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論文名稱 Title |
企業發展策略之探討:以A公司為例 An Exploration of the Business Development Strategy: The Case of Company A |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
108 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-06-27 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-07-17 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
網通產品、發展策略、SWOT、定量策略規劃矩陣、策略實施 Network communication product, Development strategy, SWOT, Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, Implementation of Strategy |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 189 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 189 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
當前外部環境複雜多變,充滿著不確定性,資訊與通信科技正極速演進,網通產品市場迎來更多的機遇與發展,但同時也面對更嚴苛的挑戰與競爭。A公司成立超過30年,主力是網通產品,財務狀況並不理想,內部資源也未能有效利用,企業經營正面臨存續危機。在此內外環境下,如何應用策略相關的理論,分析並選擇出適用於A公司的發展策略,使A公司能透過合適的發展策略及有效的經營作為來實現改善財務狀況、持續經營、擴大市場份額的發展目標,乃是一重大議題。 基於現代資訊與通信科技飛躍發展,特別是5G技術應用的背景,本研究可以彌補過去文獻對新技術產品涉獵不深的研究缺口。此外,過去對網通產業的研究主要集中在電信商的服務內容與資費計算以及資訊通信的技術理論與發展,針對網通產品的製造型企業較少涉及,因此,本文分析網通產品企業的發展策略對於理論及文獻的補充具有重要意義。 本研究在對理論和相關文獻進行梳理的基礎上,過資料收集並邀約產業內先進、競爭對手和A公司高管進行訪談的方式,來進行資料彙整及評估。研究收集大量外部宏觀環境資訊、網通產品產業資訊,據以進行重點分析,從中得知網通產品整體市場高速騰飛、前景看好,但因技術迭代快速,技術落伍的產品也面臨被替代風險。接著,利用五力模型來評估A公司產業市場的態勢,再借助競爭態勢矩陣來比較A公司與現有主要對手的競爭力。最後,根據A公司本身擁有的資源和能力,客觀地分析評估自身的優勢與劣勢。 透過對內外部環境全面分析後,本研究得到A公司發展的機會、威脅、優勢與劣勢等關鍵因素,並對關鍵因素做出界定且賦予權重及評價,同時也利用量化方式進行分析,藉由SWOT矩陣提煉出備選的發展策略,最終再運用定量策略規劃矩陣選擇出適合於A公司的發展策略。 經過上述的論述分析,本研究建議A公司應集中資源和能力爭奪5G產品(CPE、small cell)市場,以此作為A公司的發展策略,來實現企業的長足發展。 另一方面,為了保證A公司的發展策略能夠完整施行,本研究依據價值鏈的理論概念制定了數位化轉型、組織變革、人力資源管理、績效衡量與激勵體系、集成業務規劃、智能製造、供應鏈競爭力等各項經營作為,以確保策略能落地執行,同時也指出可能出現或面臨的問題。 |
Abstract |
This research focuses on exploring the development strategy of Company A, in the complex and uncertain external environment, where information and communication technologies (ICTs) are rapidly evolving and the market for network communication products faces various opportunities and challenges. Company A, established for over 30 years, focuses on network communication products. Its financial condition is poor, and internal resources have not been effectively utilized. Company A faces a survival crisis. In such environments, it is essential to apply strategic theories to analyze and select suitable development strategies for Company A. These will improve its financial condition, sustain its operations, and expand its market share through appropriate development strategies and effective measures. With the rapid development of information and communication technologies, especially the application of 5G technology, this study can fill the gap in previous studies on insufficient coverage of new technology products. Additionally, past studies focused on the service content and tariff calculation of telecom operators, as well as the technical theory and development of information communication, with less attention paid to manufacturers of network communication products. Therefore, this article has significant importance in supplementing the theoretical and literature aspects of development strategies. This research conducted data integration and evaluation through theoretical and literature review, information collection, and interviews with veterans, competitors, and executives from Company A. The research collected a large amount of external macro-environmental information and information on the industry of network communication products. Through analysis, it was found that the market of network communication products is booming and has a bright future. However, outdated technological products also face the risk of being replaced due to rapid technological iteration. This study used the Five Forces model to evaluate the threats and risks of the industry. By using the Competitive Profile Matrix, the research also compared the competitive strengths between main competitors in the market. At the same time, Company A objectively analyzed its own strengths and weaknesses based on its resource and capabilities Through the comprehensive analysis of the internal and external environment, key factors such as opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses were identified, defined, and evaluated with assigned weights. Through the quantitative analysis, the SWOT Matrix was used to recommend alternative development strategies. Finally, the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix was used to select suitable development strategies of Company A. After the above discussion and analysis, Company A should concentrate resources and capabilities to compete for 5G products(CPE、small cell) as a development strategy for Company A to achieve long-term development. To ensure the implementation of development strategies, various measures were formulated based on the theory of Value Chain, including digital transformation, organizational change, human resource management, performance measurement, incentive systems, integrated business planning, intelligent manufacturing, and supply chain competitiveness. These measures aim to ensure the implementation of the strategies and also identify potential problems that may arise or be faced. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目 錄 論文審定書 i 誌 謝 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract v 目 錄 vii 圖 次 ix 表 次 x 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的和意義 3 1.3 研究內容與方法 4 1.4 研究思路與流程 5 第2章 理論與文獻綜述 8 2.1 策略理論的發展歷史 8 2.2 相關模型與工具 15 2.3 評述 21 第3章 個案公司外部環境分析 22 3.1 宏觀環境分析 22 3.2 產業環境分析 38 3.3 個案公司外部因素評價矩陣 44 3.4 市場競爭分析 46 第4章 個案公司內部環境分析 48 4.1 個案公司概況及經營理念 48 4.2 個案公司的內部資源能力分析 54 4.3 個案公司現況 58 4.4 個案公司內部因素評價矩陣 60 第5章 個案公司的發展策略分析與選擇 63 5.1 策略匹配:SWOT矩陣 63 5.2 個案公司發展策略比較與選擇 72 第6章 個案公司發展策略的實施與保障 77 6.1 數位化轉型 77 6.2 組織變革 79 6.3 人力資源規劃與管理 80 6.4 績效衡量與激勵體系 81 6.5 從銷售和運營規劃進化到集成業務規劃 82 6.6 邁向智能製造 83 6.7 強化供應鏈競爭力 84 6.8 個案公司發展策略實施過程中應注意事項 87 第7章 結論和建議 88 參考文獻 91 附錄A 問卷一:網通廠的關鍵成功因素 96 附錄B 問卷二:企業競爭力調查 97 |
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