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Factors Influencing Purchase Intention and Product Adoption of Intelligent Medical Devices: An Empirical Study in Dental Field
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Customer Knowledge, Brand Equity, Word of Mouth, Purchase Intention, Product Adoption
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本研究探討關於醫療科技產品相較於一般科技產品的不同之處。醫療科技產品在使用者(牙醫)以及最終使用者之間存在著不同的使用習慣。由於特殊醫療器材受到嚴格法規限制且市場相對封閉,醫療器材產品的行銷相對困難。基於上述,本研究問題有三個部分:(1)探討影響智慧醫療數位牙科醫材購買意願的主要外部影響因素,包括品牌權益和產品的知識?(2)分析關鍵意見領袖對於專業使用者,購買專業智慧醫療數位牙科醫材的影響,探討其是否存在直接效果或間接效果,以及是否存在調節的現象?(3)分析口碑對於專業使用者,針對顧客知識、品牌權益與使用者購買意願之關係,探討其是否存在調節的現象?本研究依據計畫行為理論,將顧客知識、品牌權益作為前因、KOL推薦與口碑為調節、購買意願與產品採用為果。透過線上問卷發放形式,以臨床牙醫師為主要研究對象,回收223份有效問卷。依據本研究結果,提出有別於消費性產品大量商品化的模式;在主效果方面,結合計畫行為理論與產品接受採用的架構,可初步看到其因果關係。也就是在消費者的行為意圖、對品牌的態度,係基於執業本身的產品知識,這兩個主要變數建構了購買意圖以及產品採用的主要架構。在調節效果方面,關鍵意見領袖(Key Opinion Leader, KOL)與一般所稱的代言人(celebrity)在定義上有所差異。KOL是其專業的知識以及專業的判斷具有專業規範,好的醫學期刊發表之實證結果幾乎等同於推薦。KOL的意見,也同步提升了使用者的產品知識,使之能強化(調節)原有與購買意圖之間的關係。口碑方面,也有類似的情況。不同之處在於KOL係以專業的科學證據做為發言依據,口碑方面則是不同的通路、使用者族群針對使用經驗提出的意見回饋,同樣也會對於品牌的認知以及使用者的產品知識產生外部影響,使之能強化(調節)原有與購買意圖之間的關係。
This study explores the differences between medical technology products and general technology products. Users (dentists) and end users also have different habits when they use medical technology products. Marketing of medical technology products is comparatively more difficult than general technology products due to strict regulations governing specialized medical devices and the relatively closed market. This study aims to achieve three objectives:(1) to explore primary external factors that influence the intention to purchase smart digital dental instruments, including brand equity and product knowledge; (2) to analyze the influence of key opinion leaders (KOL) on professional users‘ intention to purchase professional smart digital dental instruments, exploring any direct or indirect effect, and any mediated effects; (3) to analyze the relationship between word-of-mouth, customer knowledge, brand equity and users’ purchase intention, exploring any potential mediated effects. Drawing upon the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study considers customer knowledge and brand equity as antecedents, KOL and word-of-mouth effects as mediators, and purchase intention and product adoption as outcomes. Through an online survey, this study collected 223 valid questionnaires from the participants who are all clinical dentists. Based on the results, this study proposes a model that deviates from the mass commercialization approach of consumer electronics. Regarding the main outcomes, with a framework that combines the Theory of Planned Behavior and product adoption, a causal relationship can be identified. Customer behavior and attitude toward brands are both influenced by customers’ product knowledge. The two main variables form the framework that influences purchase intention and product adoption. With regards to mediated effect, KOL is defined differently from traditional celebrities. KOLs are recognized for their professional knowledge and judgement based on their expertise. Empirical outcomes published in reputable medical journals have nearly the same effect as recommendations. The opinions of KOL elevated users’ product knowledge and strengthened (mediated) the relationship between users’ product knowledge and intention to purchase. A similar situation can be seen with the word-of-mouth effect, but the key difference lies in the fact that KOLs use their professional knowledge when they provide opinions, while word-of-mouth focuses on users’ own experience with the products. Both can influence users’ attitudes towards brands and their product knowledge and thus strengthens (mediate) the relationship between their original product knowledge and intention to purchase.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………...………1
第一節 研究背景………………………………………………..........1
第二節 研究動機………………………………………………..........4
第三節 研究問題………………………………………………..........6
第四節 研究目的………………………………………………..........7
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………...9
第一節 計畫行為理論…………………………………………..........9
第二節 顧客知識………………………………………………........11
第三節 品牌權益………………………………………………........14
第四節 購買意願……………………………………………………19
第五節 口碑與意見領袖……………………………………………24
第三章 智慧醫療器材產業概論……………………………………….29
第一節 智慧醫療………………………………………………........29
第二節 牙科醫療器材市場…………………………………………31
第三節 口內掃描機市場……………………………………………37
第四章 研究方法……………………………………………………….44
第一節 研究架構與研究假說…………………………………........44
第二節 問卷設計……………………………………………………50
第三節 資料來源……………………………………………………53
第四節 資料分析方法……………………………………………....53
第五章 資料分析結果………....…………………………………….....55
第一節 基本資料分布…………….……………………………....55
第二節 因素分析……………..…….……………………………....56
第三節 相關分析……………………………………………………59
第四節 總體模式、路徑分析與假說檢定…………………………61
第五節 小結…………………………………………………………79
第六章 結論及建議………………………………………………….....83
第一節 理論意涵…………….……………………………....83
第二節 管理實務意涵………………………………………………85
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議…………………………………88
附件一 問卷設計……………………………………………….……....100
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