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論文名稱 Title |
從使用者中心設計為基礎開發寵物服務網絡平台 The Development of a Platform for the Pet Service Network – User-Centered Design Perspective |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
82 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-07-14 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-07-28 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
寵物經濟、寵物友善、商業平台、使用者中心設計、行動研究 Pet economy, Pet friendly, Business platform, User-centered design, Action research |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 230 次,被下載 3 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 230 times, has been downloaded 3 times. |
中文摘要 |
近受到少子化及高齡化的影響之下,全球寵物市場成長快速,帶動寵物用品消費力 道,毛小孩的生活與療癒的互動,更在社群平台上引發大眾的關注與喜愛,然而,對於台 灣寵物飼主來說,尋找合適寵物友善地點仍是痛點之一。寵物社群服務平台可視為其解決 方法,藉此提供寵物友善店家及服務的地理位置、社交網絡功能和電子商務賣場功能。本 研究運用谷歌(Google)使用者設計線上課程,開發寵物社群服務平台應用程式模型,並對 十名寵物狗飼主進行半結構化可用性測試,同時探討谷歌使用者設計課程的實用性。研究 結果表示,谷歌的方法論能夠提供寶貴資源、培養個人設計思維、及視覺化年輕創業者的 想法,成功做出該應用程式模型。此外,使用者測試及面談結果發現,寵物狗飼主的生活 區域主要分布於城市及農村,值得一提的是,農村飼主不被認為是寵物社群服務平台潛在 使用者,因其對於使用寵物社群平台的興趣較低;另可針對飼養態度的差異,將城市寵物 飼主細分成兩種:一種將寵物視為孩子,而另一種將寵物僅視為寵物,而這兩種族群皆被 認為是寵物社群平台的潛在使用者。 這項研究提供建議給未來欲用此谷歌方法之學習者、及未來寵物社群服務平台建設者,建議將整個產品開發過程中加入迭代可用性測試週期和額外學習資源,以及將本研究中討論的一些功能加入到該寵物社群服務平台。藉此可以建立一個完善的寵物社群網絡,並為寵物飼主及寵物相關產業帶來長期正面效益。 |
Abstract |
Companion animals are critical for human well-being and are increasingly popular in Taiwan. To address the challenge of searching for pet-friendly establishments, a pet network platform can be a promising solution to tackle this problem by providing pet-friendly service geolocations, social networking functions, and a marketplace feature. This study explored the usefulness of the Google UX Design Certificate by developing a pet network platform application prototype for the Taiwan market and conducting a semi-structured interview with 10 experienced dog keepers. The findings revealed Google’s approach could polish individuals’ design mentality and foster entrepreneurial mindsets by providing valuable resources. This study identified two categories of dog owners based on their living areas: urban and rural. Those who live in rural areas are not considered the platform's primary users, as they have expressed less interest in using pet network platforms. Conversely, two subcategories can be classified for dog keepers living in urban areas based on their divergent attitudes toward dog ownership, both of whom are potential users. Some see their dogs as children, while others view them as pets. The implications of this study provided suggestions to future Google approach adopters and advice to potential pet network platform builders. Including the iterative usability testing cycle and additional resources in the product development process is recommended. In addition, some features discussed in this study can be suggested to include or connect to the platform. By doing so, a well-rounded pet network community can be built and brings benefits to pet society in the long term. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書-i 致謝-ii 摘要-iii Abstract-iv List of Figures-vii List of Tables-viii 1.Introduction-1 1.1 Research Motivation-1 1.2 Research Background-3 1.3 Objectives of this study-5 1.4 Research Questions-8 2. Literature Review -9 2.1 The Origin of User-Centered Design-9 2.2 The Advent of User-Centered Design-11 2.3 Design Thinking-17 2.4 Google’s Approach - Google UX Design Certificate-21 3. Research Methodology-28 3.1 Research Design - Action Research-28 3.2 Sampling-30 3.3 Data Collection-31 3.4 Data Analysis-37 4.Research Findings-41 4.1 Mobile Application Prototype Development Steps-41 4.2 Findings from Research Participants’ Perspectives-48 4.3 Areas for Improvement from Users’ Perspectives-52 4.4 Pros and Cons of Google’s Approach- From A Designer’s Perspective-53 5. Conclusion and Discussion-57 5.1 Conclusion-57 5.2 Discussion-60 5.3 The Limitation of This Study-61 5.4 The Implications of This Study-63 6. Reference-66 |
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