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Title page for etd-0701123-202957
工作內容型停滯對主動生涯行為之影響: 工作要求—資源模式的觀點
The Effects of Job Content Plateau on Proactive Career Behaviors: A Perspective from the Job Demands-Resources Model.
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工作內容型停滯、主動生涯行為、情緒耗竭、復原力、工作要求—資 源模式
job content plateau, proactive career behaviors, emotional exhaustion, resilience, job demands-resources model
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As public education advances, people expect more from their careers, including utilizing their strengths, diverse job content, and opportunities for learning and success. However, companies are restructuring and streamlining to stay competitive and improve efficiency, which can lead to career plateau and negative feelings for employees resulting from limited development and challenging work content. This study examines how job content plateau affects employees, using the stress theory of "job demands-resources model" to explore the relationship between emotional exhaustion, resilience, and proactive career behavior. Results from a survey of 265 financial services industry employees in Taiwan suggest that emotional exhaustion has a mediating effect, but resilience does not moderate the relationship. Finally, the practical implications of the research results are discussed, and suggestions for future research directions are proposed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書..................................................................... i
摘 要............................................................................... ii
Abstract ......................................................................... iii
目 錄 ............................................................................. v
圖 次 ............................................................................ vi
表 次 ........................................................................... vii
第壹章 緒論 ................................................................. 1
第貳章 文獻探討 ........................................................ 6
第一節、工作內容型停滯 ............................................ 6
第二節、情緒耗竭 ........................................................ 7
第三節、主動生涯行為 ................................................ 8
第四節、復原力 …....................................................... 10
第五節、各變項間之關係探討 ................................... 11
第參章 研究方法 ........................................................ 17
第一節、研究架構與假設 ........................................... 17
第二節、研究對象與抽樣方式 ................................... 17
第三節、研究工具 ....................................................... 18
第四節、資料分析方法 ............................................... 20
第肆章 研究結果 ........................................................ 22
第一節、驗證性因素分析 ........................................... 22
第二節、相關分析 ....................................................... 23
第三節、假設檢定 ....................................................... 24
第伍章 結論 ............................................................... 28
第一節、理論意涵 ....................................................... 28
第二節、管理實務意涵 ............................................... 30
第三節、研究限制與未來研究建議 ........................... 32
參考文獻 ........................................................................ 35
參考文獻 References
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