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博碩士論文 etd-0631123-220058 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0631123-220058
Optimizing Inventory Replenishment Strategy in Resilient Supply Chains using Reinforcement Learning
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RL, DDMRP, Inventory Management, Replenishment, MDP
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本研究以台灣電子產業供應鏈中的一家電子零件通路商為例,該公司利用公有雲平台提供客戶電子零件的採購與管理服務,並在供應鏈中擔任緩衝供需波動的角色。本研究開發結合強化學習(Reinforcement learning, RL)、需求驅動物料需求規劃(Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning, DDMRP) (Ptak & Smith, 2016)和領域專家經驗的庫存補貨策略工具,以增強通路商的競爭力和獲利能力。
研究中利用RL機制和DDMRP的緩衝控制來對應需求、供應的不穩定性,實現動態決策和持續學習的特性。透過實際數據模擬證實,相對於個案公司現行基於規則的算法,RL的方法在平均庫存持有成本以及備貨策略上更有效益,顯示基於RL的補貨策略在提高庫存管理效能方面的潛力。此外,RL代理反應的行為模式與領域專家的真實行為雷同,證明 RL能建構實用且具有操作性的庫存補貨策略工具,協助電子產業通路商的產品經理實現補貨決策智能化,在不確定環境下提高供應鏈韌性。

Facing the changes in business models caused by the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as changes in consumer behavior and market demand, brand manufacturers and suppliers of electronic components need to continuously adjust their production and procurement strategies. In such an environment, electronic component distributors in the supply chain face significant inventory risk challenges, such as demand fluctuations, supply disruptions, and price fluctuations. These risks have a significant impact on the service quality, cost control, and customer loyalty of distributors, thereby impacting their competitiveness.

This study takes an electronic component distributor in the Taiwan electronics industry supply chain as an example. The company utilizes a public cloud platform to provide customers with procurement and management services for electronic components and plays a role in buffering supply and demand fluctuations in the supply chain. This study develops a replenishment decision-making tool that combines reinforcement learning (RL), demand-driven material requirements planning (DDMRP) (Ptak & Smith, 2016), and domain expert experience to enhance the competitiveness and profitability of distributors.

The study uses RL mechanisms and DDMRP buffer control to address the instability of demand and supply, enabling dynamic decision-making and continuous learning. Through simulation with actual data, it is confirmed that the RL approach is more beneficial than the current algorithms used by the case company in terms of average inventory holding costs and stocking strategies, demonstrating the potential of RL-based replenishment decisions in improving inventory management efficiency.
Furthermore, the behavioral patterns exhibited by the RL agent are identical to those of domain experts, proving the effectiveness of RL in assisting material managers in achieving replenishment automation feasibility.
This study effectively constructs a practical and operational inventory replenishment decision-making tool for electronic component distributors using reinforcement learning (RL), DDMRP buffer mechanisms, and domain expert experience, thereby enhancing supply chain resilience in uncertain environments.

目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範疇 3
第二章、 文獻回顧 4
2.1 供應鏈的韌性 4
2.2 需求驅動物料需求規劃 4
2.3 補貨模型分析 6
2.3.1 傳統補貨模型 6
2.3.2 需求驅動的補貨模型 6
2.3.3 基於規則的專家模型 6
2.3.4 智能補貨模型 7
2.4 馬可夫決策過程 7
2.5 強化學習 9
2.6 RL的庫存補貨應用 10
第三章、 研究方法與個案分析 12
3.1 研究方法 12
3.2 DDMRP的緩衝區機制 13
3.2.1 緩衝區定義 14
3.2.2 緩衝區設置 14
3.3 數據背景與作業現況 15
3.4 研究數據與處理 16
3.5 物料分群 17
3.6 MDP框架下的補貨機制 18
3.6.1 定義狀態(States) 19
3.6.2 定義動作(Actions) 19
3.6.3 定義獎勵函數(Reward Function) 20
3.7 DQN 架構應用於庫存補貨 21
3.8 領域專家基於規則的方法 23
第四章、 實驗設置 25
4.1 實驗步驟 25
4.2 實驗數據與參數 26
4.3 實驗設計與評估指標 27
4.4 RL模型與基線模型的補貨計畫績效比較 28
4.5 AU參數調整對庫存管理的影響 30
4.6 獎勵機制對RL補貨模型影響 32
第五章、 結論與建議 35
5.1 結論 35
5.2 建議與未來研究方向 35
5.3 研究侷限性 36
參考文獻: 37
附錄一:DDMRP 名詞解釋 40
附錄二:物料分類說明 42
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