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博碩士論文 etd-0622123-224859 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622123-224859
The determinants of international climate aid
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climate Aid, ODA, extreme weather, economic policies, social and economic development
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隨著人類二氧化碳的排放量逐年上升,地球的溫室效應遽增,聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC)預測在未來20年內,全球平均溫度將會升高攝氏溫度1.5度,同時全球暖化不僅會增加極端氣候的強度,還會提高極端氣候發生的頻率,因此人們越來越關注全球暖化與頻繁極端氣候下帶來的災害衝擊。近年來,氣候相關的國際援助金額越來越高,根據經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)的發展委員會(Development Assistance Committee, DAC)統計資料,2021年的氣候援助總金額為370億美元,占發展委員會會員國雙邊政府發展援助(Official Development Assistance, ODA)的27.6%。本研究主要目的是了解氣候援助的分配方式,並且觀察是否有分配到需要的國家,或者仍與一般的國際援助分配方式相似。本文使用縱橫資料方法估計,採用OECD統計從2008年至2020年95個夥伴國的氣候援助資料當作被解釋變數,並且加入6組解釋變數,觀察極端氣候帶來的災害和夥伴國社經發展、經濟政策、政府效能與滯後一期的氣候援助關係。
As the emission of carbon dioxide increases, the greenhouse effect becomes more sever. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that the global average temperature will be increased by 1.5°C in 20 years and that global warming will increase the severity and the frequency of extreme weather. Thus, people concern about the impact of disasters brought by global warming and extreme weather. Recently, the amount of international climate aid becomes larger. According to the statistics by Development Assistance Committee, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (DAC, OECD), the amount of international climate is 37 billion USD in 2021, taking 27.6% of bilateral official development assistance (ODA) of DAC members. This study is to investigate the determinants of the international climate aid, to understand whether the international climate aids are allocated to those partner countries in need, and to evaluate the allocation of the international climate aid is similar to other bilateral ODA. This study applies panel data of the international climate aid provided by OECD as dependent variables and other 6 groups of explanatory variables, including the disaster brought by extreme weather, social and economic development, economic policies, government efficacy, and the lead international climate in one period.
This study suggests that the partner countries with better public health will receive more international climate aid and that the policies of partner countries seem irrelevant. This study follows the perspective of traditional ODA and mainly chooses economic policies, not climate policies, as explanatory variables. This study does find the dissimilarity of the allocation of international climate aid and the allocation of traditional ODA. However, it is failed to find good indicators of climate policy and evaluate the relationship between the international climate aid received and the climate policies adopted. If there are some good indicators of climate policy in the future, this study can be extended then. Comparing to traditional ODA, the allocation of international climate aid is irrelevant to partner countries’ economic policies. Further, this study finds that the international climate aid is not provided to the partner countries really suffered by the extreme weather.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 .................................................................................................................................... v
圖次 ................................................................................................................................... vii
表次 .................................................................................................................................. viii
第一章、研究問題與動機 ................................................................................................1
3-1 研究方法......................................................................................................................15
3-1-1 縱橫資料..................................................................................................................15
3-1-2 固定效果模型 ........................................................................................................16
3-1-3 隨機效果模型..........................................................................................................17
3-1-4 固定效果模型與隨機效果模型的選取:Hausman Test....................................18
3-2 變數介紹與資料來源.................................................................................................18
3-2-1 被解釋變數...............................................................................................................18
3-2-2 解釋變數...................................................................................................................19
4-1 模型設計......................................................................................................................28
4-2 估計結果討論..............................................................................................................30
4-2-1 調適援助...................................................................................................................30
4-2-2 減緩援助...................................................................................................................33
4-2-3 融資援助...................................................................................................................35
4-3 綜合討論......................................................................................................................39
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