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Title page for etd-0702123-145620
The Effect of Brand-to-Brand Praise on Word-of-Mouth: Mediating Role of Brand Likeability and Moderating Effect of Brand Personality
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Brand-to-Brand Praise, Brand likeability, Word-of-Mouth, Brand Personality, Stereotype Content Model(SCM)
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 182 times, has been downloaded 13 times.
分析結果顯示,本研究具備良好適配度,同時,相關假說之驗證結果如下:(1) 品牌對品牌之讚賞行為與品牌喜愛度具有正向關係;(2) 品牌喜愛度與口碑具有正向關係;(3) 品牌喜愛度在品牌對品牌之讚賞行為與口碑之間具有中介效果;(4) 品牌個性差異在品牌對品牌之讚賞行為與品牌喜愛度之關係具有調節效果。
In the face of an increasingly competitive business environment, brands are actively seeking various forms of interaction with various stakeholders to establish a deeper connection with consumers. They also seek to influence consumers' perceptions in different ways so that they will respond positively. Recent studies have found that friendly interactions between brands can bring unexpected benefits to brands. Therefore, this study focuses on the possible impact of brand-to-brand praise on consumers.
This study aims to clarify the relationships among brand-to-brand praise, brand likeability, word-of-mouth, and brand personality differences. Building on previous research, the study will explore the mediating effect of brand likeability based on the stereotype content model theory and examine the moderating effect of different brand personalities on the relationship between brand-to-brand praise and brand likeability.
In this study, a total of 319 valid samples were collected through social media platforms to increase the diversity of respondents. Reliability analysis and CFA were used to confirm the appropriateness of the data and the model. Finally, regression analysis was performed to find out the relationship between the variables.
The analysis demonstrates the good fit of the research framework and validates the following hypotheses: (1) There is a positive relationship between brand-to-brand praise and brand likeability; (2) There is a positive relationship between brand likeability and word-of-mouth; (3) Brand likeability has a mediating effect between brand-to-brand praise and word-of-mouth; (4) Different Brand personalities have different moderating effects on the relationship between brand-to-brand praise and brand likeability.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that brand-to-brand praise can influence consumer perceptions, leading to increased brand likeability and generating positive word-of-mouth. Additionally, brand personality differences have been confirmed to have moderating effects. The study also provides practical implications and suggestions for future research directions, serving as a reference for businesses, brand managers, and subsequent researchers.
目次 Table of Contents
誌 謝ii
目 錄v
第二章 文獻探討5
第一節刻板印象內容模型理論 (溫暖、能力知覺維度)5
第三章 研究方法18
第四章 資料分析與結果31
第五章 結論與建議45
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