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論文名稱 Title |
智慧財產權之數位管理-以研發產業為例 Digital Management of Intellectual Property Rights- A Case Study in Research and Development Industry |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
45 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-04-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-08-16 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
智慧財產、營業秘密、數位化、數位管理、保密合約 Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Digitalization, Digital Management, NDA |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 187 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 187 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
現今企業均至為關心數位轉型的議題,因為數位技術正在改變全球商業運作的方式和規模。數位轉型是一個廣泛的概念,涵蓋了數位技術在企業中的各個方面,例如自動化流程、資料分析、人工智慧、物聯網等等,而企業關心數位轉型,無非因為成功的數位轉型,可以為公司帶來提高競爭力、改善客戶體驗、開拓新市場、優化內部管理流程、降低成本、適應市場趨勢等結果。 目前常見的數位轉型案例,企業的變革重心多半著眼於成本(例如:加速企業內部流程的數位化與自動化)、營業與行銷(例如:使用雲端運算、物聯網等工具)之管理,卻忽略身為企業重要無形資產之智慧財產權,也需要藉重數位元方式就其管理方式加以轉型;在數位化成為市場趨勢的情況下,忽略智慧財產數位管理之企業,輕則不能跟上數位化的步伐,而落後于競爭對手,嚴重者則導致智慧財產管理的疏失及機密資料外洩。隨著數位化高度運用,台灣的企業該如何管理智慧財產呢? 本研究以研發製造業為例,借鏡近年因智慧財產管理而發生之重大機密外洩案例,並針對目前個案公司所面臨的智慧財產管理問題,進行分析、討論,研究結果顯示由於多數企業(包含個案公司在內)生產過程涉及向供應商採購原料、內部產品研發與製造、與外部夥伴合作開發等環節,因此生產過程需要仰賴與外部合作廠商的合作,智慧財產與機密資訊在多數情況下亦必須與外部合作廠商共享,在此情況下,企業若只針對公司內部進行智慧財產管理,而未著眼智慧財產可能由外部第三人洩露之風險,即可能將公司之智慧財產暴露於風險之中。本研究爰針對上開多數企業均面臨的智慧財產管理問題,並以個案公司為例,擬定個案公司智慧財產管理之改善策略,作為企業未來管理的參考。 |
Abstract |
Nowadays, companies are very concerned about digital transformation because digital technology is changing the way and scale of global business operations. Digital transformation is a broad concept that encompasses all aspects of digital technology in business, such as automated processes, data analytics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, etc. Companies are concerned about digital transformation because successful digital transformation can lead to increased competitiveness, improved customer experience, new markets, optimized internal management processes, reduced costs, and adaptation to market trends. In most common cases of digital transformation, companies focus on cost (e.g., accelerating the digitization and automation of internal processes), sales and marketing (e.g., using tools such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things) management, but ignore the fact that intellectual property, which is an important intangible asset of the company, also needs to be managed in a digital way. In the event that digitalization becomes the market trend, enterprises that neglect the digital management of intellectual property may not be able to keep up with the pace of digitalization and lag behind their competitors, and in serious cases, this may lead to negligence in the management of intellectual property and leakage of confidential information. With the high level of digitalization, how should Taiwan enterprises manage their intellectual property? This study takes the R&D manufacturing industry as an example to analyze and discuss the intellectual property management problems faced by the case company, and the results of the study show that since most companies (including the case company) are involved in the production process of purchasing raw materials from suppliers, internal product development and manufacturing, and collaborative development with external partners, the production process relies on cooperation with external partners, and intellectual property and confidential information must be shared with external partners in most cases. Under such circumstances, if an enterprise only focuses on internal intellectual property management without paying attention to the risk that intellectual property may be leaked by external third parties, it may expose the company's intellectual property to risk. This study hereby focuses on the intellectual property management problems faced by most companies, and uses case company as examples, and to formulate improvement strategies for intellectual property management as a reference for the future management of enterprises. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iv Abstract v 目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 近年智財重大案例 3 第三節 法規現況與實務趨勢 6 第四節 研究問題 8 第二章 個案公司介紹 9 第一節 公司沿革 9 第二節 組織架構 11 第三節 智財管理現況 12 第四節 問題與困難 13 第三章 分析工具 15 第一節 PEST分析 15 第二節 SWOT分析 17 第四章 討論與策略 19 第一節 機密外洩原因統整 19 第二節 個案公司分析 21 第三節 個案公司可採取的作法 27 第五章 結論 31 第一節 研究結論 31 第二節 研究建議 33 參考文獻 34 |
參考文獻 References |
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