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博碩士論文 etd-0710123-173523 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0710123-173523
Constructing a Taiwan Index Prediction Model by Integrating News Sentiment Analysis and International Derivatives- A Case Study of the Steel Market
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Sentiment analysis, Automatic text summarization, Steel index, Stock price movement prediction, Machine learning
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我們的實證結果首先表明大多數變量與台灣鋼鐵指數具有很高度的相關性。 我們選擇必和必拓股價、焦炭期貨價格、台灣上櫃鋼鐵指數、中鋼優先股和三星科技的股價作為我們的特徵變量以進行分析。通過普通最小平方法(OLS),我們發現它們對台灣鋼鐵指數有顯著的正向影響。除此之外,我們使用機器學習模型來預測台灣鋼鐵指數的走向,發現邏羅吉斯回歸 (Logistic Regression)的表現優於XGBoost和支持向量模型(SVM),其準確率高達60%。 然而,由新聞萃取出的投資者情緒並沒有顯著提升台灣鋼鐵指數的準確性。
In this study, we aim to consider investor sentiments as factors to construct the momentum prediction model for Taiwan Steel Index (TSI), in which the index level was driven by the surge in raw materials for its industry during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Two types of data are collected for this research. One is daily price data, which is about the supply chain. The other type of data consists of news articles. The two sets of data cover the same sample period from January 2018 to August 2022.
Our empirical results first show that most of the variables have a high correlation with the Taiwan Steel Index. We select BHP, Coke, Taiwan OTC Steel Index, China Steel Corp Preference Shares, and SAN SHING FASTECH CORP as our feature variables for analysis. We find they have significant positive impacts on the Taiwan Steel Index by ordinary least squares (OLS) regression.
In addition, we attempt to predict the direction of the Taiwan Steel Index using machine learning models and find that Logistic Regression performs better than XGBoost and Support Vector Model, achieving an accuracy of 60%. However, investor sentiment scores from news do not lead to improved forecast accuracy of the Taiwan Steel Index.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Research Methodology and Framework 2
Chapter 2. Literature Review 4
2.1 Investor Sentiment 4
2.1.1 Overview of investor sentiment 4
2.1.2 Data for sentiment analysis 5
2.1.3 Method of sentiment analysis 6
2.1.4 Methods for generating summary 8
2.2 Prediction model 9
2.2.1 Logistic Regression 9
2.2.2 SVM 9
2.2.3 XGBoost 10
2.3 Steel Market 11
2.3.1 Steel market overview 11
2.3.2 Application of sentiment analysis to steel market 11
2.3.3 Factors affecting the steel market 12
Chapter 3. Data 13
3.1 Introduction of Daily Price Data 13
3.2 Time Series of TSI and the Number of News 18
Chapter 4. Method 20
4.1 Research Framework for Predicting Taiwan Steel Index 20
4.2 Sentiment Analysis of Taiwan Steel Industry News 22
4.2.1 Cleaning of news text noise 22
4.2.2 Generation of news text summaries: 25
4.2.3 Daily news sentiment analysis and aggregation 27
4.3 Numerical Data Processing and Filtering 29
4.3.1 Currency conversion 29
4.3.2 Pre-processing of various price data 30
4.3.3 Data normalization 30
4.3.4 Feature variables filtering 30
4.3.5 Parameter importance evaluation 32
4.3.6 Lead and lag analysis between TSI and important parameters 33
4.4 Taiwan Steel Index Predictive Momentum Models Construction 33
4.4.1 Categorizing the TSI 33
4.4.2 Various parameter data conversion 34
4.4.3 Feature scaling 34
4.4.4 Data segmentation 35
4.4.5 Construction of TSI forecasting model 35
4.4.6 Model Accuracy Evaluation 41
Chapter 5. Result 42
5.1 Sentiment Values 42
5.2 Feature Select 47
5.3 Importance Features 56
5.4 Lead and Lag Relationships 59
5.5 Return 63
5.6 Prediction Result 66
Chapter 6. Conclusion 69
References 71
Appendix 77
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