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論文名稱 Title |
醫學中心設置身心障礙整合門診對患者的服務品質與滿意度探討 Impacts of Implementing Integrated Clinic for Disabilities in a Medical Center on Quality of Care and Patient Satisfaction |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
73 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-07-24 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-08-13 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
醫療服務品質、流程改善模型、身心障礙整合門診、就醫滿意度、個案管理師 healthcare service quality, process improvement model, Integrated Clinic for Disabilities in a Medical Center on Quality, patient satisfaction, case manager |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 169 次,被下載 7 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 169 times, has been downloaded 7 times. |
中文摘要 |
隨著人口老齡化及疾病慢性化得趨勢加劇,身心障礙者對於醫療和支援需求日益增加,需要更加全面化和個性化的醫療和支持。因此針對身心障礙者的需求整合醫療模式來提供更全面有效的服務。 本研究主要探究醫學中心在提供身心障礙整合門診對身心障礙患者整體就醫滿意度,並以身心障礙患者整體滿意度為基礎,探討醫院環境設施、就醫過程中的專業照護、患者在就醫中所感受到的服務以及個案管理師在提供專業照護及服務態度相互間的影響關係。問卷調查對象針對在2022年身心障礙整合門診已收案對象採不計名方式進行一對一進行訪談,研究問卷調查採用量性研究進行取樣收集分析。問卷發放及回收共計202份,有效回收率為100%。研究結果採SPSS/25.0統計軟體進行資料分析。其中問卷填答對象以本人填答有47%,以男性居多佔了57.4%,且多為重度肢體障礙且需要親友陪同就醫為對多。 分析結果顯示,身心障礙患者在醫院環境設施、就醫過程中的專業照護及感受到的服務態度,與當次整體就醫經驗的滿意度與推薦他人至本院就醫正相關聯性。在身心障礙人口特徵中的差異性分析中,有人陪同就醫及年齡越高的患者對就醫中所感受到的服務及環境友善設施有較高的評價。而個案管理師所提供的專業照護與服務態度會提高身心障礙患者整體就醫滿意度,讓他們更願意推薦其他患者至本院就醫。然而在控制了其他變項後,身心障礙類別與嚴重程度對整體就醫滿意度與推薦醫院與否並無顯著差異。 身心障礙整合計畫裡多為需協助的身心障礙患者,在身心障礙患者抵達醫院後各項環境設施、就醫過程中的專業照護及感受到的服務態度以及個案管理師整體的專業照護及服務與身心障礙患者整體就醫滿意度是有顯著相關的。而醫院可藉由流程的改善來提升身心障礙患者的整體滿意度,個案管理師針對身心障礙者的特殊需求提供相關就醫幫助及服務,使其提高對醫院整體就醫的滿意度。且讓身心障礙患者或家屬對整體就整經驗得滿意度提高,且更願意推薦其他身心障礙者來本院就醫。另本研究最後提供相關研究應用、研究貢獻與建議,以供後續研究者進行參考。 |
Abstract |
As the aging population and the chronicity of diseases continue to worsen, the increasing number of individuals with disabilities has led to a growing demand for comprehensive and personalized medical care and support. There is a need to integrate healthcare models specifically tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities in order to provide more comprehensive and effective services. This study aims to investigate the overall satisfaction of individuals with disabilities with the integrated outpatient services provided by a medical center. Based on the overall satisfaction of individuals with disabilities, the study examined the relationships between hospital environmental facilities, professional care during the medical process, the perceived quality of services experienced by patients, and the impact of case managers on professional care and service attitudes. The survey targeted individuals who received case management services in the integrated outpatient clinic for individuals with disabilities in 2022, and one-on-one interviews were conducted anonymously. The research adopted a quantitative research approach for sampling, data collection, and analysis. A total of 202 questionnaires were distributed and collected, resulting in a 100% response rate. The research findings were analyzed using SPSS/25.0 statistical software. Among the respondents, 47% completed the questionnaire by themselves, with the majority being male (57.4%), and most had severe physical disabilities and required the accompaniment of family members or friends during medical visits. The analysis results indicate that there is a correlation between the satisfaction with hospital environmental facilities, professional care during the treatment process, perceived service attitude, and the overall satisfaction of individuals with disabilities during their medical visits, as well as their likelihood of recommending the hospital to others. In terms of differences in the characteristics of individuals with disabilities, it was found that patients who are accompanied by someone during their medical visits and older patients place greater importance on the perceived services and friendly environmental facilities during their visits. Additionally, the professional care and service attitude provided by case managers contribute to higher overall satisfaction among individuals with disabilities, making them more likely to recommend the hospital to other patients. Based on the research findings, it is evident that within the integrated care plan for individuals with disabilities, most participants are those who require assistance. The study demonstrates a positive correlation between various environmental facilities, professional care during the medical process, perceived service attitudes, overall professional care and service provided by case managers, and the overall satisfaction of individuals with disabilities during their medical visits. Hospitals can enhance the overall satisfaction of individuals with disabilities by improving their processes, while case managers can address the specific needs of individuals with disabilities and provide relevant medical services and assistance, thereby increasing their satisfaction with the hospital visit experience. This, in turn, leads to a higher likelihood of recommending the hospital to other individuals with disabilities and their families seeking medical care. Lastly, the study provides recommendations and contributions for future research applications in this field. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 中文摘要 ii Abstract iv 圖次 viii 表次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節研究背景 1 第二節研究動機 2 第三節研究目的 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節流程改善模型 4 第二節身心障礙者就診時所遇困境 6 第三節個案管理師角色與定義 7 第四節醫療機構對身心障礙者的需求服務 8 第五節文獻探討與總結 9 第三章 研究方法 11 第一節研究架構 11 第二節研究假說 14 第三節研究設計 15 第四節問卷發放與回收 21 第五節資料統計分析方法 23 第四章 研究結果與資料分析 27 第一節敘述性統計資料分析 27 第二節身心障礙患者整體感受與三大構面相互影響分析 32 第三節個案管理師整體服務態度的感受相關性分析 37 第四節身心障礙類別及其嚴重程度在計畫實施下的差異性及迴歸分析41 第五章 討論46 第一節研究結果彙整與討論46 第二節研究應用49 第三節研究限制50 第六章 研究結論與建議52 第一節研究結論與研究貢獻52 第二節未來研究建議53 參考文獻54 一、英文文獻54 二、中文文獻56 附錄58 一、專家效度58 二、人體研究倫理審查委員會人體研究計畫同意函60 三、正式問卷61 |
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