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博碩士論文 etd-0617123-114627 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0617123-114627
壓力知覺對職務內和職務外工作表現的影響: 以微休息為中介變數及工作敬業為調節變數
The Effect of Perceived stress on In-Role Job Performance and Extra-Role Job Performance: The Mediating role of Micro-Break and Moderating Role of Work Engagement.
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perceived stress, work engagement, micro-breaks, in-role job performance, extra-role job performance
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本研究之研究對象為 20 歲以上之在職者,每位受測者需填寫一份性格與人 口統計變項問卷,以及連續五個工作日的每日日記問卷。最終參與本研究之受測 者為 125 人次,回收的問卷總數則為 625 份。根據研究結果表明,壓力知覺與職 務內與職務外工作表現皆呈現負向關係。此外,工作敬業可以在壓力知覺與微休 息間產生調節作用,同時工作敬業對壓力知覺與職務內工作表現之負向間接效果 (藉由微休息)具有部分調節作用,而微休息與職務內工作表現間則具有顯著負 相關。因此,根據結果驗證,低度工作敬業的員工藉由微休息以恢復資源的關聯 性相對較強。此外,微休息對於職務內工作表現所帶來之負面影響,仍有待未來 進一步的研究來加以釐清。而本研究結果有助於拓展在應對壓力時,資源管理對 員工個人工作表現的影響之相關理論及實務意涵。
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the negative effects of stress on one's life and workplace. As a result, the importance of recovery activities at work and during holidays is increasingly being appreciated. Rest and recovery activities in between work tasks are one of the most effective ways to prevent the effects of accumulated stress. However, although much research has been conducted on micro- breaks and their benefits to the individual employee, the relationship between micro- breaks and job performance has rarely been investigated. Therefore, based on previous research and theoretical foundations, this study aims to investigate the relationship between perceived stress and micro-breaks, and the effect of perceived stress on performance. It will also be analyzed whether work dedication can moderate the relationship between perceived stress and job performance. Finally, the above hypotheses are combined to investigate whether work engagement moderates the indirect effects of perceived stress, micro-breaks, and job performance.
Each participant was asked to complete a personality and demographic variable questionnaire and a daily diary questionnaire for five consecutive working days. In the end, 125 participants participated in the study and a total of 625 questionnaires were returned. According to the research findings, perceived stress has a negative relationship with both in-role job performance and extra-role performance. Additionally, work engagement moderates the relationship between perceived stress and micro-breaks, and it partially moderates the indirect negative effect of perceived stress on in-role job performance (through micro-breaks). There is also a significant negative correlation between micro-breaks and in-role job performance. Therefore, the results confirm that employees with lower work engagement have a stronger association between micro- breaks and the restoration of resources. Furthermore, further research is needed to clarify the negative impact of micro-breaks on in-role job performance. The findings of this study contribute to expanding the relevant theories and practical implications of resource management in relation to individual job performance when dealing with stress.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究架構 3
第貳章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 壓力知覺 4
第二節 微休息 5
第三節 工作敬業 7
第四節 研究假設發展 8
第參章 研究方法 12
第一節 施測流程與研究樣本 12
第二節 研究工具 13
第肆章 研究結果 16
第一節 相關分析 16
第二節 驗證性分析 17
第三節 結構式方程模型 18
第伍章 討論與建議 25
第一節 研究發現與建議 25
第二節 實務意涵 28
第三節 研究限制與未來建議 30
參考文獻 32
附錄 39
參考文獻 References
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