 Title |
以文字探勘方法探究品牌個性一致性對公司財務表現之影響 A text-mining approach to investigating the impact of brand personality congruence on corporate financial performance |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
78 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-06-29 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-07-17 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
線上評論、品牌個性、品牌團隊、顧客認知、員工共識、一致性、文字探勘、BERT、財務績效 Online reviews, brand personality, brand team, consumer perception, brand team consensus, congruence, text mining, BERT, financial performance |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 182 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 182 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
隨著科技的進步,人與人之間的互動和生活方式也產生了變化,媒體社群逐漸成為人類溝通交流、獲取資訊的主要媒介。過去網站只提供使用者瀏覽資料單向接收資訊的功能,如今人人皆可自由的在網路社群平台上發表自己的言論、想法等互動交流。因此,文字探勘在近幾年逐漸興起,成為各大企業蒐集、分析、探索企業決策與資訊的重要工具之一。傳統的資料探勘技術大多針對數字類型資料進行分析處理,而文字探勘則可以處理由人類語言所構成的文字類型資料。因此,我們希望能夠蒐集品牌團隊和消費者在網路上所發表的評論,以文字探勘技術挖掘有價值的資訊,並透過分析得知品牌團隊和消費對對品牌個性的認知一致性是否會影響公司的財務績效。 本文利用BERT預訓練好的模型進行微調得到多標籤分類的結果,以55間企業做為實驗對象,分別蒐集他們的品牌團隊和消費者評論進行自動標籤化動作,接著將品牌團隊評論的最大解釋變異量視為品牌團隊共識,員工和顧客標籤之間的馬氏距離作為他們的認知一致性程度。最後利用迴歸分析來得知文字指標和財務指標與公司銷售額之間是否存在相關性。從實驗結果可以發現,公司大小對公司銷售額的影響非常大。除此之外,正面品牌團隊的共識、評論數以及正面品牌團隊與顧客間的認知一致性都對公司銷售額有顯著的影響力。該結果證明品牌團隊之間若能對品牌擁有共識,並利用越一致的表達方式將企業品牌個性有效的傳達給消費者,讓消費者能夠獲得相似的體驗和感受,將有助於提升公司績效。企業可以透過本篇論文的實驗結果作為品牌策略的參考依據,透過教育或其他方式來培訓品牌團隊成員,提升企業與消費者對於品牌個性的認知一致性,以提升企業整體的績效。 |
Abstract |
With the advancement of technology, interactions and lifestyles among people have undergone changes, and social media has gradually become the primary medium for human communication, information acquisition, and sharing. In the past, websites primarily served as one-way platforms for users to browse and receive information. However, today, everyone can freely express their opinions, thoughts, and engage in interactive communication on social media platforms. As a result, text mining has emerged in recent years as an important tool for large enterprises to collect, analyze, and explore data for decision-making and information purposes. Traditional data mining techniques primarily focus on analyzing and processing numerical data, while text mining deals with textual data composed of human language. Therefore, we aim to collect brand team and consumer reviews posted online and employ text mining techniques to extract valuable information. Through analysis, we intend to determine whether the congruence of brand team and consumer perceptions regarding brand personality affects the financial performance of the company. This study utilizes a pre-trained BERT model for fine-tuning to achieve multi-label classification results. With a sample of 55 companies, both brand team and consumer reviews are collected and automatically labeled. The maximum explained variation of brand team reviews is regarded as brand team consensus, while the Mahalanobis distance between brand team and consumer labels represents their level of cognitive consistency. Regression analysis is then conducted to examine the correlation between textual indicators, financial indicators, and company sales. The experimental results reveal that company size has a significant impact on sales. Additionally, brand team consensus, the number of reviews, and cognitive consistency between positive brand team and consumers all have a significant influence on sales. These findings demonstrate that if brand team have consensus on the brand and effectively convey the brand personality to consumers through consistent expressions, allowing consumers to have similar experiences and perceptions, it can contribute to enhancing company performance. Organizations can use the experimental results of this study as a reference for brand strategy. By educating or training members of the brand team, they can improve the cognitive consistency between the company and consumers regarding brand personality, ultimately enhancing overall company performance. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書i 誌謝ii 摘要iii Abstractiv TABLE OF CONTENTSvi LIST OF FIGUREviii LIST OF TABLESix CHAPTER 1Introduction1 1.1Research background1 1.2Research motivation and purpose3 1.3Organization of the research6 CHAPTER 2Literature Review7 2.1The concept of brand7 2.2Brand personality13 2.3Performance of brand and corporate19 2.4Application of text mining22 CHAPTER 3Proposed Research Approach28 3.1Data collection and preprocessing29 3.2Multi-label classification using BERT33 3.3Measuring textual indicators35 3.4Analyze the relationship between indicators and corporate sales36 CHAPTER 4Result38 4.1Description of the collected dataset38 4.2Measurement results of textual indicators42 4.3Regression analysis results44 4.4Managerial implications49 CHAPTER 5Conclusions53 5.1Concluding remarks53 5.2Research limitations55 References57 Appendix A.61 |
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