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博碩士論文 etd-0627123-002641 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0627123-002641
Multi-Domain Conversational Recommendation System Based On Continual Learning
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Conversational Recommendation System, Lifelong Learning, Incremental Learning, Continual Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning
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近年來,終身學習(Continual Learning, CL)[29, 39]已成為深度學習領域中受到廣泛關注的研究方向,其目標是訓練出能夠處理多個不同任務的模型,同時維持模型在所有已學習任務上之預測性能。然而,神經網路固有的穩定性-可塑性困境[15]使終身學習技術面臨災難性遺忘(Catastrophic Forgetting, CF)與跨任務之知識轉移(Knowledge Transfer, KT)兩大挑戰,許多先前研究也為了解決上述挑戰而發展出不同的系列方法與分支。
目前,CL技術仍主要應用於電腦視覺領域,在自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)領域當中存有許多發展空間,近期有部分研究逐漸將CL方法應用於文字分類與對話生成等NLP任務中,但有關多領域(Multi-Domain)對話推薦任務方面的研究仍非常稀少,又隨著社會對於個人資料保護的意識逐年上升,以及高昂的運算成本,能夠同時學習多個任務的Multi-Task Learning(MTL)方法也將在未來實務中受到限制,因此,將CL技術融入對話推薦領域是一個極具發展潛力的應用。
綜上所述,本研究提出了基於終身學習的Unfrozen CTR+Adaptive EWC方法,並將其應用於多領域對話推薦系統當中,目的在於將CL技術與對話推薦系統當中的項目推薦模組進行結合,使推薦系統能夠預測不同領域的推薦任務。而為減輕終身學習特有的災難性遺忘與知識轉移問題,本研究同時透過在BERT模型架構中加入Ke, Zixuan [20]學者等人所提出之CL-Plugin插件,以及在訓練過程中採用基於EWC(Elastic Weight Consolidation, EWC)進行改善的自適應正規化方法,使多領域對話推薦系統在所有領域任務上擁有穩定的預測性能。
本研究在MultiWOZ-2.2與REDIAL資料集上進行完整的實驗,證實了在對話推薦模型中同樣會出現遺忘現象,並探討了在不同任務序列下,相似任務與不相似任務對於模型預測之影響,最後,透過實驗分析驗證了Unfrozen CTR+Adaptive EWC方法在持續學習新的領域任務上具備有效性與廣適性,且與被視為性能上限的MTL方法相較之下,本研究方法也表現出與其相當的競爭力。
In recent years, Continual Learning (CL)[29, 39] has become a widely studied research direction in deep learning. Its goal is to train models capable of handling multiple distinct tasks while maintaining satisfactory performance on all previously learned tasks. However, the inherent stability-plasticity dilemma[15] of neural networks poses significant challenges for CL techniques, including Catastrophic Forgetting (CF) and Knowledge Transfer (KT) across tasks. Previous research has proposed various methods and branches to address these challenges.
Currently, CL techniques are primarily applied in computer vision tasks, with numerous natural language processing (NLP) developments remaining unexplored. Although some studies have started to adopt CL methods in tasks like text classification and dialogue generation, research on multi-domain conversational recommendation tasks remains scarce. With increasing awareness of personal data protection and the high computational costs, the feasibility of employing Multi-Task Learning (MTL) methods to handle multiple tasks simultaneously may be limited. Therefore, integrating CL techniques into conversational recommendation systems is a promising application area.
In this study, we propose the CL-based Unfrozen CTR+Adaptive EWC approach and apply it to multi-domain conversational recommendation systems. We aim to combine CL techniques with the item recommendation module of the conversational recommendation system, enabling the system to handle diverse recommendation tasks across different domains. To alleviate the challenges of CF and KT in CL, we integrate the CL-Plugin proposed by Ke, Zixuan [20], into the BERT model architecture and apply the Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) technique in an improved adaptive regularization method during training. These efforts ensure stable predictive performance on all domain tasks for the multi-domain conversational recommendation system.
Through comprehensive experiments on the MultiWOZ-2.2 and REDIAL datasets, we confirm the forgetting phenomenon in dialogue recommendation models and investigate the impact of task similarity and dissimilarity on predictive performance under different task sequences. Furthermore, we verify the effectiveness and versatility of the Unfrozen CTR+Adaptive EWC method in continual learning of new domain tasks, showing competitive performance compared to the MTL methods.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖次 ix
表次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.2.1 終身學習於自然語言處理之應用 1
1.2.2 多領域對話推薦 2
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 終身學習(Continual Learning, CL) 4
2.1.1 Task-Incremental Learning vs. Class-Incremental Learning 4
2.1.2 災難性遺忘(Catastrophic Forgetting, CF) 5
2.1.3 知識轉移(Knowledge Transfer, KT) 5
2.2 終身學習系列方法與分支 5
2.2.1 回放(Replay) 6
2.2.2 正規化(Regularization-based) 6
2.2.3 參數隔離(Parameter Isolation) 8
2.3 終身學習於自然語言處理研究之應用 9
2.3.1 CTR—基於意見目標之情感分類與文字分類 9
2.3.2 TPEM—基於任務導向之對話系統 11
2.3.3 ARPER—自然語言生成 12
2.4 深度對話推薦系統(Deep Conversational Recommendation System) 13
2.4.1 TG-ReDial 14
2.4.2 Deep Convolutional Recommender (DCR) 15
2.5 預訓練模型(Pre-Trained Model, PTM) 17
第三章 研究方法與步驟 19
3.1 模型架構 19
3.2 Unfrozen CTR+Adaptive EWC 20
3.2.1 Unfrozen CTR 20
3.2.2 Adaptive Elastic Weight Consolidation (A-EWC) 21
第四章 實驗結果與討論 27
4.1 資料集介紹 27
4.1.1 MultiWOZ-2.2 27
4.1.2 REDIAL 28
4.2 基線比較(Compared Baselines) 28
4.3 實驗流程與設計 29
4.3.1 Three tasks of MultiWOZ-2.2 30
4.3.2 Six tasks of MultiWOZ-2.2 31
4.3.3 Four tasks of MultiWOZ-2.2 and REDIAL 32
4.4 評估方式 33
4.5 實驗結果與分析 34
4.5.1 任務相似度之影響 34
4.5.2 CRS 模型的遺忘現象 36
4.5.3 整體結果與討論 39
4.5.4 消融研究 (Ablation Study) 40
4.5.5 訓練成本分析 41
4.5.6 相似度估計方式之探討 42
第五章 結論與未來展望 45
5.1 結論 45
5.2 未來展望 45
參考文獻 47
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