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博碩士論文 etd-0622121-100807 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622121-100807
How institutional entrepreneurs use territorial identity to promote eco-friendly concepts?
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Institutional Entrepreneurship, Territorial Identity, Environmentalism, Institutional Change, Symbolic Resource, Beach Cleanup, Utensil Sharing
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近幾年環境保護意識蓬勃,世界各地紛紛推出不少創新的環保活動。綜觀先前的 組織理論研究,部分理論認為『制度興業(Institutional Entrepreneurship)』需要取 得足夠資源才能推動變革,而這類文獻提到的『資源』指的多是政治網絡、物質 援助等較實際的協助。然而,此研究認為『土地認同度(Territorial Identity)』,也 是一項可促使『制度興業』的象徵性資源(Symbolic Resource),因為在環保活動 的推廣下,人們對土地的情感可將民眾和環境緊密地連在一起,讓環保推廣者(亦 就是『制度興業家(Institutional Entrepreneurs)』)推廣的環保概念較容易獲得認同, 進而取得發展時所需的資源與幫助。本論文採用了質性研究的個案研究法,透過 次級資料蒐集與面對面談訪,觀察小琉球過去幾年環保活動的演進,以了解當地 環保推廣者是如何將『土地認同度』的概念運用在當地環保推廣的活動上。 小琉球是位於臺灣本島的西南方的小島,雖然其土地面積僅有 6.8 平方公里,但 卻是全台少數幾個可看到海龜悠遊在海中的地區,隨著觀光發展,當地環境逐漸 受到破壞,垃圾數量急遽累積引起不少環境問題,因而促使當地興盛的環保活動。 在本研究中,讀者可看到環保推廣者在環保活動中加入了許多當地的元素與特色, 以增加當地人民與環保活動的連結,進而吸引更多民眾加入做環保的行列。本研 究結合理論與實務,讓讀者可從實際發生在小琉球的例子中,看到『土地認同度』 與『制度興業』的相互關係,並且瞭解『土地認同』是促使『制度興業』成功的 象徵性資源之一。此外,此研究也說明了『土地認同度』與『制度興業』之間的 正向循環,是讓小琉球當地環保活動可如此興盛的原因。
The importance of environmental protection has been highlighted in recent years and many entrepreneurial ideas are proposed to promote eco-friendly actions around the world. In previous studies of organization theory, many efforts are put on the discussion of achieving resources that could drive the entrepreneurships successful, and most concepts mentioned are material resources, such as political network and material support. However, territorial identity, people’s recognition to the land, is a symbolic resource that enables institutional entrepreneurs to gather support from the society in empirical world but is overlooked in previous literature. By adopting the case study method in qualitative research, this study conducts a thorough investigation of the development in Xiao Liuqiu via secondary data collection and interview arrangement. Readers would find territorial identity is the resource to link people with the environment and the community, and the virtuous circle between territorial identity and institutional entrepreneurship is the main reason to drive the successful entrepreneurships and widespread eco-friendly concept in Xiao Liuqiu nowadays.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書...................................................................... i
誌謝.................................................................................. ii
中文摘要.......................................................................... iii ABSTRACT......................................................................... iv
CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER 2:LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................... 7
2.1 INSTITUTIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP .................................................................... 7
2.2 TERRITORIAL IDENTITY ...................................................................................... 10
2.3 ENVIRONMENTALISM ......................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 3:DATA & METHOD .............................................................................. 15
CHAPTER 4:RESULTS .............................................................................................. 21
4.1 SENSE THE ENVIRONMENT IS POLLUTED ............................................................. 22
4.2 PROVIDE SOLUTIONS......................................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Traditional Methods ................................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Entrepreneurial Methods ............................................................................ 33
4.3 EXPAND IMPACT RANGES.................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER 5:DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION ....................................................... 60 REFERENCE................................................................................................................ 64 APPENDIX.................................................................................................................... 70
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